05.02.2019 00:41
International Opposition to Attempted Trump Regime Coup in Venezuela
International Opposition to Attempted Trump Regime Coup in Venezuela

International Opposition to Attempted Trump Regime Coup in Venezuela. 
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Nicolas Maduro is Venezuela's democratically elected president, the process 
judged open, free, and fair by international monitors. 

The country's political process reflects what democracy is supposed to be all 
about - a model for other nations, polar opposite the sham, money-controlled US 
system, voters having no say over how they're governed by one-party rule with 
two extremist right wings.

Juan Guiado is a right-wing extremist nobody, plucked from obscurity to 
prominence by the Trump regime and echo chamber US-led Western media, backing 
the coup attempt, opposed to democratic governance they abhor in their own 
countries and abroad.

So far, the Trump regime fell far short of gaining overwhelming support for 
their scheme to transform Venezuela into another US vassal state, aiming to 
control its world's largest oil reserves, the prize Republicans and 
undemocratic Dems have long coveted.

Italy refused to recognize US-designated puppet Guaido as interim Venezuelan 
president. Deputy Foreign Minister Manlio Di Stefano warned against "a new war 
in" the country. "We must prevent" a repeat of the disastrous outcome of US-led 
intervention in Libya, he stressed.

Italy opposes interfering in the "internal affairs of another country. It is 
called the principle of non-interference and is recognized by the United 
Nations," he added.

RT reported that "Italy vetoed EU recognition of...Guaido" as interim 
Venezuelan president, preventing the body from formally endorsing him over 
Maduro if snap presidential elections aren't held. So far, six of 28 EU nations 
formally expressed support for Guaido

Spain initially rejected Guaido as interim Venezuelan president, US pressure 
and perhaps threats forced a U-turn on this issue, Italy surely pressured the 
same way.

Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador said the following:

"We and the Spanish government share the call for dialogue between the sides 
(in Venezuela). I believe that we have agreed that we can engage in this 
(process) if it is necessary in order to make both sides of the conflict sit 
down and maintain dialogue without any conditions."

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez supports holding "free and fair elections" 
- ignoring Maduro's democratic election last May. He justifiably rejects a 
rerun, what the Trump regime wants until an acceptable anti-Bolivarian 
candidate wins.

Republicans and undemocratic Dems want EU unanimity for Guaido they haven't 
gotten so far. Russia, China, Mexico, South Africa, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, 
El Salvador, Suriname, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Italy, Uruguay, and the African 
Union oppose the coup attempt.

The largely US-controlled Organization of American States got only 16 out of 34 
member states to express support for regime change, short of the required 
number needed for its endorsement.

Through his spokesman, UN Secretary-General Antonio failed to recognize 
unconstitutionally self-proclaimed interim president Guaido, adding:

"The United Nations is ready to increase its activities in Venezuela in the 
areas of humanitarian assistance and development. However, for this, the United 
Nations needs the consent and the cooperation of the government" led by Maduro.

Guterres "underscore(d) that recognizing governments is not a function for the 
secretary but for member states."

Sputnik News reported that the African Union supports Maduro, quoting its 
Deputy Chairperson Thomas Kwesi Quartey's "message of solidarity with the 
people of Venezuela and of support for constitutional president Nicolas Maduro."

He supports snap National Assembly elections this year, saying the AN needs to 
be "re-legitimized." It's been in contempt of Venezuelan constitutional law for 
illegally seating four disputed members, suspected of winning fraudulently by 
vote buying, why the AN's actions have no legal standing, according to the 
country's Supreme Court.

Maduro challenged Trump, saying "(y)ou're making mistakes that will leave your 
hands covered in blood, and you will leave the presidency stained with blood. 
Why would you want a repeat of Vietnam?"

"If the North American empire attacks us, we will have to defend 
ourselves....We aren't going to hand Venezuela over" so the US can rape and 
pillage it like it's done countless times before, what it's doing now in many 

Maduro rejected EU demands to step down and recognize puppet Guaido as interim 
president, a shameless figure with no legitimacy, a traitor to his country, 

"We don't accept ultimatums from anyone. I refuse to call for (new 
presidential) elections now. There will be elections in 2024. We don't care 
what Europe says."

"You can't base international politics on ultimatums. That's the stuff of the 
empire, of colonial times."

On Sunday, Trump repeated the threat of US military intervention as one of his 
options, discussed in a separate article, ignoring popular sentiment in 
Venezuela - overwhelmingly opposed to US sanctions and war.

Time and again, Mike Pompeo's shows he's an out-of-control bloodthirsty 
psychopath. The same goes for John Bolton - see definition below. 

These extremists are running Trump's geopolitical agenda,  including its wars 
of aggression with others in mind, Iran a prime target, convicted felon, fellow 
psychopath point man for regime change in Venezuela Elliott Abrams joining the 
team, an axis of pure evil incarnate.

Last Friday, Bolton threatened Maduro, saying the following:

"...I wish him a long, quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from Venezuela. 
And the sooner he takes advantage of that, the sooner he's likely to have a 
nice, quiet retirement on a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach 
area like Guantanamo."

The overwhelming majority of Republicans and Dems, along with virtually the 
entire US-led Western establishment media echo chamber, support replacing 
Bolivarian social democracy with US-controlled fascist tyranny.

"In Venezuela, there is only one president, who has the authority and economic, 
institutional and other powers," said Maduro, adding:

"We are the victims of the campaign in which the US turned us into the number 
one enemy. We believe in diplomacy, in understanding."

"I have made a thousand proposals to the US. I like saying if you want peace, 
get ready to protect it. We are getting ready. Only if the American army 
attacks us, we will have to defend ourselves."

"The worst alternative is war, and we will not start it." Asked what he'd say 
to Vladimir Putin face-to-face, he said "(w)hat I always say to him."

"Thank you for your friendship (and) your support." Preserving and protecting 
the nation's sovereignty needs it stepped up by Russia, China, and other 
nations, supporting Venezuela's struggle against imperial Washington - 
humanity's scourge!

A Final Comment

According to the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), developed by criminal 
psychology expert Robert Hare and his colleagues, psychopaths exhibit 
"dissocial personality disorder," including "coldheartedness," a "callous 
unconcern for the feelings of others," a lack of remorse, shame or guilt, 
irresponsibility, an extremely high threshold for disgust, impulsiveness, 
emotional shallowness, "pathological lying," a "grandiose sense of self-worth," 
an incapacity for love, a "parasitic lifestyle," among other abnormalities.

Their brains don't work like normal people. They "con others for personal 
profit or pleasure." Most, maybe all, of the above traits apply to Pompeo, 
Bolton, Abrams, the departed Nikki Haley - and Trump!

Their actions show America is run by a gang of recklessly dangerous criminal 

They should be locked up to prevent them from doing any more damage than 

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at 

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How 
the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Photo: By The Photographer - Own work, CC0, 




See more at http://www.pravdareport.com/news/world/142229-opposition_to_coup/
  • [GELORA45] VENEZUEL... 'DR. Alexander Tjaniago' ysk...@yahoo.co.id [GELORA45]

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