Untuk kesekian kalinya saya kirim berita tentang perjuangan kaum buruh Tiongkok 
membela/menuntut hak-hak ekonomi-sosialnya dan juga hak politik untuk membangun 
serikat buruh sejati yang sungguh-sungguh memihak dan membela kepentingan 
buruh. Praktek pemberangusan serikat buruh, intimidasi dan PHK terhadap aktivis 
buruh di Indonesia, juga dialami oleh buruh Tiongkok yang katanya negara 
"sosialis", menurut kriteria kaum revisionis pendukung kapitalisme. Sungguh 
ironis, bukan, negara yang katanya menghormati dan mencintai Mao, tapi dalam 
prakteknya mengejar-ngejar orang-orang Maois yang bersimpati dan membela kaum 
buruh!!!“This is a great awakening moment of workers. They might be small in 
number but they do not realise what they have achieved", begitu kata Song Ying, 
Maois berumur 67 tahun dari Zhengzhou.  Betul! Semua dimulai dari kecil dan 
sedikit....Tapi, bukan karena kecil dan sedikit, lantas ambil jalan kolaborasi 
dengan kaum penguasa!!
Chinese Maoists join students in fight for workers’ rights at Jasic Technology
Leftists show support for employees of stock market-listed company, who are 
campaigning for the right to form a trade unionPUBLISHED : Friday, 10 August, 
2018, 7:32pmUPDATED : Friday, 10 August, 2018, 10:44pmCOMMENTS: 3 
A high-profile intervention of leftist Chinese university students in a labour 
rights dispute in southern China gained momentum this week when old guards from 
the country’s leading ultra-left group joined the protest.The students have 
been campaigning for workers of stock market-listed Jasic Technology, who are 
fighting for union rights, through street rallies, demonstrations, fundraising 
and open letters.The Shenzhen, Guangdong province, company is a manufacturer of 
electronic welding machines and robotic arms. Efforts to start a union resulted 
in a crackdown by factory management and city authorities last month, according 
to workers.Seven Jasic worker representatives have been sacked, beaten and 
detained and 29 of their supporters arrested. They include family members, 
colleagues and a student.As of Tuesday night, 14 people – including a nursing 
mother, Zhang Zeying – were still in detention for allegedly picking quarrels 
and disrupting order.At noon on Monday, about 80 supporters staged a second 
rally under the scorching sun outside Yanziling police station in Shenzhen’s 
Pingshan district, about 50km (31 miles) from the border with Hong Kong. More 
than 40 Communist Party members and retired cadres, who are part of the 
country’s leading Maoist internet forum, Utopia, joined the rally.They demanded 
the unconditional release of Jasic workers from police custody.
During the hour-long protest, students, workers and retirees formed a human 
chain and chanted slogans. Workers described how they were physically abused 
while in detention.

In speeches the student activists demanded the unconditional release of all 
workers, the right to set up a union, and for police and thugs accused of 
beating up workers to be punished.Utopia demonstrators were seen holding 
posters of China’s former chairman Mao Zedong, which was reminiscent of the 
socialist rallies held in the country in the 1960s.Song Ying, a 67-year-old 
Maoist from Zhengzhou, capital of central China’s Henan province, said she had 
no option but to turn up and show support. With the students behind them, she 
was optimistic about the Jasic workers’ protests.“This is a great awakening 
moment of workers. They might be small in number but they do not realise what 
they have achieved. This is a turning point for Chinese workers’ resistance,” 
Song said.
According to Shen Mengyu, a Sun Yat-sen University postgraduate who worked in a 
factory for three years, students had been going to Shenzhen since the end of 
July to call for the unconditional release of the detained workers. They had 
done so at their own expense and despite the risks they faced to their personal 

