Nah, ini contoh paling dekat di jaman kita yang menunjukkan dan membuktikan 
bahwa pembangunan sosialisme tidak berlangsung tanpa sabotase, ancaman perang 
dan bahkan perang nyata dari kaum imperialis, dan juga tanpa menghisap, 
menindas atau menjarah kekayaan alam negeri lain . Orang-orang revisionis dan 
pro-kapitalis selalu bangga dengan "kemajuan" sistim kapitalis dan mencibir 
sistim sosialis seolah-olah sebagai sistim yang meratakan "kemiskinan".. Mereka 
sama sekali tidak mampu atau dengan sengaja tidak mau melihat perbedaan dalam 
hakekat dan prinsip-prinsip yang membedakan  pembangunan sosialisme dari 
pembangunan kapitalisme.

US Violation of Trump-Kim Singapore Agreement. Ban on Humanitarian Aid to North 
Korea. Sanctions From Hell. ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’

United States Brazenly Violates Singapore Summit Agreement. Sanctions Against 
DPRK, and Refusal to Sign a Peace Treaty Are Continued Acts of War. UN 
Gestapo-Style Sanctions Adopted Under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter Constitute 
Prelude to Military Attack
By Carla SteaGlobal Research, November 13, 2018

Washington’s behavior following Trump’s signing of the Singapore Summit 
Agreement with Kim Jong-un must be described as schizophrenic.  The Singapore 
Summit agreement states:
   - “The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK 
relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for 
peace and prosperity.
   - “The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting 
and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.”

The DPRK has already fulfilled point “4.” Of the Singapore Summit, and 
repatriated POW/MIA remains to the USA.  It is fulfilling point “3.”, which 
requires “complete denuclearization of the  Korean Peninsula:  

It has ceased testing weapons, and on May 25, 2018 destroyed its major 
test-site, Punggye-ri. 

By contrast, the United States persistence in maintaining punitive and 
ultimately genocidal sanctions against the DPRK reached the savage extreme on 
October 17, 2018, when it was announced in The New York Times  that

“The Trump administration has barred American aid workers from going to North 
Korea…Barring aid workers from traveling affects humanitarian programs in North 
Korea, including efforts to alleviate tuberculosis and provide medical training 
and farming assistance.  ‘People are suffering,’said Robert King, a former 
American special envoy for human rights in North Korea.  ‘Ít’s not the same as 
limiting luxury goods for the elite or reducing access to military goods.   The 
idea of focusing effort and time on limiting humanitarian services strikes me 
as being totally counterproductive.’” 

“’The potential life-threatening consequences of this policy are far-reaching,’ 
said Keith Luse, spokesperson for these US humanitarian aid groups.”

Whether a manifestation of dangerous insanity, or vicious bad faith, 
Washington’s recent prohibition on humanitarian aid to the DPRK is a cynical 
violation of articles 1 and 2 of the Singapore Summit Agreement committing the 
US and the DPRK to establish new US-DPRK relations building peace and 
prosperity, and building a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean 

Washington’s infamous ban on humanitarian aid to the DPRK will be condemned by 
history and by every civilized state and organization, and should have been 
condemned by the United Nations Secretary-General.  The ban on humanitarian aid 
to the DPRK is a sadistic act of war, targeting the most vulnerable civilians 
of North Korea, and consigning them to slow and agonizing deaths that could 
have been prevented or mitigated.

And, together with Washington’s refusal to sign a peace treaty, this 
exacerbation of the sixty-five year  US effort to destroy the socialist 
government of the DPRK, it would be preposterous to expect the DPRK to divulge 
one iota of its defensive capability.  The purpose of this ban on humanitarian 
aid is one and one only:  to demoralize and break the heroic spirit of the most 
sophisticated and advanced, and possibly the only remaining socialist country 
on earth.  Washington has zero interest in the human rights of the people of 
the DPRK;   if there were a scintilla of truth to Washington’s incessant 
droning on and on about human rights, this ban could not possibly have been 
passed under any circumstances.

