*Menghina lawan diskusi dengan kata-kata merendahkan lawan adalah cermin
tingkat intelektual penghina, karena tidak mempunyai argumen yang
menyakinkan lawan serta mencerdaskan yang lain..*

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 6:01 PM 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com [GELORA45] <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Saya sudah bilang bung ini kebaekan.
> Orang2 seperti ini perlu dihajar supaya rendah diri dan ngerti etika serta
> moral.
> Dia menganggap dirinya seorang democrat.. Ciri yg membedakan seorang
> democrat dan republiken diUSA itu salah satunya adalah orang democrat itu
> mempersoalkan etika dan moral. Kalau orang republiken gak pusing masalah
> moral dan etika ini, yg penting hasil akhir: menang.
> Diseluruh dunia setiap transaksi perbankan akan selalu melalui screening
> process yg lazim disebut clearing. Ada clearing house diseluruh dunia. Ini
> prinsip dasar dan arti dari prudential di dunia perbankan.
> Sejalan dgn perkembangan teknologi computer yg mempercepat proses
> screening ini seperti online payment, bukan berarti tidak ada proses
> screening. Dibelakang meja bagian IT kerjanya luar biasa dalam proses
> screening ini. Dan rekonsiliasi antar bank selalu terjadi setiap saat.
> Tadinya secara konvensional ada orang bank pergi keclearing house yg
> biasanya dibank sentral suatu negara. Setelah diverifikasi oleh orang bank,
> cek baru bisa diuangkan. Sekarang jaman teknologi dimana online banking
> begitu cepat shg memungkinkan screening terjadi setiap saat dalam hitungan
> detik.
> Akhir kata: si GOBLOK itu ngeyel. Dia sudah tahu dia salah, tetapi dia
> seperti biasa gak pernah mengakui kesalahannya.
> Jadi selain GOBLOK, si GOBLOK itu juga sombong dan tidak bermartabat. Ini
> yg saya hajar biar dia sadar. Sayangnya kesadarannya memang lambat dan atau
> mungkin sudah tidak mungkin krn sifatnya yg jelek itu. Saya masih bersyukur
> bahwa dia sudah gak begitu berani lagi petentang petentent dimilis ini krn
> saya telanjangi terus kesalahan2nya yg sok itu.
> Nesare
> *From:* GELORA45@yahoogroups.com <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 7, 2019 2:31 PM
> *To:* Gelora45 <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [GELORA45] Re: Eka Tjipta
> Movement of a check from the bank in which it was deposited to the bank on
> which it was drawn, and the movement of its face amount in the opposite
> direction. This process (called 'clearing cycle') normally results in a
> credit to the account at the bank of deposit, and an equivalent debit to
> the account at the bank on which it was drawn. Also called clearing.
> Read more:
> http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/check-clearing.html
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CanadianChequeSamplePAR.png>
> Cheque <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheque> sample for a fictional bank
> in Canada showing the MICR encoding used during clearing to route the
> cheque to the appropriate bank
> *Cheque clearing* (or *check clearing* in American English
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences>)
> or *bank clearance* is the process of moving cash (or its equivalent)
> from the bank <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank> on which a cheque
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheque> is drawn to the bank in which it
> was deposited, usually accompanied by the movement of the cheque to the
> paying bank, either in the traditional physical paper form or digitally
> under a cheque truncation
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheque_truncation> system. This process is
> called the clearing cycle
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearing_(finance)> and normally results
> in a credit to the account at the bank of deposit, and an equivalent debit
> to the account at the bank on which it was drawn, with a corresponding
> adjustment of accounts of the banks themselves. If there are not enough
> funds in the account when the cheque arrived at the issuing bank, the
> cheque would be returned as a dishonoured cheque marked as non-sufficient
> funds <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-sufficient_funds>.[1]
> <https://en.wikipedia..org/wiki/Cheque_clearing#cite_note-dishonour-1>
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheque_clearing
> How Checks Clear: When Money Moves (and Doesn't)What Happens When You
> Write (or Deposit) a Check?
>    - Share
>    - Pin
>    - Email
> [image: Signing a Check]
> *•••*
> *BY JUSTIN PRITCHARD <https://www.thebalance.com/justin-pritchard-314987>*
> Updated January 20, 2019
> Check clearing is the process of moving money to complete a payment made
> by check. The process can take several days, or it may be almost instant,
> depending on how the recipient handles the payment.
