Ada analisa di bawah ini :
North Africa is of secondary importance in Russian foreign policy, and
Russia’s interests in the region are limited to the areas of energy and
arms exports. Since the beginning of the Arab revolutions Moscow has
adopted a passive position, not becoming involved in solving the growing
crisis, but not torpedoing the Western states’ efforts either. For this
reason, it may be concluded that the particular situation with Libya has
inclined Russia to consent to Resolution 1973. Firstly, the position of the
Arab states was of considerable importance for Moscow, as they had asked
for the establishment of the no-fly zone. Russia, mindful of its image in
the Arab world and its good relations with individual countries, considered
the Arab League’s position to be valid. It thus seems that Moscow believes
Muammar Gaddafi has limited prospects of retaining power in Libya in the
medium term. Secondly, the European context was equally important from
Moscow’s standpoint. By enabling the adoption of the resolution, Russia
gave very clear political support to France, which was the driving force
for the intervention. This position will certainly contribute to the
further strengthening of Russian-French relations. In addition, Moscow
voted in exactly the same way as did Germany. Thirdly, Russia’s adoption of
a neutral position was also easier because China, India and Brazil also
abstained; as a result, the entire BRIC group backed off from taking any
responsibility for the action, and placed the burden of the intervention’s
results back onto the Western countries.

2017-02-28 20:21 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Goeij
[GELORA45] <>:

> sebenarnya argumen yg diberikan Djie itu kurang lebih "can do no wrong"
> kalau misalnya tindakannya salah bilangnya ketipu gitu aja dus yg salah
> selalu yg lain, tetapi sebenarnya dgn kata lain beliau juga bilang
> pemerintahan kedua negara itu lontong, dengan sedikit sarkastis bisa
> dikatakan masih infant tidak bisa bertanggung jawab atas tindakannya.
> begitulah kira2 maksud argumen itu.
> ---In, <jetaimemucho1@...> wrote :
> Apakah pengetahuan dan diplomasi Kuba lebih canggih dari pada Tkk dan
> Rusia? Kok negeri yang begitu kecil dan miskin bisa tidak tertipu oleh kaum
> imperialis dan ambil sikap anti agresi Imperialis yang benar.
> On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:55 PM, "kh djie djiekh@... [GELORA45]" <
>> wrote:
> Kan di sini Russia dan Tiongkok tertipu oleh usul flying zone dari Amerika
> dan Nato, sedangkan NATO dan Amerika mensupply senjata2 modern pada gerakan
> anti Khadaffi.. Dengan pengalaman itu Russia tidak mau flying zone di
> Suriah,.
> 2017-02-28 14:12 GMT+01:00 Tatiana Lukman jetaimemucho1@... [GELORA45] <

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