Agar DISKUSI di GELORA45 bisa berlangsung sehat dan TIDAK mengganggu banyak pembaca dengan eyel-eyelan ataupun saling menggeloblok-goblokkan yg tidak ada gunanya itu, perkenankanlah saya mengusulkan UTAMAKAN-lah ajukan ARGUMENTASI atau berhenti ngeyel dan dengan jantan akui kesalahan!

Bagi saya yg awam soal perbankan, ... jarang-jarang terima chek apalagi giro, tapi yang saya tahu di HK, ... chek hanya bisa masuk ke account bank kita dan baru bisa diuangkan keesokan hari kerja, ... kecuali besaran duit di chek itu tidak lebih dari simpanan duit kita dibank itu. Jadi, memang yang saya tahu chek tidak bisa diganti duit langsung begitu saja, bersyarat dan hanya di bank bersangkutan. Sedang di bank berbeda harus masuk ke account kita dulu, ...

Nah, bagi Jonathan yag menyatakan sekarang chek bisa diuitkan langsung, tanpa melalui clearing house dulu, ... sebaiknya bisa buktikan dengan data, ...! TIDAK ngeyel terus.



Sunny ambon [GELORA45] 於 13/2/2019 1:14 寫道:

*Mengatakan orang goblok, tolol adalah menghina!*

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 6:09 PM 'nesare' <> [GELORA45] < <>> wrote:

    Heran rajin sekali meme memean begini, sedangkan argumennya gak ada!

    bukan GOBLOK dan merasa sbg orang pinter?!


    *From:* <>
    < <>>
    *Sent:* Sunday, February 10, 2019 4:35 PM
    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* RE: [GELORA45] Re: Eka Tjipta

    ---In <>,
    <nesare1@... <mailto:nesare1@...>> wrote :


    Sudah dikasih referensi yg begitu sederhana masih kagak ngerti!!!!

    Kalau bukan GOBLOK apalagi????!!!!

    Sekarang bilang:” Giro hanya melalui kliring, sedang cek selain
    bisa kliring juga bisa diuangkan langsung di bank yg mengeluarkan

    Gimana caranya cek dibawa ke bank langsung dapet uang kas?!!!

    Pernah ente lakukan?

    Ini skenarionya ane kasih 2 aja:

     1. Ente bawa cek ente ke bank, lalu langsung dikasih uang kas ya?
        Teller nya gak babibu langsung kasih kas ya? Kenapa ente gak
        pergi ke ATM saja instead of bawa cek utk diuangkan ke bank
        ente? Kalau ente gak ada uang di bank ente, emangnya ente
        langsung dikasih duit kas?
     2. Ente bawa cek orang lain yg bayar utang sama ente ke bank ente
        utk diuangkan. Ini langsung dikasih uang kan menurut ente?
        Kenapa dikasih uang langsung kalau pemilik cek gak ada uang?
        Banknya goblok ya? Wong diskenario 1 saja kalau ente gak ada
        uang dibank ente, ente gak akan bisa ambil uang. Ini menurut
        ane yg gak pernah tahu cara kerja bank dinegara ente loh. Moso
        segitu gobloknya orang2 bank dinegara ente? Terus gimana
        logikanya ada orang yg check cashing itu ya? Ngapain orang2
        bawa cek sendiri ke perusahaan check cashing utk menguangkan
        cek nya? Ini cek sendiri loh! Apalagi ceknya milik orang lain!!!!!

    GOBLOK dipelihara!!!!


    *From:* <>
    < <>>
    *Sent:* Thursday, February 7, 2019 2:50 PM
    *To:* Yahoogroups <
    *Subject:* Re: [GELORA45] Re: Eka Tjipta

    Bung Djie, di Indonesia dibedakan antara Cek dan Giro. Giro hanya
    melalui kliring, sedang cek selain bisa kliring juga bisa
    diuangkan langsung di bank yg mengeluarkan cek.

    Pengusaha di Indonesia pada umumnya mengeluarkan giro karena
    selain lebih aman juga tanggalnya bisa dimundurkan.

    ---In <>,
    <djiekh@.... <mailto:djiekh@...>> wrote :

    Movement of a check from the bank in which it was deposited to the
    bank on which it was drawn, and the movement of its face amount in
    the opposite direction. This process (called 'clearing cycle')
    normally results in a credit to the account at the bank of
    deposit, and an equivalent debit to the account at the bank on
    which it was drawn. Also called clearing.