> *Moving funds between banks:* In most cases, the recipient (or payee)
> submits the check to their bank, and the bank collects funds from the check
> writer’s bank.
> That process often takes two to three business days, but it can take
> longer—especially for international payments and other unusual
> circumstances. Intermediaries like correspondent banks and the Federal
> Reserve <https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-central-bank-315194> often
> help with these transactions.
> *Internal payments and check cashing:* Funds sometimes move quickly. For
> example, if the check writer and the payee both use the same bank, internal
> transfers are faster. Likewise, if you cash a check at the check writer’s
> bank, the funds come out of that account immediately.
> When all goes well, the process is smooth. But depending on your
> perspective, the timing can be a problem:
>    - If you received the check, you’re probably in a hurry for it to
>    clear.
>    - If you wrote the check, you might be hoping for a few extra days to
>    get money into your account.
> Logistically, the receiving bank or credit union (where the payee deposits
> or cashes the check) sends the check to the bank that the funds are drawn
> on, or to a clearinghouse. Banks originally sent physical checks to each
> other, but they increasingly use images of checks for improved efficiency..
> Assuming funds are available and there is no problem with the check, the
> paying bank transfers money to the receiving bank.
> Checks You Write
> How long does it take a check to clear after you write it? It depends on
> several factors. In most cases, checks hit your account two to three days
> after the payee receives your payment. Until the check clears, it is
> essentially just an IOU—a promise to pay, which you might not fulfill. But
> the clearing timeline is compressing since the Check 21 Act, which enables
> banks to handle a greater number of checks electronically, took effect in
> October 2004.
> *Consider the money spent:* When you write a check, act as if the money
> is no longer in your account. In the past, people did this by recording
> every transaction in check registers
> <https://www.thebalance.com/use-check-registers-315289>. Balancing your
> checking accounts (whether on paper or electronically) is still a good
> practice
> <https://www.thebalance.com/balance-your-bank-account-templates-forms-and-tips-315464>
> .
> *Float time:* You might be accustomed to waiting several days (or longer)
> to see money to actually leave your account. During that time, the check
> is called "outstanding,"
> <https://www.thebalance.com/outstanding-checks-315275> and you could
> potentially spend the money on something else. But you'd be spending that
> money twice, committing fraud, and setting yourself up for overdraft fees..
> Using the same funds twice while waiting for a check to clear is called 
> "taking
> advantage of the float,
> <https://www.thebalance.com/floating-checks-315303>" and it can lead to 
> numerous
> problems
> <https://www.thebalance.com/you-bounced-a-check-what-happens-now-315337>.
> *How long do you have?* It is technically illegal to write a check that
> you know can’t clear, so only write checks when you have funds available
> <https://www.thebalance.com/funds-available-315426>. In practice, you may
> actually have a few days. Processing times may depend on whether you mail
> the check or hand it to a cashier at a major retailer. Checkout registers
> often come equipped with check scanners that instantly convert your paper
> check into an electronic check
> <https://www.thebalance.com/electronic-checks-315297>—and you can be sure
> that the check will be sent to your bank as quickly as possible (perhaps
> even that same day).
> *It depends on the payee:* Even if you hand the check to an individual
> (such as a friend you're repaying or a plumber who works on your home),
> that person might use a mobile device to deposit the check
> <https://www.thebalance.com/how-can-i-make-mobile-check-deposits-315427>.
> They might even take it to your bank and cash the check so that it clears
> instantly. Alternatively, the individual or business might let the check
> gather dust for a few weeks before taking it to the bank for deposit.
> Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure.
> As a rule of thumb, assume that funds leave your account about two days
> after you pay by check, but that timeframe can *easily* change.
> Using Checks You Receive
> If you receive a payment by check, you're probably antsy to use the money:
> You might need it for expenses, or you might have doubts about whether or
> not the check will bounce. So how long do you have to wait for the check to
> clear?
> *“Available” does not mean cleared: *When somebody writes you a check, it
> has "cleared" when the check writer’s bank transfers money to your bank and
> you can spend the funds. However, it's not always clear if or when the
> money arrives (or not). Your bank often allows you to spend money from
> deposited checks—and even withdraw cash—before a check clears.
