Pencerahan bagi mereka yang selalu menganggap kemakmuran dan ketenangan hidup 
di Belanda dan Eropa sebagai sesuatu yang dianggap sudah tercapai dan akan 

Why we strike: on the education strike in the Netherlands

"We are not striking to fill our pockets. But to demand an end to the bossing 
around of our universities by politicians and bureaucrats."
Enzo RossiNicholas Vrousalis13 March 2019Students support their teachers 
striking in Denver, February, 2019. | Flickr. Kari. Some rights reserved.

The Dutch education sector is in turmoil, once again. Four years after the 
student occupations that began in Amsterdam and swept the whole country, the 
totality of teachers in the Netherlands is due to strike, for the first time 
ever, on March 15. This sector-wide strike follows in the wake of a wave of 
successful teachers’ strikes in the United States. The strike will be a loud 
opening salvo; a powerful broadside will follow if the government doesn’t 

So what’s wrong with Dutch education? The answer can be found in the policy mix 
pursued by successive Dutch governments, contriving to simulate an 
austerity-driven market mechanism in the public sector. Universities and 
schools are encouraged to compete against each other for students and monies, 
under emaciated budgets, on the basis of dubious benchmarks and targets. The 
policy has raised the student/staff ratio in the Netherlands to one among the 
highest in the OECD – higher than the US, Greece and Italy; the ratio is 
approaching 20 in the main research universities..

These pathologies are consequences of diminishing funding per student (68% more 
university students since 2000, and -25% in government funding per student) 
creeping micromanagement of teaching and research, and growing authoritarianism 
from management – all made possible, indeed foisted on university teachers and 
researchers, by government policy.

We are therefore striking to demand an end to the bossing around of our 
universities by politicians and bureaucrats. We are striking to demand the 
cancellation of the latest budget cuts, and the restoration of real funding 
levels to those of the year 2000. 

We are not striking to fill our pockets. Rather, we are striking to pay for an 
increase in staff numbers that will improve the student/staff ratio; to provide 
better infrastructure for our students; to reduce the workload and frequency of 
burnouts among our colleagues; to improve our institutional capacities for 
self-government; and to improve the quality of Dutch education.

We are also striking to protest against the creeping mechanisms of market 
simulation and commercialization in education. We are striking to contest the 
incessant drive to turn schools and universities into supermarkets, with an 
unelected – and unaccountable – board of directors at the top, and a hapless 
army of consumers at the bottom. We are opposed to the opacity and 
authoritarianism at the helm of Dutch education, to the hierarchies that the 
drive to privatization inevitably creates, and to the recent cuts in the 
humanities that threaten to destroy institutional structures of research and 
teaching it took decades to create.

Any benchmarking, targets and managerial indices that impinge on academic 
development, teacher-student relations, or inter-university relations violate 
the freedom and independence of educational institutions. This does not mean 
that teaching and research should not be evaluated. All it means is that, if 
teaching and research are to be evaluated, then evaluation must be based on 
their content alone, not on spurious market-mimicking metrics. For all its 
flaws, only the institution of peer-review can evaluate academic work for what 
it is.

We are therefore striking for respect: respect for the necessity of a 
well-funded educational system; respect for our autonomy as institutions of 
teaching and learning; respect for education as a precondition for a democratic 
society. The American teachers’ strikes show that we can win.

  • [GELORA45] Why we strike... Tatiana Lukman [GELORA45]

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