Cardinal GeorgePell of Australia Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

By Livia Albeck-Ripka and Damien Cave

March 12, 2019

MELBOURNE, Australia — GeorgePell, an Australian cardinal who was the Vatican’s 
chief financial officer andan adviser to Pope Francis, was sentenced to six 
years in prison on Wednesday,for molesting two boys after Sunday Mass in 1996.

The cardinal was convicted onfive counts in December, making him the most 
senior Catholic official — and thefirst bishop — to be found guilty in a 
criminal court for sexually abusingminors, according to, which tracks cases of sexualabuse by Catholic clergy.

Cardinal Pell, who stoodstone-faced with lips pursed when his sentence was read 
aloud, will not beeligible for parole for three years and eight months..

“I would characterize thesebreaches and abuses as grave,” the chief judge in 
the case, Peter Kidd, saidduring the sentencing. Speaking directly to Cardinal 
Pell, he added: “Yourconduct was permeated by staggering arrogance.”

Thesentence, falling far short of the 50-year maximum, will be closely 
scrutinizedaround the world. The hearing was broadcast live from the courtroom 
inMelbourne, Australia’s second-largest city, where Cardinal Pell first rose 
toprominence as an archbishop.

It brings to a close two yearsof legal jockeying over evidence and accusations 
of sexual abuse, most of whichwere kept from public view by Australia’s legal 
system until recently. And forCatholics all over the world, it amounts to the 
toppling of a Vatican giant, acleric of enormous power who will now reside 
behind bars.

“The importance of this casecannot be overstated,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, 
co-director of“It will set a precedent.”

Victims of sexual abuse andadvocates who attended the sentencing left with 
mixed feelings. Some called ita welcome if small dose of justice, while others 
said the sentence was far toolenient.

“Why should we take intoaccount his age?” said Phil Nagle, an advocate for 
abuse victims from Ballarat,Cardinal Pell’s hometown. “He’s ruined lives.”

Conversation startersabout Australia and insight on the global stories that 
matter most,sent weekly by Damien Cave, our Australia bureau chief. Plus: 
heapsof local recommendations.

Themain complainant in the case, who is unnamed in accordance with Australian 
lawsthat aim to protect sexual abuse survivors, also made clear that his pain 
andfrustration would linger. He issued a statement through his lawyer, 
VivianWaller, who read it aloud to reporters just minutes after the sentencing.

“It is hard for me, for thetime being, to take comfort in this outcome,” his 
statement said. “I appreciatethat the court has acknowledged what was inflicted 
upon me as a child. However,there is no rest for me.”

Cardinal Pell’s conviction was unsealedonly two weeks ago, when the court 
lifted a suppression order that had kept theguilty verdict a secret in 
Australia for months.

The cardinal, 77, says he isinnocent, and his lawyers have said they will 
appeal the conviction. In a signof his once-rarefied status, he can count among 
his supporters two formerAustralian prime ministers, including one, John 
Howard, who submitted acharacter reference as part of a push for a reduced 

In his pre-sentence remarks,Judge Kidd referred repeatedly to such context, 
noting Cardinal Pell’s seniorrole in the church and his life of service beyond 
the offenses. But he alsocondemned Cardinal Pell for his “sustained offending” 
and described his“graphic sexual misconduct” as egregious.

CardinalPell was convicted on five counts of abuse relating to two separate 
episodes.The most important evidence came from a single complainant, who said 
that aftera Sunday Mass in late 1996 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, 
he andanother 13-year-old boy sneaked into the priests’ sacristy, where they 
werediscovered, reprimanded and molested by Cardinal Pell.

According to the man’stestimony, Cardinal Pell pushed the other boy toward his 
genitals, then movedon to the complainant. The cardinal put his penis into the 
boy’s mouth, beforetelling him to remove his pants, touching himself and the 
boy at the same time,he said.

Cardinal Pell was convicted ofthree counts of committing an indecent act with, 
or in the presence of, a childand one count of sexual penetration of a child 
under the age of 16.

A separate charge related to anepisode some weeks later, in which the same 
complainant said the cardinalpushed him up against a wall and squeezed his 

When Judge Kidd laid out thesedetails in court, before issuing his sentence, 
Cardinal Pell mostly sat stilland looked straight ahead. But at other moments, 
when Judge Kidd described theabuse in detail, including the complainant’s fear 
and pleas to be let go duringthe abuse, the cardinal closed his eyes.

“During the incident,” JudgeKidd said, they were “crying and sobbing.” But 
Cardinal Pell, he said, toldthem to keep quiet.

Cardinal Pell’s legal team hadtried to persuade jurors that no man of such 
prominence would risk it all toabuse two 13-year-old boys. In a trial that 
began in August, the approachworked; it ended with a mistrial. But a second 
trial that started in Novemberyielded a conviction. In February, the cardinal 
was jailed to await sentencing.

Itwas a fall from great heights for Cardinal Pell, who appeared in court 
withouthis clerical collar. In Australia, at least, there were few figures of 
anyreligion who were better known or more combative in matters of faith 

Cardinal Pell’s career spanneddecades, starting with his time as a parish 
priest in his hometown, Ballarat,followed by stints as archbishop of Melbourne 
and, later, of Sydney.

He became a cardinal in 2005.In 2014, Pope Francis named him the prefect of the 
Secretariat for the Economy,charging him with overseeing the Vatican’s finances.

At every point, he was a savvyfinancial operator — he is well known, in part, 
for protecting church financesfrom large payouts to abuse victims — and a 
culture warrior. He could frequentlybe found raising money for conservative 
causes in Australia, publiclycondemning homosexuality and stepping into policy 
debates as well, opposing,for example, legislation to allow adoption by gay 

At the same time, he was trailedby accusations of sexual abuse reaching back to 
the 1960s, when he was aseminarian. His denials always won out, until two years 
ago, when he returnedto Australia from the Vatican to face a variety of charges.

Besides the episodes for whichhe was convicted, a handful of other allegations, 
from the 1970s, nearly cameto trial. Cardinal Pell was accused of touching two 
boys on the genitals whileplaying with them in a swimming pool, and another boy 
in a lake.

Thosecharges made it all the way to pretrial hearings. But after the judge 
deemedsome evidence inadmissible last month, prosecutors decided not to 
proceed. Witha trial on those charges no longer pending, the judge lifted his 
gag order,allowing news outlets in Australia to report Cardinal Pell’s 

Since then, more allegationsagainst Cardinal Pell have emerged. The relatives 
of at least one victim — thesecond 13-year-old he was convicted of abusing, who 
later died — have said thatthey plan to sue Cardinal Pell and the church in 
civil court.

Cardinal Pell may also facerenewed scrutiny for how he handled cases of abuse 
when he was archbishop.

But on Wednesday, Judge Kiddimplored the public to remember that Cardinal Pell 
was being sentenced only forthe crimes he committed in 1996. Survivors outside 
the courtroom said theyhoped it would lead to greater accountability. “A lot of 
them don’t getsentenced,” said David Emery, a 64-year-old survivor.

Cardinal Pell’s sentence, headded, was “going to leave a mark.”

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