Wow, Hari Wanita Internasional di Tkk diperingati dengan memamerkan wanita 
cantik, menari-nari....Tapi bagaimana sebenarnya nasib kaum wanita dalam 
Tiongkok sekarang... Di bawah ini bukan tulisan orang pendukung sosialisme Mao, 
lho!! Tapi toh matanya bisa melihat kenyataan hidup di mana emansipasi wanita 
bukannya tambah maju, tapi malah mundur.. Apa yang telah dicapai dalam 
sosialisme Mao, dalam praktek hilang....digantikan dengan wanita sebagai barang 
dagangan murah...
China: Capitalism ispushing back women’s rights

MARCH 8, 2015 6:40 PM

Wage gap haswidened and sex discrimination in the job market is rampant

Vincent Kolo,

China Central Television’sgala to celebrate the Lunar New Year is reportedly 
the most watched televisionprogramme in the world. It is broadcast live on 189 
state-run channels and theviewing audience, despite falling in recent years, is 
more than 600 millionpeople. The four-and-half hour spectacle is also 
shamelessly sexist, with thisyear’s programme aired on 18 February hitting a 
new low in the opinion ofwomen’s rights activists and many others who have 
spoken out on China’s vastbut tightly policed social media.

“The gala shamelesslydiscriminated against and made fun of women. Are the 
directors taking us back to imperial times whenwomen had to bind their feet?” 
This was just one of thousands of angryposts on Weibo, China’s version of 
twitter, after this year’s gala. A feministinspired petition has slammed the 
show as “poisonous” pointing out it made 44jokes at the expense of women – 
single women as “leftover” and femalecivil servants as “gold diggers” (prepared 
to hop into bed with their male bossesto gain promotion). These protests are 
fresh evidence that a new generation ofwomen activists is emerging in China, 
protesting against domestic violence anddiscrimination in the job market. In 
several cities female activists havestaged protests by occupying men’s toilets, 
to draw attention to the lack offacilities and longer queues for women. This, 
remember, is under a hardlinedictatorship that clamps down fast on any protests.

The furore surrounding theannual TV gala throws a spotlight on a much bigger 
problem. The social position of women isbeing pushed backwards as part of the 
wider social counterrevolution that hasoccurred in China, with capitalism 
replacing state planning and recreatingrampant inequality between rich and 
poor, city and countryside, eastern andwestern regions.

Wage gapwidens

“The market economy has ledto increased gender inequality since the 1990s,” 
noted feminist writer LijiaZhang (China File 11 June 2014).. This is reflected 
in the widening wage gapbetween women and men, a development that runs counter 
to international trendswhere wage differentials have narrowed although they 
still disfavour women. According to official statisticsurban women in China in 
2010 earned on average 67.3 percent of men’s earnings,down from 78 percent in 
1990. In the countryside, women make just 56 percent ofmen’s wages.

Women white-collar workersface a wall of sexist attitudes and open 
discrimination. Even the New YorkTimes (20 February 2015) acknowledges that, 
“In the office, Socialist-eraegalitarianism has been replaced by open sexism, 
in some cases reinforced bythe law.” The newspaper quotes Chinese feminist Feng 
Yuan, “Women’s status has notimproved, and in some areas has regressed.”

Some factsthat illustrate the negative trend:

§  A 2010 survey showed that69 percent of employers set gender conditions when 
recruiting staff, despitethis being illegal. It is common for advertisements to 
specify that “only men need apply”, oronly “attractive women”.

§  Female participation inChina’s labour force is high by world standards, but 
the proportion of urban women in employment hasdeclined from more than 77 
percent two decades ago to 61 percent.

§  Rural farmland title deedsare mainly in male hands, with less than a fifth 
of these contracts includingwives’ names. In the event of divorce women are 
often left empty-handed.

§  Millions of Chinese undergo cosmetic surgery eachyear. In Beijing,female 
senior high school and college students make up over 80 percent ofplastic 
surgery patients – a fact that is undoubtedly linked tointense pressure in the 
job market through the widespread use of physicalappearance requirements in job 


Discrimination against women in the job market is now common and quiteopen, 
despite this being illegal. Employers hardly bat an eyelid about runningopenly 
sexist job advertisements because such reactionary attitudes have 
becomesocially acceptable. A survey last year by People’s University in 
Beijingshowed that when an identical resumé was sent to job agencies butwith a 
different sex, male graduates had a39.2 percent higher chance than female 
graduates of beingcalled to an interview. The figure for postgraduates rose 
to53 percent. As in every society such gender attitudes invariablycome from the 
top, from the ruling layer, as exemplified by CCTV’s New YearGala shows.

The People’s Daily evenfeatured a photo exhibition entitled “beautiful scenery” 
showing womenhostesses working at the 18th Congress of the ruling Communist 
Party (CCP) in2012. The unmistakablemessage from this is that women provide 
decoration while men make the decisions.Socialist blogger, Wang Linyu says 
capitalism is profiting from the idea of “leftoverwomen” and preying on the 
anxieties and family pressures associated witha woman not finding a partner.. 
More than one hundred datingwebsites have sprung up in China and in just the 
first quarter of 2014 thismarket was worth 490 million yuan (US$78 million) 
according toBloomberg Businessweek (18 August, 2014). “They are trying to 
stigmatise and marginalise theso-called leftover women to make more money” says 
Wang. “A related trend is theboom in schools of female virtuosity (女德学堂) which 
promote feudal ethics to serve today’scapitalist society.”

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  • [GELORA45] Fw: LOMBA TAR... Chalik Hamid [GELORA45]
    • Re: [GELORA45] Fw: ... Tatiana Lukman [GELORA45]

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