Robert Kuok seorang BERHASIL dalam bisnis nya, khususnya raja gula dan 
perhotelan, ... tapi, nampaknya juga termasuk seorang BERHASIL dalam menjaga 
KESEHATAN, wawancara dibawah ini diambil tahun 2011, disaat sudah usia 87 th, 
bukan saja masih nampak begitu SEGAR dan KUAT fisik dan juga pikirannya.


(2011) 对话 - 郭鶴年 Interview with Robert Kuok (English Subtitle)

From: kh djie [GELORA45] 
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2017 5:19 PM
To: Gelora45 
Subject: [GELORA45] Fwd: Chinese migrants


Bung Chan,
Baru terima artikel ini dari teman, berkenaan dengan terbitnya memoir dari 
Robert Kuok.
Katanya sudah dapat dibeli di Bukazine di Hong Kong.
Saya kira minggu depan sudah masuk di Nederland.
Di artikel pendek ini tidak ditulis sebab adanya emigrasi besar2an waktu itu, 
yaitu ketika dynasti Qing kalah dalam perang Candu. Dalam perjanjian 
perdamaian, dynasti Qing harus banyak membayar kerugian perang. Di samping itu 
harus mengijinkan warganya beremigrasi dengan keluarganya, sehingga kekurangan 
tenaga kerja akibat dihapusnya perbuakan dapat diganti oleh emigrant2 pekerja 
kontrak. Setelah revolusi industri, modal yang dimiliki kaum kapitalis luar 
biasa besar, yang membutuhkan banyak sekali tenaga kerja,untuk mengembangkan 

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Chinese – the most amazing economic ants on earth: the Robert Kuok memoirs

In the fourth extract of Robert Kuok’s memoir, he considers Chinese immigrants. 
Not only are these unsung heroes hungry, eager and willing to ‘eat bitterness’ 
– they have cultural strength in the marrow of their bones

By Robert Kuok


The overseas Chinese made enormous contributions to Southeast Asia. They are 
the unsung heroes of the region: the poor men and women who migrated and blazed 
trails into the jungle, accessing the timber wealth; Chinese workers who 
planted and tapped rubber, who opened up the tin mines, who ran the small 
retail shops. It was the Chinese immigrants who tackled these Herculean tasks, 
and created a new economy around them. The British were good administrators. 
Many of them in private enterprise were absentee landlords, sitting in 
boardrooms or plush offices in London, Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. It was the 
Chinese who helped build up Southeast Asia. The Indians also played a big role, 
but the Chinese were the dominant force in helping to build the economy.

The transplanted Chinese were born entrepreneurs. The bulk of the overseas 
Chinese in Southeast Asia have their roots in the coastal towns and villages of 
Fujian and Guangdong provinces – and these have been blessed with some of the 
best entrepreneurial genes in the world. They came very hungry and eager as 
immigrants, often barefooted and wearing only singlets and trousers. They would 
do any work available, as an honest income meant they could have food and 
shelter. Chinese entrepreneurs are efficient and cost-conscious. When they 
search for foreign hardware and expertise, they know how to drive hard 
bargains. They work harder than anyone else and are willing to “eat 
bitterness”, as the Chinese say. The Chinese are simply the most amazing 
economic ants on earth.

The Chinese are simply the most amazing economic ants on earth

In the Ming dynasty, the Chinese traded and explored around the South China Sea 
and the Indian Ocean. But, until the middle or latter part of the nineteenth 
century, the movement of people was only a trickle. Colonisation opened up 
Southeast Asia. The Europeans brought a semblance of law and order to the 
region and opened up rubber, mining and trading operations. Millions of 
Chinese, a tsunami of human migration, went south in search of better 
opportunities. The majority of overseas Chinese are moral and ethical people 
who practice fair play and possess a sense of proportion. I will concede that 
if they are totally penniless, they will do almost anything to get their first 
seed capital. But once they have some capital, they try very hard to rise above 
their past and advance their reputations as totally moral, ethical businessmen.

Wee Cho Yaw, chairman emeritus of Singapore's United Overseas Bank, one of the 
flagship institutions representing the economic influence of overseas Chinese 
in Southeast Asia. File photo

I have not come across any people as loyal as the Chinese. The Japanese have a 
kind of loyalty, but it’s an uncritical, bushido type of loyalty: they are 
loyal even if the boss is a skunk. Unlike the Japanese, every Chinese is highly 
judgmental, from the most educated to the uneducated. In every Chinese village 
and community, moral values are drilled into each child during his or her 
family upbringing. They are a very clueful people. They may have lived in a 
village or small town in China and come to Southeast Asia totally ignorant of 
the world, but they picked up ideas and strategies very quickly.