According to UN humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock,   “sanctions are exacerbating 
humanitarian problems.” Reuters reported:

“The UN had to stop nutrition support for kindergartens in North Korea in 
November, due to the lack of funding.  Its $111 million ‘2018 Needs and 
Priorities Plan’ is nearly 90 percent under-funded.”  “A ban on the shipment of 
any metal objects, from health diagnostic instrments to spoons to nail 
clippers, makes it nearly impossible to deliver even basic healthcare to North 
Korea…Farm machines, greenhouses and ambulances, meanwhile, are sitting idle 
without spare parts.”

Compellingly stated by an official of a large humanitarian NGO, “For 
humanitarian organizations the Sanctions are ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts.’

According to Christine Hong, Associate Professor at the University of 
California at Santa Cruz, 

“In point of fact, when you sanction things like fuel…fertilizer..or things 
that have any sort of dual-use capacity—things like plastic tubes that are used 
for IV fluid, you’re harming ordinary people.  This harm is not an inadvertent 
side effect of sanctions; it’s the deliberate impact of sanctions meant to 
destabilize a society..’’ The goal is to get the general population so restive 
that they rise up against the leadership of the society.  That is the sinister 
logic of sanctions.’” quotes Hong stating that

“sanctions are not a soft alternative to war, nor are they aimed at bettering 
the lives of ordinary North Korean people.  Rather, she calls sanctions against 
North Korea ‘an explicit part of US war policy’ dating back to the earliest 
days of the Korean War.’  “Part of the legacy of the US’s bombing campaign on 
North Korea are the 420,000 bombs dropped on Pyongyang in what historian and 
professor Bruce Cumings called a ‘bombing holocaust.’  ‘Historians routinely 
say 4 million, some even say 5 million North Koreans were killled in that war.  
Seventy percent are understood to be civilians.   That’s not a clean war.  It’s 
a profoundly dirty war.  If there is to be normalization of relations between 
the US and DPRK, sanctions have to go by the wayside.’”

The UN Security Council sanctions are a cancer defiling the reputation of the 
UN and every member state supporting these genocidal resolutions.  The 
complicity of the UN Security Council is encouraging and enabling the US to  
indulge its most pathological tendencies and its interest in exterminating a 
brave and remarkably advanced socialist people in Asia, (and one cannot exclude 
racism from the US agenda).

However, it is also at the United Nations that the masks are torn off, and the 
voting record of the US and the DPRK in the First Committee and throughout the 
UN General Assembly Committees reveals who is the menace to world peace and 
survival, and who genuinely seeks a nuclear-weapon free world of peace and 
security, democracy and development.
UN Sanctions Against North Korea, Encouraging De Facto Biological Warfare

On October 23, DPRK Ambassador Kim Song stated to the UN Fourth Committee On 
Agenda Item 53  “International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space”:

“The DPRK maintains independent and self-reliant character in the development 
and use of outer space and ensures that space development be oriented towards 
the peaceful purpose of developing the country’s economy and improving the 
people’s living standard.  It is noteworthy that more than 280 valuable 
dissertations were presented on the DPRK’s achievements and experiences of 
application in the areas of manufacturing and control engineering of an 
artificial satellite at the ‘Outer Space Science and Technology Seminar-2017’ 
held in Pyongyang in the period from 28 November to 1 December, 2017….”

