Pemeran utama justru dari Arab Saudi, dan jangan heran Indonesia juga termasuk 
mereka yang men-support. Saya masih ingat sekitar th 80-an itu cerita2 tentang 
gerilyawan Mujahidin bak pahlawan diberitakan dibanyak media.
Apa yg terjadi pada waktu itu pada dasarnya juga politik "adu jangkrik" antara 
US dan Soviet Union di Timur Tengah. Berbagai bantuan kembali lagi dipakai buat 
belanja senjata, darimana lagi kalau bukan US dan Soviet Union (dan made-in 
China juga termasuk).

---In, <jetaimemucho1@...> wrote :

Wow, baru tahu saya bahwa Tiongkok kapitalis juga kerja sama dengan AS dalam 
mempersenjatai gerilya Mujahidin yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi grup-grup 
teroris termasuk Taliban juga, kan?!

On Friday, May 18, 2018 11:07 AM, "kh djie djiekh@... [GELORA45]" 
<> wrote:

 Dari Archive, berita tahun 1988:
Arming Afghan Guerrillas: A Huge Effort Led by U..S.

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Arming Afghan Guerrillas: A Huge Effort Led by U.S.
Robert Pear and Special To the New York Times |




With help from China and many Moslem nations, the United States led a huge 
international operation over the last eight years to arm the Afghan guerrillas 
with the weapons they needed to drive the Soviet Army from their country.The 
operation is one of the biggest ever mounted by the Central Intelligence 
Agency, according to American officials and foreign diplomats. It dwarfs 
American efforts to aid the Nicaraguan rebels, but its details are much less 
widely known because it encountered little opposition in Congress.Indeed, 
Congress was continually prodding the C.I.A., the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the 
State Department to provide more support for the Afghan guerrillas, who limped 
along with relatively ineffective weapons until they got Stinger antiaircraft 
missiles in September 1986. They used the missiles to shoot down armored Soviet 
helicopter gunships, and as a result, the guerrillas and their supply caravans 
have been able to move with much less fear of being attacked from the air. Cost 
Totals $2 BillionAs Afghanistan and three other nations signed agreements last 
week providing for the withdrawal of Soviet troops, these details of the supply 
operation emerged from interviews with members of Congress and officials at the 
White House, intelligence agencies, the Defense Department, the State 
Department and the Office of Management and Budget:* Arming the rebels has cost 
the United States more than $2 billion over eight years, although the exact 
amounts of appropriations are secret because the operation is not officially 
acknowledged by Washington. The program has had strong bipartisan support in 
Congress throughout.* The Government of Saudi Arabia has generally matched the 
United States financial contributions, providing money in a joint fund with 
Washington to buy hundreds of Stingers for the Islamic guerrillas even though 
Congress would not permit such sophisticated weapons to be sold to the Saudis 
themselves. In addition, several wealthy Saudi princes, motivated by a sense of 
religious duty and solidarity, gave cash contributions to the guerrillas.* 
Tennessee mules have made an invaluable contribution to the guerrillas' 
campaign, transporting tons of equipment, food, clothing and medical supplies 
from Pakistan into Afghanistan. Hub R. Reese Jr. of Gallatin, Tenn., who runs 
what he describes as the world's largest mule trading and auction company, said 
that in the last year he delivered 700 mules to an Army base in Kentucky for 
shipment to Pakistan..* China, which has a short border with Afghanistan, 
''worked hand in glove with the United States'' in supplying the guerrillas 
with rocket launchers and other weapons, according to a military officer who 
served at the American Embassy in Beijing. But Iran, which often portrays 
itself as a leader of the Islamic world, provided very limited, intermittent 
support to the guerrillas, who call themselves mujahedeen, or ''holy 
warriors.''Administration officials cite their support of the guerrillas as a 
success for President Reagan's policy of helping indigenous groups resist 
Communist-supported regimes in regional conflicts. But many officials were 
initially reluctant to provide vigorous support for the Afghans, fearing that 
