Author`s name Costantino Ceoldo <>

29 Nov 2018 at 21:42

Why you need the Revolution

Opinion <>» Columnists

"The word Revolution is not, for us French, a vague word. We know that the
Revolution is a rupture, the Revolution is an absolute. There is no
moderate revolution, there is no revolutionary dirigism as there is the
dirigism of the economy. What we announce will be done against the whole
current system, or it will not be done. If we thought that this system is
capable of reforming itself, that it can break away from itself the course
of the fatal evolution towards the Dictatorship - the Dictatorship of Money
- we would certainly refuse to run the risk of an explosion capable of
destroying precious things, which they will reconstruct after a long time,
of perseverance, of disinterestedness and of love.

[image: Why you need the Revolution. 63264.jpeg]

*by Maurizio Blondet*

But the system will not change the course of its evolution, for the good
reason that it does not evolve anymore; it is organized only for the
purpose of simply lasting another moment, of surviving. Far from pretending
to resolve its own contradictions, which are nonetheless insoluble, it
seems increasingly ready to impose itself by force, thanks to a regulation
that is more meticulous and narrower than the particular activities, made
in the name of a kind of democratic form of dictatorship. Every day in fact
the ideological period has long since surpassed, in New York as in London.
We see the British Imperial Democracy, the American Plutocratic Democracy
marching hand in hand with the Marxist empire of the Soviet Dominions,
certainly pursuing the same final purpose, whatever the cost, having the
air to fight it, the system within the which all they have acquired wealth
and power. Because, after all, Russia plays the classic role of
parliamentary opposition in the capitalist system."

"In short: regimes once opposed to ideology are nowadays closely linked by
technology. It is always a matter of ensuring total mobilization for total
war, in view of total mobilization for total peace. *A world earned for
Technique is lost for Freedom.*"

*Who is the author of the above step?* Perhaps a philosopher defender
of *Gillets
Jaunes*, a contemporary who lived the Paris events of 24 November? No, and
the mention of the Soviet Union will have put you on notice. This is *Georges
Bernanos* (1888-1948), and wrote these lines at the beginning of *1945*.
The Allies have just won, and he, the anti-Fascist of the Spanish Civil
War, who also joined De Gaulle's liberation organization, travels around
Europe to warn, in heated conferences, on the dangers of the post-Yalta
world and on technological progress and unbridled capitalism - in a rapid
pamphlet of which we can hardly today, immersed and slaves of digitization,
intelligence artificial and virtual reality (or augmented), appreciate the
prophetic value: "*France against the Robots*".

*In the days of the totally unexpected uprising of the Peripheral France*,
it seemed useful to me to resume these lines. Bernanos is the Catholic
writer, author of the famous *Diary of a country curate*. It is interesting
to see how he speaks of the Revolution as an absolute, almost sacred. For
us Italian Catholics, the Jacobin Revolution was an anti-Christian
aberration and totalitarian terror; Bernanos knows this very well, he is
also the author of the *Carmelite Dialogue*, in which he recalls the true
story of the guillotined Carmelites of Compiègne on 17 July 1794, making of
it a drama of fear, of grace and of accepted martyrdom. But as French,
however, he recognizes the Revolution as extreme "sacred" political
necessity, when the existing order has lost all legitimacy, it is
anti-human and makes you as slaves.

If he saw what the System against which he invoked the Revolution became
today, Bernanos would have little to change. To replace "Soviet Union" with
the capitalist-communist China, which is not an alternative but a
"parliamentary opposition" in the globalist system; and even better, with
Saudi Arabia, this clot of obscurantist wickedness, despotic barbarity,
hypocritical vices and unearned billions that is the most important ally of
the West. It would denounce the sales of French weapons (174 new export
licenses worth billions of euros, "bombs, mines, rockets, missiles,
explosive devices") in the perfect knowledge that the monstrous Wahabi
kingdom uses them to exterminate the population of Yemen.

Yemen where impoverished parents sell little girls to Arab husbands: "like
Nojud, forcibly married by her father at the age of 10. In spite of the
promise not to touch her until the first menstrual cycle, the husband has
repeatedly abused her. For two months Nojud cried every night in the
indifference of the acquired family and the violence of the "groom"
irritated by her rejections". According to the Nada foundation, which
fights very early marriages, more than 250 girls in Yemen were forcibly
married in 2017, often after the loss of their parents. In the same year,
120 children were hospitalized in the first week of marriage, 12 did not
survive their wedding night, six committed suicide; others died from
complications due to early pregnancy.

Only the Dictatorship of Money can explain this horrible incest among the
"advanced" West (which affirms and promotes all the ever new "rights") with
the most odious slavery, with such Arab bestiality, that the whole West
accepts because it can to pay. Where the most aberrant aspect is the
Western "good conscience" - the one that for example had Heiko Maas, the
German foreign minister, write that the EU, now that the US has become
barbarians under Trump, "must become the cornerstone of the international
order" because "compromise and balance are in its DNA, [...] *Europe rests
on the rule of law, on respect for the weakest* and our experience that
international cooperation is not a zero sum game."

Thus, with perfect hypocritical conscience, after having reduced the Greek
people to despair and destruction, Maas is sure that he is not the same and
worse brutal than Trump's America and that the EU is a model of
unattainable civilization as "association of States convinced of the
advantages of multilateralism, which believe in international cooperation
and the rule of law". Bernanos could not yet know this EU. Yet he describes
it perfectly in that entity "*which does not evolve anymore*; it is
organized only for the purpose of simply lasting again, of surviving. Far
from pretending to resolve its own contradictions, which are nonetheless
insoluble, it is more and more ready to impose itself by force, *thanks to
a more meticulous and narrower regulation of particular activities*, made
in the name of a sort of democratic form of dictatorship".

Democracy, this? Let's give the final word to Bernanos:

"*I do not care to scandalize the weak spirits* who oppose to reality words
already dangerously emptied of substance, like "Democracy". What do I care?
If you are too coward to look at this world to see it as it is, turn your
eyes away, stretch your hands to its chains. [...] But do not commit the
infamy of prostituting the word revolution, this religious word, this
sacred word, dripping through the centuries of the blood of men. Especially
not prostitutes the word "progress". *Never a system has been more closed
than this, it has offered less prospects of transformation, of change*.
This world is founded on a particular conception of man, common to the
English economists of the eighteenth century as to Marx or Lenin. Sometimes
it has been said that man is a religious animal. The global system has
defined it once and for all as an economic animal: not only the slave, but
the object, the almost inert, irresponsible material of economic
determinism - and without the hope of freeing it, since it has no other
reason than interest, profit. Bolted in itself by egoism, individual no
longer appears except as a negligible quantity, subject to the logic of
large numbers; we do not pretend to use him except as mass, based on the
knowledge of the laws that govern the masses. So that progress is no longer
in man, it is in technique, in the improvement of methods capable of
allowing the ever more effective use of human material."

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