“Most of the supporters are university students and share leftists views. Our 
hearts are tied with the grass-roots workers,” she said.“We are prepared for 
what’s to come. There is nothing wrong as long as we operate within the law, 
our demands are legitimate.”Commenting on the latest socialist actions in 
Pingshan, Chris Chan King-chi, a labour rights expert at Hong Kong’s City 
University, said there had been a massive crackdown on labour rights since 
2015, which had led to a widening of the wealth gap and intensified social 
conflicts.The Pingshan campaign for a democratic union was gaining increasing 
support in society, he said.“Their actions serve as a wake-up call for more 
concern for the grass-roots class among intellectuals.”Chan said that the 
students’ left-wing views and their ability to mobilise support, put 
authorities in a difficult position. If they responded with a severe crackdown 
they risked garnering more support and public sympathy for the protesters.A 
27-year-old worker from central China’s Hunan province who was recently 
released by Shenzhen police said he was overwhelmed by the support shown to the 
workers.“If not for this, I would probably never have come across a Tsinghua or 
Peking U student in my life,” he said.“I see hope in the future, that we can 
become a part of a bigger process of decision making with a union. We will no 
longer be trampled on like dirt.”The government-controlled All China Federation 
of Trade Unions has encouraged the establishment of trade unions on condition 
that they toe the Communist Party line.“Any suspicions that a grass-roots union 
might have ties with an external party would be met with a crackdown. This has 
not changed since 2010 when the Pearl River Delta car factories experienced a 
chain of industrial actions that went nationwide,” Chan said.Most labour 
resistance protests in China revolve around wage and pensions disputes. It is 
rare to see workers focusing solely on their political rights, such as 
establishing a democratic union.According to a “strike map” collated by the 
Hong Kong-based China Labour Bulletin, more than 1,860 strikes or workers’ 
protests have been recorded over the past 12 months but Jasic was the only 
action associated with forming a union.Neither Shenzhen police nor Jasic 
Technology responded to thePost’s repeated requests for comment.
100 Shanghai cleaners stage four-day rally over pay cuts as labour protests 
grow across China
As sanitary workers stopped work, internet censors scrambled to scrub social 
media clean of photos, videos and comments documenting the industrial 
actionAbout 100 street cleaners in Shanghai staged a four-day rally outside a 
government building last week to protest against pay cuts, amid a rising trend 
for such shows of public disobedience by workers on China’s mainland.The rally, 
at Changning District’s Greening and City Appearance Administration, happened 
after several street cleaning companies reduced working hours and pay rates, 
the district government said in a statement on Monday on WeChat, the mainland’s 
most popular messaging app.
It did not say how many workers had been affected by the cuts or whether the 
industrial action prompted a change of policy by the companies 
involved.Pictures, video footage and comments about the protest were widely 
shared online, but all had been deleted by internet censors as of Monday. One 
clip published on Twitter showed security officers forcibly removing one of the 
protesters from the scene.“Dozens of workers were protesting against the pay 
cuts,” a state media source told the South China Morning Post on condition of 
anonymity as he was not authorised to speak on the matter.Several local 
residents said they counted about 100 people outside the government 
building.The issue appeared to have been resolved on Monday, as several 
cleaning vehicles were spotted in the neighbourhood and a female sweeper was 
seen at work close to the scene of the rally, although she declined the Post’s 
request for a comment.Municipal authorities in Shanghai were in the process of 
talking to the city’s street cleaning contractors to ensure fair treatment for 
workers, the district government said.“The administration has asked Gaojie and 
other firms to improve communication … with the cleaners and make sure they get 
reasonable pay,” it said.The statement was referring to Shanghai Gaojie 
Environment Cleaning Service Co, which also declined to comment on the 
protest.According to an earlier report by the official local newspaper 
Liberation Daily, as of September 2015, Shanghai had 142 street cleaning 
companies with a combined workforce of more than 53,000, many of them migrant 
workers employed on a contractual basis. Their average monthly wage was about 
4,000 yuan (US$640) a month.Wang Jiangsong, a Beijing-based scholar who 
specialises in labour issues on China’s mainland, said the rally appeared to 
have been a knee-jerk response to the pay cuts.“It seems the strike was a 
completely spontaneous movement by the workers, as in the current climate not 
many organisations or individuals would dare to help them organise it,” he 
said, adding that further disputes were likely this year as China’s economic 
growth slows.According to China Labour Bulletin, a non-governmental group that 
promotes workers’ rights, labour disputes on the mainland have been climbing 
steadily since 2011.A total of 440 such protests were reported in the first 
quarter of this year, a rise of almost 90 per cent from the same period of 
2017, it said.Employers’ failure to make social insurance contributions, unfair 
treatment and pay cuts were among the main causes of the disputes, it said, 
adding that workers were showing a growing willingness to stand up for their 
rights..Last month, disgruntled workers at a factory in Guangzhou, capital of 
southern China’s Guangdong province, staged an eight-day strike to protest 
against low wages and long working hours.The industrial action ended after the 
company, which makes luxury handbags for the US fashion label Michael Kors, 
gave in to their demands.

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