Q&A with Indonesia’s Leading Economist and Former Minister Mari Pangestu
January 25, 2017 

By Alma Freeman 

FacebookDelaIndonesia’s former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mari 
Pangestu, recently visited The Asia Foundation’s headquarters in San Francisco 
as a 2016 Chang-Lin Tien Distinguished Visiting Fellow. In Asia editor Alma 
Freeman sat down with her to discuss trade, Indonesia’s infrastructure 
challenges, the “Beyond Bali” strategy, lessons from Silicon Valley, and 
thoughts on minority issues as the first woman Chinese Indonesian to hold a 
cabinet position in Indonesia.

As one of the top economic experts on trade issues in Indonesia, what do you 
see as the biggest challenges facing Indonesia’s economic development today?

I think the biggest challenge Indonesia faces now is finding new sources of 
growth, as we have enjoyed the commodity boom up until the most recent global 
financial crisis. Since then, our exports have plummeted quite a bit, and it 
has affected growth. We can still grow, obviously, because we have a large 
domestic market, but I think in the medium-term the country must address the 
issue of how to diversify the sources of growth away from a primary commodity 
and manufacturing base, because manufacturing will only provide so many jobs 
and so many sources of growth.

We should think about how to increase productivity and efficiency across 
sectors. If you take agriculture, for instance, there’s still a lot of growth 
potential if you could focus on improved yield. But the most important thing 
for agriculture is having efficient logistics – getting the goods to market. 
This depends on an efficient infrastructure, which is a huge constraint to 
Indonesia’s growth.

What role do you see tourism playing?

While the tourism sector has been growing in Indonesia, it has not been 
explored to its full potential, mostly because of constraints around poor 
infrastructure.While the tourism sector has been growing in Indonesia, it has 
not been explored to its full potential, mostly because of constraints around 
poor infrastructure. Limited human resource capacity is also a challenge, and 
together, these two things constrain the ability to develop destinations that 
can receive a large number of visitors. But, there’s a lot of opportunity in 
tourism, and the current government is prioritizing it. Now, Indonesia gets 
about 10 million visitors a year, bringing in about $11 or $12 billion in 
revenue a year. That’s about one-third of Thailand, a country I see as a model 
in tourism.

What lessons are there from a place like Thailand, particularly as it has 
struggled with its own moments of political instability?

The interesting thing is that instability has had only a small impact on 
tourism in Thailand. Even after the severe floods a few years ago, Thailand had 
a crisis management plan for mitigating risk to its tourism sector. The moment 
something happens, they have a good system of communicating that the 
instability is isolated to a particular area, which gives people confidence in 
feeling it’s safe everywhere else as long as you avoid that particular area. 
Thailand has put a high priority on tourism for a long time, and the sector 
ranks high in the political as well as policy priorities of the government.

We’re seeing President Jokowi also prioritize tourism, with a strategy know as 
“Beyond Bali.” Bali is of course very well known internationally, but the rest 
of Indonesia is not. “Beyond Bali” targets 10 destinations in a coordinated way 
to ensure that the infrastructure gets built, the airline or road connectivity 
happens, and that there is attention paid to the quality of the services needed 
to develop and sustain tourism in those areas.

Jokowi is seeking billions of dollars to fund an ambitious infrastructure 
agenda that includes building roads, railways, and seaports. Why has 
infrastructure been such an ongoing struggle for Indonesia, and in what ways do 
you see an improved infrastructure playing a role in development?

The biggest challenge is land, because until 2012, Indonesia did not have an 
eminent domain law where, for the purposes of public development, you can 
develop private-sector land as long as you compensate owners properly and it’s 
done legally. Because of this, it has been very difficult for the government to 
develop infrastructure projects such as bridges and toll roads. We were finally 
able to pass the eminent domain law in 2012, but it was only implementable in 
2014. So far, there has only been one project that has used that law as a legal 
basis to develop.

