Mereka yang ingin mengenang dan memperingati 75 tahun pertempuran dan 
kemenangan Stalingrad , dapat mengklik dan mendengarkan lagu dan nonton video 
di bawah ini. Inspirasi untuk masa depan-ketika Nazis dan fasis merasa kuat, 
kita dapat menundukkannya melalui Perang Rakyat!
Inspiration for the future - when Nazis and Fascistsfeel powerful we will 
humble them through People's War

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teleSUR English
 Tomorrow is the anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. This key 
battle during World War II was one ...  |   |



On its icy road swastika knows

that from now on will find

Stalingrad in every city

"Hunger and ruin under themortars

like steel Stalingrad resists

streets paved with blood

a woman of granite laughs

above a thousand barricades

On its icy road swastika knows

that from now on will find

Stalingrad in every city

The band makes dance officers incafès

winter sets frost in the bones

but inside the prisons the airburns

as the singing chorus of the RedArmy

The radio in the dark and sevenworkers

seven glasses that toast toLenin

and Stalingrad comes in the farmand barn

hat flies and man smiles loadinghis gun

On its icy road swastika knows

that from now on will find

Stalingrad in every city

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