it might unrealistically raise their hopes for a military victory or provoke 
Soviet reprisals against Pakistan, the main conduit for aid to the 
guerrillas.Stansfield Turner, who was Director of Central Intelligence under 
President Carter, said some intelligence professionals believed the United 
States would be putting money into ''a hopeless cause.''Fred C. Ikle, an Under 
Secretary of Defense from 1981 to February of this year, said that in the first 
three or four years of the Reagan Administration, ''there was a general shyness 
and hesitation, a reluctance to make a more concerted effort, to provide more 
instruments and tactics to freedom fighters in Afghanistan.''In October 1984, 
Congress passed a resolution saying, ''It would be indefensible to provide the 
freedom fighters with only enough aid to fight and die, but not enough to 
advance their cause of freedom.''The measure had been introduced two years 
earlier by Senator Paul E. Tsongas, a liberal Massachusetts Democrat. Senator 
Malcolm Wallop, a conservative Republican from Wyoming, wrote in 1984 that 
''the only opposition to the resolution has come essentially from the C.I.A. 
and the Department of State.''Senator Gordon J. Humphrey, a New Hampshire 
Republican who is chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Afghanistan, said 
in an interview this week, ''The C.I.A. was very reluctant in carrying out its 
responsibilities for the longest time.'' But he and other lawmakers gave the 
agency high marks for a much more efficient operation in recent years. Inferior 
Arms in Early ProgramWhat follows is a history of that operation, as described 
by people who supervised it or followed it closely.More than 30,000 Soviet 
troops moved into Afghanistan, with planes and tanks, in the last week of 
December 1979. On Jan. 1, 1980, the Soviet Government newspaper Izvestia 
charged that the C.I.A. was ''directly involved in training Afghan rebels in 
camps in Pakistan.'' The State Department declined comment.In mid-February of 
1980, Egypt's Defense Minister, Lieut. Gen. Kamal Hassan Ali, said his country 
was training Afghans in guerrilla warfare and would send them back to fight 
against the Soviet-backed Government. At about the same time, six weeks after 
the Soviet intervention began, White House officials said President Carter had 
approved a ''covert operation'' to supply the guerrillas with small arms of 
Soviet design, including Kalashnikov AK-47 rifles.For five years, American 
officials provided the guerrillas with weapons designed and manufactured by the 
Soviet Union or other East Bloc countries so they could deny that the United 
States was supplying such assistance. They could maintain that the guerrillas 
had captured the weapons from the Afghan Government or from Soviet troops in 
Afghanistan.But that strategy created immense problems for the guerrillas. 
''For most of the first five years of the war, the mujahedeen lacked any 
effective antiaircraft or long-range weapons,'' said Alexander R. Alexiev of 
the Rand Corporation, an expert on Soviet affairs who has analyzed the war in 
Afghanistan under a Pentagon contract.''Despite the presence of vastly superior 
weapons in Western arsenals,'' he said, ''the resistance was supplied primarily 
with 1930's vintage antiaircraft machine guns that were hardly a match for the 
heavily armored and deadly Soviet gunship helicopters. On the ground, the 
rebels' main long-range weapon was the Soviet-model 82-millimeter mortar, not 
known for either superior range or accuracy. As a result, the Soviets enjoyed 
virtually unchallenged dominance in the air.'' First Reagan Effort Falls 
ShortWhen Mr. Reagan took office in January 1981, his appointees were told that 
support for the Afghan guerrillas was the most significant covert operation 
being conducted by the C.I.A.In the fall of 1982, the President decided to 
increase the quality and quantity of arms supplied to the insurgents. In 
December, the agency was ordered to provide them with bazookas, mortars, 
grenade launchers, mines and recoilless rifles. But guerrillas on the 
battlefield said they saw no dramatic improvement in the flow of arms.Andrew 
L.. Eiva, chairman of the Federation for American Afghan Action, a private 