    Read more:


    Cheque <> sample for a
    fictional bank in Canada showing the MICR encoding used during
    clearing to route the cheque to the appropriate bank

    *Cheque clearing* (or *check clearing* in American English
    or *bank clearance* is the process of moving cash (or its
    equivalent) from the bank <> on
    which a cheque <> is drawn to
    the bank in which it was deposited, usually accompanied by the
    movement of the cheque to the paying bank, either in the
    traditional physical paper form or digitally under a cheque
    <> system. This
    process is called the clearing cycle
    <> and normally
    results in a credit to the account at the bank of deposit, and an
    equivalent debit to the account at the bank on which it was drawn,
    with a corresponding adjustment of accounts of the banks
    themselves. If there are not enough funds in the account when the
    cheque arrived at the issuing bank, the cheque would be returned
    as a dishonoured cheque marked as non-sufficient funds

      How Checks Clear: When Money Moves (and Doesn't)

        What Happens When You Write (or Deposit) a Check?




    Signing a Check



    Updated January 20, 2019

    Check clearing is the process of moving money to complete a
    payment made by check. The process can take several days, or it
    may be almost instant, depending on how the recipient handles the

    *Moving funds between banks:* In most cases, the recipient (or
    payee) submits the check to their bank, and the bank collects
    funds from the check writer’s bank.

    That process often takes two to three business days, but it can
    take longer—especially for international payments and other
    unusual circumstances. Intermediaries like correspondent banks and
    the Federal Reserve
    <> often
    help with these transactions.

    *Internal payments and check cashing:* Funds sometimes move
    quickly. For example, if the check writer and the payee both use
    the same bank, internal transfers are faster. Likewise, if you
    cash a check at the check writer’s bank, the funds come out of
    that account immediately.

    When all goes well, the process is smooth. But depending on your
    perspective, the timing can be a problem:

    ·If you received the check, you’re probably in a hurry for it to

    ·If you wrote the check, you might be hoping for a few extra days
    to get money into your account.

    Logistically, the receiving bank or credit union (where the payee
    deposits or cashes the check) sends the check to the bank that the
    funds are drawn on, or to a clearinghouse. Banks originally sent
    physical checks to each other, but they increasingly use images of
    checks for improved efficiency. Assuming funds are available and
    there is no problem with the check, the paying bank transfers
    money to the receiving bank.

          Checks You Write

    How long does it take a check to clear after you write it? It
    depends on several factors. In most cases, checks hit your account
    two to three days after the payee receives your payment. Until the
    check clears, it is essentially just an IOU—a promise to pay,
    which you might not fulfill. But the clearing timeline is
    compressing since the Check 21 Act, which enables banks to handle
    a greater number of checks electronically, took effect in October

    *Consider the money spent:* When you write a check, act as if the
    money is no longer in your account. In the past, people did this
    by recording every transaction in check registers
    <>. Balancing
    your checking accounts (whether on paper or electronically)
    is still a good practice

    *Float time:* You might be accustomed to waiting several days (or
    longer) to see money to actually leave your account.. During that
    time, the check is called "outstanding,"
    <> and you
    could potentially spend the money on something else. But you'd be
    spending that money twice, committing fraud, and setting yourself
    up for overdraft fees. Using the same funds twice while waiting
    for a check to clear is called "taking advantage of the float,
    <>" and it can
    lead to numerous problems

    *How long do you have?* It is technically illegal to write a check
    that you know can’t clear, so only write checks when you have
    funds available
    <>. In practice,
    you may actually have a few days. Processing times may depend on
    whether you mail the check or hand it to a cashier at a major
    retailer. Checkout registers often come equipped with check
    scanners that instantly convert your paper check into an
    electronic check
    <>—and you can
    be sure that the check will be sent to your bank as quickly as
    possible (perhaps even that same day).

    *It depends on the payee:* Even if you hand the check to an
    individual (such as a friend you're repaying or a plumber who
    works on your home), that person might use a mobile device to
    deposit the check
    They might even take it to your bank and cash the check so that it
    clears instantly. Alternatively, the individual or business might
    let the check gather dust for a few weeks before taking it to the
    bank for deposit. Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure.

    As a rule of thumb, assume that funds leave your account about two
    days after you pay by check, but that timeframe can /easily/ change.