They [the Chinese] don’t need expensive equipment or the trappings of office. 
They just deliver

If there is any business to be done on earth, you can be sure that the Chinese 
will be there. They will know whom to see, what to order, how best to save, how 
to make money. They don’t need expensive equipment or the trappings of office; 
they just deliver.

If you look at the present generation of achievers in Hong Kong – men like Li 
Ka-shing of Cheung Kong, Cheng Yu-tung of New World, Li Shau-kee of Henderson 
Land, the late Kwok Takseng of Sun Hung Kai Properties – they all came from the 
school of hard knocks. Not one of them went to college. Since I was mainly 
brought up in the English-speaking world, I am almost an outside observer of 
the ways of China-born Chinese businessmen who are steeped in the Chinese 
language and culture.

Good Chinese business management is second to none; the very best of Chinese 
management is without compare

I can tell you that Chinese businessmen compare notes every waking moment of 
their lives. There are no true weekends or holidays for them. That’s how they 
work. Every moment, they are listening, and they have skilfully developed in 
their own minds – each and every one of them – mental sieves to filter out 
rubbish and let through valuable information. Good Chinese business management 
is second to none; the very best of Chinese management is without compare. I 
haven’t seen others come near to it in my 70-year career.

Robert Kuok.

This doesn’t mean to say that Chinese firms are the wealthiest or the biggest 
in the world. If you take companies such as GE, or businessmen like Bill Gates 
or Warren Buffett, their successes and wealth dwarf that of Chinese businesses. 
But Americans operate in the largest economy in the world, caressed by 
political and social stability, a strong legal system and generally sound 
institutions. The overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia operate in a much less 
benevolent environment. Moreover, they flourish without the national, political 
and financial sponsorship or backing of their host countries. In Southeast 
Asia, the Chinese are often maltreated and looked down upon. Whether you go to 
Malaysia, Sumatra or Java, the locals call you Cina – pronounced Chee-na – in a 
derogatory way.

Li Ka-shing, Cheng Yu-tung, Li Shau-kee, Kwok Tak-seng all came from the school 
of hard knocks

Around the world, I have seen benevolent governments sponsor and even 
financially aid their nations’ businessmen so that they can compete overseas. 
It’s true in the US, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. 
National banks come to their citizenry’s aid; import-export banks subsidise 
their exports. In the commodity trade, the French and British governments and 
banks stand proudly behind their commodity brokers, who have lines of credit 
that I can only dream of. If the commodity traders’ capital is US$20 million, 
they receive US$200 million of credit; while if we have US$20 million of 
paid-up capital, we can barely hope for credit of US$20 million.

Malaysia-Singapore Airlines, Siamese twins set for separation: the Robert Kuok 
When I invested in Sucre et Denree in Paris, I was astonished at the enormous 
trade facilities Serge Varsano was receiving from the French banks. The Chinese 
have no fairy godmothers (I exclude here the type of Chinese who connive with 
leaders peddling cronyism, and therefore rise and fall with such leaders.) Yet, 
despite facing these odds, the overseas Chinese, through hard work, endeavour 
and business shrewdness, are able to produce profits of a type that no other 
ethnic group operating in the same environment could produce.

When they left their homeland, the Overseas Chinese retained the culture of 
China in the marrow of their bones


Why did the overseas Chinese survive, adapt and flourish in Southeast Asia? I 
say the answer lies in the great cultural strength of the Chinese. When they 
left their homeland, the overseas Chinese retained the culture of China in the 
marrow of their bones. I remember my father had coolies who, after humping 
numerous bags of rice, stank of sour sweat; their clothes were not properly 
laundered and they couldn’t afford to bathe with perfumed soap. But they were 
decent human beings at heart and they knew moral values. As a child of three or 
four years old, I would sometimes sit on their laps and they would regale me 
with stories of their days in China. Recollecting those stories, I would say 
they were very cultured people. They knew what was right and what was wrong. 
Even the most uneducated Chinese, through family education, upbringing and 
social environment, understands the ingredients and consequences of behaviour 
such as refinement, humility, understatement, coarseness, bragging and 

Even the most uneducated Chinese, through family education, upbringing and 
social environment, understands the ingredients and consequence

I remember being invited to a brainstorming seminar in Jakarta sponsored by 
their Centre for Strategic and International Studies, headed by General Ali 
Mutorpo, Suharto’s head of intelligence. Jakarta was just beginning to stand on 
its own feet under Suharto. I was interested in further developing my business 
in Indonesia, and here was a chance to get to know the leaders and to take the 
economic and political pulse of Indonesia. So I attended.