group that lobbies for military aid to the insurgents, said that through 1984 
they were still getting weapons of relatively poor quality, like the 
82-millimeter mortar and the Soviet SAM-7 antiaircraft missile. Even when they 
got good weapons, like the 12.7-millimeter heavy Soviet machine gun known as 
the Dashaka, they did not get nearly enough ammunition to defend themselves 
against Soviet helicopters, according to Mr. Eiva, who was an Army infantry 
officer in the Green Berets in the 1970's.In the fall of 1983, Representative 
Charles Wilson, Democrat of Texas, started a campaign to supply the guerrillas 
with a more effective antiaircraft weapon. ''Opposition to the Stinger was so 
great that we had to settle for something less than a missile,'' he said, 
recalling that even William J. Casey, the Director of Central Intelligence, 
would not push for Stingers.At the end of 1983, Mr. Wilson persuaded his 
colleagues to provide $40 million for weapons, and much of it went for a 
powerful 20-millimeter antiaircraft gun made by a Swiss company, Oerlikon. The 
guerrillas began to get the automatic cannon in late 1984, Mr. Wilson said in 
an interview.In January 1985, Congress formed the Task Force on Afghanistan to 
investigate guerrilla needs and to put pressure on the Administration.A turning 
point came in April 1985, when Mr.. Reagan signed a classified order clarifying 
the goals of the covert operation. One goal was to get the Soviet troops out of 
Afghanistan ''by all means available,'' it said. That declaration eventually 
cleared the way for the C.I.A. to supply Western-made weapons to the 
guerrillas.The budget for the covert operation more than doubled, to $280 
million in the fiscal year 1985 from $122 million in 1984, members of Congress 
said. In 1985, the guerrillas got their first effective surface-to-surface 
weapons, 107-millimeter multiple rocket launchers made in China. They have a 
range of about five miles, so the guerrillas could fire on targets from a safe 
distance.Nevertheless, according to Mr. Alexiev, 1985 was ''the bloodiest and 
most difficult year of the war for the mujahedeen..'' After Mikhail S. 
Gorbachev became the Soviet leader in March 1985, Soviet forces dramatically 
increased the number and intensity of their attacks on the guerrillas and the 
civilian population, he said. The offensives continued into the spring of 
1986.In February 1986, in his State of the Union Message, the President seemed 
to step up America's commitment to insurgent forces in the third world. 
Paraphrasing a line from the Tsongas resolution passed by Congress in 1984, he 
said: ''You are not alone, freedom fighters. America will support you with 
moral and material assistance, your right not just to fight and die for 
freedom, but to fight and win freedom.''For several months, conservative groups 
had harshly criticized John N. McMahon, who was Deputy Director of Central 
Intelligence, on the ground that he was blocking efforts to send Stingers to 
the guerrillas. In early March 1986, Mr. Reagan approved delivery of such 
missiles..At about the same time, Mr. McMahon, who had served 35 years with the 
agency, resigned for what he described as ''personal reasons.'' He said his 
resignation was not ''an expression of discontent with the President's 
policies.''The first Stinger was used in Afghanistan on Sept. 26, 1986; the 
missile launcher now hangs over a door in Mr. Wilson's office in Congress. 
Three Soviet MI-24 helicopters were destroyed by the new weapons on the first 
day of their use in Afghanistan. Since then, according to American officials, 
the guerrillas have shot down at least 270 Soviet aircraft.In 1986, the 
insurgents got two other types of portable antiaircraft missiles, the 
British-made Blowpipe and the American-made Redeye. But neither was as 
effective as the Stinger.''We were startled by the success of the Stingers,'' 
Mr. Wilson said. Senator Humphrey added, ''It's rare that one weapon can 
transform a situation so radically.''Moreover, the guerrillas' bravery has 
surprised some of their staunchest supporters in Congress.In 1980, according to 
Mr. Wilson, ''it was completely beyond the realm of anyone's imagination that 
the mujahedeen could chase the Russian Army out of their country.''

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