The second challenge is finding a solid financing model. The government has 
already identified an infrastructure package at the cost of something like $400 
or $500 billion. The government can afford to finance maybe 30 percent from its 
own budget, so the rest must come from public/private partnerships. The 
question then is whether there is enough incentive for the private sector to 
participate in these partnerships? A clear delineation of risk is important for 
the private sector to make the long-term calculation on the so-called rate of 
return written on investment. If you can settle that, then you are in a better 
position to raise funding from consortiums. We still have a long way to go in 
getting solid public/private partnership projects that can take off in a big 

The government has launched an “e-commerce roadmap” as one of components of its 
14th economic package. You have said that human resources posed a key challenge 
for Indonesia to develop its digital economy. Can you talk a bit more about 

If we don’t focus on human resources, we can’t achieve new sources of growth or 
be competitive. Education is the number-one factor: if you look at most of the 
basic indicators surrounding education, Indonesia does well. But the moment you 
get into the more-skilled, higher levels of learning and what we call 
“technological readiness,” Indonesia ranks low, even when compared to China, 
India, and some of our Southeast Asian neighbors. Our internet penetration also 
remains low in the region.

But connectivity isn’t everything. A recent World Bank study on this argued 
that connectivity is only a necessary condition, not a sufficient one, for 
countries to enjoy the digital dividend. If you can’t use the new technology, 
then the digital divide widens, because those who can access and know how to 
use it move faster than those who can access it but don’t know how to use it. 
To keep this gap from widening, we must retrain people to use a different type 
of skill and adapt to new technology for their benefit.

You have met with a number of innovators and business leaders in the Silicon 
Valley during your fellowship. What are some highlights?

I’ve realized that it’s difficult to replicate an ecosystem for innovation and 
creativity that you see in the Bay Area, which is a model everywhere in the 
world. But I’ve also been looking closely at the elements that make the 
so-called ecosystem for innovation and creativity conducive to what you see 
happening here, and one is the educational institutions, as well as the 
research taking place. I’m always interested in the role of the government, and 
apparently, the role of government in Silicon Valley is minimal. It’s proof 
that a government can’t come in and say, “Oh, I want to create an ecosystem for 
innovation.” It just doesn’t happen that way. I was also interested in the role 
that the immigrant community has played in driving the innovation here.

What is unique in the Bay Area, even compared to a place like New York City, is 
first, the level of dynamism that exists. The risk-taking behavior and the 
acceptance of failure that you can launch a start-up and then fail after one 
year, as almost a requirement if you then want to go to the next level, is an 
integral part of success.

The second thing is the very high mobility of talent, with people moving from 
company to company, going to a start-up and then going back to Google, for 
example. The mobility of talent is so incredible here, but somehow it works.

Any particular takeaways for the Indonesian context?

Indonesia needs to learn that you need the basic components to create an 
ecosystem, and that government role must be minimal. Ease of doing business is 
also important. In Indonesia, we apply to the board of investment and we don’t 
know what the process will be like. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s not, 
and that’s not comfortable for investors or venture capitalists.

I think openness to talent—including foreign talent—is another key component. 
And having an open, collaborative structure and mentality, both government and 

For such an innovation hub to work in Indonesia, it must be built in central 
Jakarta, because no other place has those components of the ecosystem. It also 
needs to be near the university, near the financial center, and near where good 
talent would want to live.

In November, protestors clashed in Jakarta over comments Governor Ahok made 
relating to the Koran, leaving one dead and several injured, a reminder of the 
minority tensions that still exist in the country. Can you talk a bit about 

I think the minority issue still is and will always be an issue in Indonesia. 
But I think it has improved tremendously since the 1998 riots on a number of 
fronts, including the removal of all the laws that have any discriminative 
elements, and the citizen law, which came out in 2006. That’s quite 
revolutionary, because if you know the history from 1965, especially for people 
of Chinese origin, when you had a code to note your Chinese origin on your 
identity card, and you had to have a birth certificate that showed in the past 
we had Chinese names. Chinese New Year is now a national holiday, and we have 
three ethnic Chinese in this current cabinet.

The majority of Indonesians are very tolerant, and that’s the strength of 
Indonesia. The fact that we see these issues playing out now in the run up to 
the governor election, is due to politics, and how they are playing up on 
underlying feelings. We just hope this will be dealt with in a democratic way, 
without any more violence or unnecessary provocation. That’s our hope for a 
fair election of the governor in February.

The views and opinions expressed here are those of the interviewee and not 
those of The Asia Foundation or its funders.

Related locations: Indonesia 
Related programs: Economic Opportunity, Law and Justice, Strengthen Governance, 
Technology & Development 
Related topics: Inclusive development 

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