“It is a due right of a UN member state, to say nothing of a state party to the 
Outer Space Treaty, to take part in the international exchanges and cooperation 
for peaceful use of outer space.  This year, the DPRK’s outer space experts 
were invited to the international outer space conferences organized by the UN 
Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in such countries as Austria, Pakistan 
and Russia.  However, they were not able to attend to any of them due to the 
opposition by the 1718 Committee of the UNGA (the Sanctions committee).  This 
is a flagrant violation of our legitimate right as well as open disregard for 
the international outer space-related laws of the UN Charter.  My delegation 
protests in strong terms against the outrageous and immoral behavior of the 
1718 committee that stubbornly denies our peaceful satellite launches, and went 
to the extreme of rejecting our space experts’ engagement in the international 
scientific exchanges. We also express our regret at the irresponsible attitude 
of the UNOOSA which fails to take any appropriate measures while admitting the 
improper nature of such behavior.”

It is therefore now imperative to examine the voting record of the US and the 
DPRK, a record which reveals which states are a threat to international peace 
and security, and which states support global human development,  and world 

First Committee  (Disarmament)  Voting:

Resolution A/C.173/L.3  99 (a) WHOLE  “Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer 

181 nations voted “Yes,” in support of this Resolution, including the 
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, China and Russia.  2 States voted “No,” 
opposing this resolution, including the United States and Israel.

Resolution A/C.1/73/L50  99 ©  WHOLE  “Further Practical Measures for the 
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (DECISION)”:

127 States voted “Yes,” in support of this Resolution, including the Democratic 
People’s Republic of Korea, China and Russia.  3 States voted “No,” opposing 
this resolution, including the United States, Ukraine and Israel.

Resolution A/C.1/73/L.51 99 (b)  WHOLE  “No First Placement of Weapons in Outer 

129 States voted “Yes,” in support of this Resolution, including the Democratic 
People’s Republic of Korea, China and Russia.  12 States voted “No,” opposing 
this resolution, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Estonia, 
Georgia, Israel, Latvia, Poland

Resolution A/C.1/73/L.44 102 (b) WHOLE  “Convention on the Prohibition of the 
Use of Nuclear Weapons”

120 States voted “Yes,” in support of this Resolution, including the Democratic 
People’s Republic of Korea.  50 States voted “No,” opposing this resolution,  
including the United States, Latvia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, etc.,

Resolution A/C.1/73/L.46 101 (mm)  PP.9  “Universal Declaration on the 
Achievement of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free-World” 

137 States voted “Yes” in support of this Resolution, including the Democratic 
People’s Republic of Korea.  Three states voted “No,” opposing this resolution, 
including the United States.

Resolution A/C.1/73/L.12 101 (cc)  WHOLE  “Effects of the Use of Armaments and 
Ammunitions Containing Depleted Uranium” 

140 States voted “Yes” in support of this Resolution, including the Democratic 
People’s Republic of Korea.  4 States voted “No,” opposing this Resolution, 
including the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom.

This voting record confirms, unequivocally, which countries want peace and 
which countries menace global peace and stability.

On October 9, Ambassador Kim Song of the DPRK addressed the Second Committee 
(Economic Development): 

“The present realistic situation in which the socio-economic development is 
hindered by widespread ongoing conflicts, escalation of tensions and 
instability shows vividly how it is important to ensure peaceful environment 
for development and prosperity common to all humanity…Amidst the situation of 
easing tensions and peace prevailing on Korean peninsula, our people are waging 
a decisive struggle to build a civilized powerful nation and achieve the SDGs 
with great motive force of self-reliance and self-development and the might of 
modern science and technology, upholding the strategic line of concentrating 
all efforts on the socialist economic construction ….the effort of the DPRK for 
peace and development makes great contribution to ensure peace and security not 
only in Korean peninsula, but also in the region, and help bring about the 
development and prosperity for the common good to all humanity.  …Nevertheless, 
the right of existence

and development of our people are severely infringed.  The delivery of 
humanitarian assistance materials such as essential medicines, x-ray diagnosis 
equipments as well as even sports items which are utmost in necessity for our 
citizens, children and women are prohibited in the pretext of implementation of 
the UN Security Council’s “sanctions resolutions’ against the DPRK.”