          Using Checks You Receive

    If you receive a payment by check, you're probably antsy to use
    the money: You might need it for expenses, or you might have
    doubts about whether or not the check will bounce. So how long do
    you have to wait for the check to clear?

    *“Available” does not mean cleared: *When somebody writes you a
    check, it has "cleared" when the check writer’s bank transfers
    money to your bank and you can spend the funds. However, it's not
    always clear if or when the money arrives (or not). Your bank
    often allows you to spend money from deposited checks—and even
    withdraw cash—before a check clears.

    *The risk is yours:*

    You're responsible for any checks you deposit, so you'll have to
    repay any funds you use if the check bounces after you've taken
    the money. Federal law (Regulation CC) requires that banks make at
    least part of your deposit available
    <> to you
    within a few days. For many items, like personal checks, the first
    $200 is available within one business day (if not immediately),
    and the remainder becomes available a few days later. Banks make
    larger amounts available for other items, such as
    government-issued checks, cashier's checks, and USPS money orders.

    Your bank can be more liberal than the law requires: The bank may
    simply assume that every check is good and allow you to withdraw
    the full amount immediately. Convenient, right? But if that check
    you’ve got trouble. The bank will debit your account to take the
    money back, and that can lead to serious problems.

    *How long should you wait before assuming a check has
    cleared?* It’s wise to be conservative about checks you're unsure
    of. With checks written from major banks, you'll often (but not
    always) find out within a few days if there's a problem. When
    checks come from overseas accounts, things can take /much/ longer.
    Your best bet is to contact your bank and get a firm answer on the
    status of the check. Explain your concerns, and ask whether or not
    you're taking any risk if you spend the money.

    For more details, see How Long to Wait After Depositing a Check

    *For fastest service:* To make funds available as quickly as
    possible, deposit checks as soon as possible. Use remote check
    deposit when available, and deposit checks early in the day to
    qualify for that day's cut-off time. Your bank often places a hold
    on deposits for five days or so, but in many cases, the funds
    become available more quickly.

    If that's not fast enough, try asking customer service or a
    manager if there's any way to free up some of those funds
    <> (this
    might work if you're an established customer with no history of
    bad checks in the account).

          Dangers of "Cleared" Checks

    If you have any doubt about a "cleared" check, don’t spend the
    money until you’re satisfied that your bank successfully collected
    the money it needs. Waiting is inconvenient, but dealing with a
    negative account balance isn't much fun either.

    Assuming that a check has cleared is dangerous. Sometimes an
    honest mistake causes problems, and sometimes con artists take
    advantage of misunderstandings about how checks clear. A common
    scam involves paying somebody with a check (especially a fake
    cashier's check
    <> or money
    order <>), but
    paying too much. Next, the con artist asks the victim to return
    the overpayment amount or forward the money to a “shipper.” The
    victim sends money that doesn’t exist, and eventually, the bank
    finds out the check was bad.

    Unfortunately, banks don’t protect consumers in this situation—the
    victim is responsible for any losses and will need to repay the bank.

    Pada tanggal Kam, 7 Feb 2019 pukul 18.19 'nesare' nesare1@...
    <mailto:nesare1@...> [GELORA45] <
    <>> menulis:

                Gobloknya dimana?

                Ane ingetin ya, dithread ini ane lagi nyalahin ente yg
                bilang cek itu bisa langsung diuangkan dan tidak
                melalui clearing.

                Ini salah besar. Ini omongan orang yg gak ngerti dan
                sok tahu..

                Semua transaksi cek akan lewat clearing! Ini berlaku
                diseluruh dunia.

                Kalau ente bilang ada cek yg bisa langsung diuangkan
                krn tdk lewat clearing house. Ini artinya banknya
                engkong ente!



                <> <
                *Sent:* Thursday, February 7, 2019 12:06 PM
                *To:* Yahoogroups <
                *Subject:* RE: [GELORA45] Re: Eka Tjipta [1 Attachment]

                <>, <nesare1@...
                <mailto:nesare1@...>> wrote :

                Nah sekarang ente bilang ane = demons of stupidity.

                Tadinya ente yg bilang YOU = STUPIDIDY alias GOBLOK.

                Diskusi dan debatnya gak ada. Argumennya gak ada.

                Kan memang ente ini jagonya nyinyir. Setelah
                dikomentari, kabur tunggang langgang dan dijawab dgn
                meme meme anak kecil dan penuh umpatan kosong!

                (Message over 64 KB, truncated)

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