*Minister Warns Against 'Intervention' if House Enacts Stricter Regulation
on Mass Organizations*

*Jakarta.* Chief Security Minister Wiranto warned on Monday (23/10) against
any "intervention" after the country enacts a stricter regulation on mass
organizations amid Islamist protests.

A lawmakers' plenary meeting on Tuesday is expected to turn that regulation
into law, which will simplify the disbanding of organizations deemed to
contradict the country's state ideology, known as Pancasila.

But the regulation is currently subject to Constitutional Court reviews
filed by several hardline Islamist groups, who have staged protests in
recent months to denounce the forthcoming change.

"Let the legal process take its course. There is no need to intervene
physically or by any other means," Wiranto said in Jakarta.

Islamist groups, including the hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI),
accuse the government of discrediting them with the regulation. Several
human rights groups also criticize the regulation as jeopardizing
Indonesia's hard-won democratic system after the fall of former President
Suharto and his New Order regime in 1998.

"I hereby remind that the government regulation's objective is not to
create uproar but to safeguard our state ideology," Wiranto said.

The regulation's issuance led the government to immediately disband the
non-violent Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), which the government accused of
threatening national unity by advocating for an Islamic caliphate.

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo in July signed the regulation, which
received backing from several moderate Islamic organizations in the world's
largest Muslim-majority country.

The regulation revokes an earlier requirement under a law on mass
organizations enacted in 2013 to bring those groups to trial before being
able to disband them.

"We will resolve everything legally," Wiranto said, citing the judicial
reviews at the Constitutional Court. "There is no arbitrariness."

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