Indonesian President Suharto with Vice Prime Minister of The People's Republic 
of China Zhu Rongji. Photo: Reuters

About thirty of us sat around a big oval table. From Malaysia, there was 
Ghazali Shafie and myself. From Singapore, there was Devan Nair, who later 
became President of Singapore. The topic of one session was economic 
development. When it came to my turn, I spoke into the microphone in front of 
me: “Gentlemen, I have heard a lot already today from my peers about how 
Indonesia should develop. Many of you say that we should bring in the 
multinationals of the world and draw upon their strength to bring up the 
nation. I beg to differ. European and American multinationals, with their 
bulldozer-type attitude and mentality, will succeed. I have no doubt of that. 
But they will also import high inflation and inflationary practices that will 
enter your bloodstream, into the very marrow of your bones. You will never 
shake it off! This nation is very poor and cannot afford that style of 

I continued, “I want to speak today about the Southeast Asian Chinese. The vast 
majority of overseas Chinese are decent Chinese. If you go into the smallest 
Malay kampongs in my country, Malaysia, you will find that a Chinese shopkeeper 
has set up a tiny provision store. His whole shop may be only 200-300 square 
feet, but it will be stocked with all the necessities required by that 
community. If it’s a fishing village, there will be many tins of biscuits and 
canned foods, flashlights and batteries – the food and essentials to keep a 
fisherman provisioned out at sea for a few days.” “These men are playing 
sterling roles everywhere.” I stressed. “They are entrepreneurs blessed with 
business brains, though many of them lack financial backing. The mark-up on the 
goods they sell is very small; thus, they play a vital role in the chain of 

I returned to the subject of Indonesia: “Should not the leaders of this 
brand-new Indonesian nation harness more of the Chinese entrepreneurs’ energies 
to develop the country? The Chinese can do it, and they will do it 
economically, not the bulldozing, multinational way. Use the overseas Chinese, 
shoestring-economy style and build up your economy like that. That’s my plea.”

Lee Kuan Yew’s left hand and Lee Kuan Yew’s right hand” neutered ‘crooks’ among 
overseas Chinese in Singapore


I concluded with this: “Now, before I finish, I want to state one strong 
caveat. Some of these overseas Chinese will become very big crooks, and if you 
let them run rampant they could ruin your nation. Therefore, it is vital that 
you also build up an executive monitoring arm, one armed with teeth. What I am 
saying is that in a laissez-faire economy, you must let business develop 
freely; but at the same time you must have a very well-trained and highly 
disciplined monitoring arm. Where there is abuse and crimes being committed, 
you must come down very fast and very hard and punish the crooks severely. You 
should make examples of them so that the honest Chinese will help your country 
and the dishonest ones will be deterred.”

China’s communists, devils to friends for Malaysian PM Tunku: the Robert Kuok 
Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew. Photo: AFP

Later, when I went out to the washroom, I passed a room adjoining our meeting 
room in which tape recorders were whirring. So what I said – what everyone said 
– was recorded. In the ensuing years, Indonesia (and most other countries in 
the region) didn’t heed my warning about the need for watchdog institutions 
with bite. The decent Chinese have helped to build up Indonesia, Malaysia, 
Thailand and the Philippines, and made these countries what they are today. But 
you also had the rise of the unscrupulous and ruthless Chinese, who in turn 
have devastated many parts of Southeast Asia.

Why were these people allowed to wreak havoc? It is because the leaderships 
have been weak. If the leaders were strong, all these devils would have 
disappeared overnight. Singapore had the same number of Chinese crooks, but you 
try and find one today. They are all hidden, camouflaged, or dormant. The 
crooks were held on steel leashes by two hands: Lee Kuan Yew’s left hand and 
Lee Kuan Yew’s right hand. With the unsavoury elements under control, look what 
Singapore has been able to accomplish by harnessing the energies of the 
overseas Chinese. ■

Related articles 

Robert Kuok, A Memoir will be available in Hong Kong exclusively at Bookazine 
and in Singapore at all major bookshops from November 25. It will be released 
in Malaysia on December 1 and in Indonesia on January 1, 2018

Robert Kuok 

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