The statement of DPRK Ambassador Kim Song at the Third Committee on October 26 
must be quoted here, as the Third Committee, with the most blatant hypocrisy, 
and outrageous irresponsibiliity has adopted those infamous “country-specific 
resolutions” which slander and defame any country the US, the UK want to 
destroy and plunder.  These “country-specific” resolutions are extremely 
dangerous engines of propaganda fabricated by the West, and are used to 
manipulate the Security Council to authorize murderous sanctions resolutions 
and military interventions which have destroyed some of the most progressive 
governments in the Middle East, and are attempting to eviscerate the government 
of the DPRK.

Ambassador Song stated at the Third Committee:

“The prevailing reality shows that egregious human rights abuses result without 
any exception from those places where national sovereignty is trampled down and 
social inequality is rampant.  It stands clear testimony to the situation of 
human rights violations where innocent people are killed bare-handed in Iraq, 
Syria, Libya and occupied Arab territories and discriminatory practices pervade 
in Western countries.  The root cause is attributable to some Western countries 
that pursue ulterior purposes in an attempt to interfere in the internal 
affairs of the independent countries and seek regime change, while abusing the 
promotion and protection of human rights as an instrument of political and 
economic pressure…..Those same countries that advocate promotion and protection 
of human rights block the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies including the 
medicines and X-ray equipment which are badly needed for our people, children 
and women and even the sports equipment and materials under the pretext of the 
‘sanctions resolutions’ of the UN Security Council against the DPRK, thereby 
gravely violating the rights to existence and development of our people.   We 
demand that the inhumane and barbarous UN Security Council’s ‘sanctions 
resolutions’ should be lifted immediately as required by evolving present era 
and international relations.

Investment in health and education are given highest priority in socialist 
DPRK.  I was there in May, 2017, and I witnessed the superlative level of free 
health care and education.  Subsequent sanctions adopted by the UN Security 
Council have probably destroyed much of that admirable social system.  By 
contrast, in the United States, and I quote the late Mrs. Evelyn Lauder, who 
stated at a meeting of “Power Couples” at the 92 Street “Y’ in New York, 
shortly before her death from cancer:

“In the United States we pay 30 million dollars yearly to a basket ball player, 
but we pay only 30 thousand dollars yearly to a teacher.  I think that is 

So spoke the honest Mrs. Evelyn Lauder at a conference I attended several years 
ago.  Today,  on September 24, 2018, a Time Magazine cover article stated:  “I 
have a master’s degree, 16 years of experience, work two extra jobs and donate 
blood plasma to pay the bills.  I’M A TEACHER IN AMERICA.”  Hope Brown, 
Woodford County High School, Versaille, Kentucky.

Last week I received a letter from “City Meals on Wheels” stating: 

“There are 2.5 million elderly Americans who go to bed hungry….  A recent study 
conducted in partnership with Cornell Institute for Translational Research on 
Aging found that 67 per cent of the seniors we serve are over 80 years old.  
Fifty-seven percent live alone.  THEY ARE ALSO VERY POOR.  More than one third 
of the seniors we serve live below the poverty level!!!!!”

This is the capitalist paradise President Trump promised the DPRK if they 
abandon socialism and adopt capitalism.  A brief walk through midtown 
Manhattan, from 42 Street and Sixth Avenue toward Seventh Avenue reveals 
homeless and shattered human beings sleeping in the gutters and living in the 
streets.  Exiting Grand Central Terminal at Lexington Avenue, at 7AM,  reveals 
long lines of homeless people sleeping in the streets.  White New Yorkers, 
Black New Yorkers, Hispanic New Yorkers.  This is the capitalist paradise the 
DPRK can aspire to if it relinquishes its defenses and grovels before the one 
percent who control more than 50 percent of the wealth of this planet.  I doubt 
the DPRK is so stupid.  But the capitalist West will never stop trying to force 
them to their knees.


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Carla Stea is Global Research’s correspondent at the United Nations 
Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

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