> *The risk is yours:*
> You're responsible for any checks you deposit, so you'll have to repay any
> funds you use if the check bounces after you've taken the money. Federal
> law (Regulation CC) requires that banks make at least part of your
> deposit available <https://www.thebalance.com/funds-availability-315448> to
> you within a few days. For many items, like personal checks, the first $200
> is available within one business day (if not immediately), and the
> remainder becomes available a few days later. Banks make larger amounts
> available for other items, such as government-issued checks, cashier's
> checks, and USPS money orders.
> Your bank can be more liberal than the law requires: The bank may simply
> assume that every check is good and allow you to withdraw the full amount
> immediately. Convenient, right? But if that check bounces
> <https://www..thebalance.com/returned-checks-overview-315276>, you’ve got
> trouble. The bank will debit your account to take the money back, and that
> can lead to serious problems.
> *How long should you wait before assuming a check has cleared?* It’s wise
> to be conservative about checks you're unsure of. With checks written from
> major banks, you'll often (but not always) find out within a few days if
> there's a problem. When checks come from overseas accounts, things can take
> *much* longer. Your best bet is to contact your bank and get a firm
> answer on the status of the check. Explain your concerns, and ask whether
> or not you're taking any risk if you spend the money.
> For more details, see How Long to Wait After Depositing a Check
> <https://www.thebalance.com/how-long-to-wait-after-depositing-a-check-315006>
> .
> *For fastest service:* To make funds available as quickly as possible,
> deposit checks as soon as possible. Use remote check deposit when
> available, and deposit checks early in the day to qualify for that day's
> cut-off time. Your bank often places a hold on deposits for five days or
> so, but in many cases, the funds become available more quickly.
> If that's not fast enough, try asking customer service or a manager if
> there's any way to free up some of those funds
> <https://www.thebalance.com/checking-account-hold-315305> (this might
> work if you're an established customer with no history of bad checks in the
> account).
> Dangers of "Cleared" Checks
> If you have any doubt about a "cleared" check, don’t spend the money until
> you’re satisfied that your bank successfully collected the money it needs.
> Waiting is inconvenient, but dealing with a negative account balance isn't
> much fun either.
> Assuming that a check has cleared is dangerous. Sometimes an honest
> mistake causes problems, and sometimes con artists take advantage of
> misunderstandings about how checks clear. A common scam involves paying
> somebody with a check (especially a fake cashier's check
> <https://www.thebalance.com/cashier-s-check-fraud-315795> or money order
> <https://www.thebalance.com/money-order-scams-315055>), but paying too
> much. Next, the con artist asks the victim to return the overpayment amount
> or forward the money to a “shipper.” The victim sends money that doesn’t
> exist, and eventually, the bank finds out the check was bad.
> Unfortunately, banks don’t protect consumers in this situation—the victim
> is responsible for any losses and will need to repay the bank.
> https://www.thebalance.com/how-long-to-wait-after-depositing-a-check-315006
> Pada tanggal Kam, 7 Feb 2019 pukul 18.19 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com
> [GELORA45] <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> menulis:
> Gobloknya dimana?
> Ane ingetin ya, dithread ini ane lagi nyalahin ente yg bilang cek itu bisa
> langsung diuangkan dan tidak melalui clearing.
> Ini salah besar. Ini omongan orang yg gak ngerti dan sok tahu.
> Semua transaksi cek akan lewat clearing! Ini berlaku diseluruh dunia.
> Kalau ente bilang ada cek yg bisa langsung diuangkan krn tdk lewat
> clearing house. Ini artinya banknya engkong ente!
> Hehehehe
> Nesare
> *From:* GELORA45@yahoogroups.com <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 7, 2019 12:06 PM
> *To:* Yahoogroups <gelora45@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject:* RE: [GELORA45] Re: Eka Tjipta [1 Attachment]
> [image: Inline image]
> ---In GELORA45@yahoogroups.com, <nesare1@...> wrote :
> Nah sekarang ente bilang ane = demons of stupidity.
> Tadinya ente yg bilang YOU = STUPIDIDY alias GOBLOK.
> Diskusi dan debatnya gak ada. Argumennya gak ada.
> Kan memang ente ini jagonya nyinyir. Setelah dikomentari, kabur tunggang
> langgang dan dijawab dgn meme meme anak kecil dan penuh umpatan kosong!
> Aneh aneh saja ente ini.
> Hehehehe
> Nesare

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