Kan ada peraturan yang sifatnya universal bahwa seseorang tidak bisa dicabut 
kewarga-negaraannya kalau dengan dicabutnya kewarga-negaraannya tsb ybs akan 
menjadi stateless. 

---In gelora45@yahoogroups.com, <djiekh@...> wrote :

 Bertempur bukan untuk Indonesia, tanpa seizin negara, mestinya kan sudah 
otomatis kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesianya ?
 Memperoleh kewarganegaraan lain atas kemauannya sendiri; Tidak menolak atau 
melepaskan kewarganegaraan lain, sedangkan yang bersangkutan mendapat 
kesempatan untuk itu; Masuk dalam dinas tentara asing tanpa izin Presiden; 
Secara sukarela masuk dalam dinas negara asing, yang jabatan dalam dinas 
semacam itu di Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan 
hanya dapat dijabat oleh Warga Negara Indonesia; Secara sukarela mengangkat 
sumpah atau menyatakan janji setia kepada negara asing atau bagian dari negara 
asing tersebut; Tidak diwajibkan tetapi turut serta dalam pemilihan sesuatu 
yang bersifat ketatanegaraan untuk suatu negara asing; Mempunyai paspor atau 
surat yang bersifat paspor dari negara asing atau surat yang dapat diartikan 
sebagai tanda kewarganegaraan yang masih berlaku dari negara lain atas namanya, 
atau; Bertempat tinggal di luar wilayah negara Republik Indonesia selama 5 
(lima) tahun terus menerus bukan dalam rangka dinas negara, tanpa alasan yang 
sah dan dengan sengaja tidak menyatakan keinginannya untuk tetap menjadi Warga 
Negara Indonesia sebelum jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun itu berakhir, dan setiap 5 
(lima) tahun berikutnya yang bersangkutan tidak mengajukan pernyataan ingin 
tetap menjadi Warga Negara Indonesia kepada Perwakilan Republik Indonesia yang 
wilayah kerjanya meliputi tempat tinggal yang bersangkutan padahal Perwakilan 
Republik Indonesia tersebut telah memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada yang 
bersangkutan, sepanjang yang bersangkutan tidak menjadi tanpa kewarganegaraan; 
Warga Negara Indonesia dinyatakan hilang kewarganegaraannya oleh Presiden atas 
permohonannya sendiri apabila yang bersangkutan sudah berusia 18 (delapan 
belas) tahun atau sudah kawin, bertempat tinggal di luar negeri, dan dengan 
dinyatakan hilang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia tidak menjadi tanpa 

 Pada tanggal Sab, 22 Jun 2019 pukul 06.24 Sunny ambon ilmesengero@... 
mailto:ilmesengero@... [GELORA45] <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> menulis:

 Kembali ke pangkuan Ibu Pertiwi untuk meneruskan cita-cita di dalam negeri?

 JUNE 21, 2019
 ISIS headed home to Indonesia Authorities are preparing for the return of 
hundreds of Indonesian ISIS fighters from Iraq and Syria who may or may not 
have renounced their radical ideology
 Indonesian counterterrorism officials are prepared to allow hundreds of 
captured Islamic State (ISIS) fighters and their families to return to their 
homeland, with one significant condition: They must renounce the radical 
ideology that drove them to Syria and Iraq in the first place. 
 The screening will take place in Syria, but National Counter Terrorism Agency 
(BNPT) director Suhardi Alius acknowledged in a recent interview with Tempo 
magazine that it won’t be easy, saying the influence of the women in particular 
cannot be underestimated.
 The United Nations Security Council warned earlier this year about the danger 
of assuming that returning men were a higher security threat than women.
 “Women play important roles in ISIS recruitment and propaganda…even if they 
don’t fight, they can still spread radical ideas and encourage others to commit 
 Several Western countries, including France, Britain and the Netherlands, have 
sought to avoid responsibility for their stranded nationals, insisting that 
logistical challenges and security risks make it almost impossible for them to 
offer any help.
 Others, such as Turkey, Kosovo, Russia and the Central Asia states of 
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have already repatriated hundreds of 
former ISIS followers, though they are not so transparent in showing what 
happens to them after they arrive on home soil.
 A government worker removes ISIS flags painted on walls in Surakarta City, 
Indonesia, in an attempt to discourage the promotion of the jihadist group in 
the region. Photo: AFP Forum/Agoes Rudianto
 Apart from about 200 Indonesian women and children at the crowded Al Hol 
refugee camp close to the Syria-Turkey border, the BNPT still does not have a 
clear estimate of how many Indonesians are among the 1,000 foreign militants 
being held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alone.
 More than 120 Indonesian terrorists have died in the conflict across Iraq and 
Syria since 2014, but Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict 
(IPAC) director Sidney Jones believes another 200 men, not all of them 
combatants, are languishing in Kurdish jails.
 Among the more high-value detainees is Munawar Kholil, 32, who acted as a key 
recruiter before he went to Syria himself in 2012. He is being held along with 
other ranking leaders in Al-Malikiyah Prison in the tri-border area of Syria, 
Turkey and Iraq.
 The Indonesian Foreign Ministry does not have any record of Indonesians being 
put on trial in Iraq, where courts have already sentenced more than 500 foreign 
ISIS fighters to death or to heavy jail terms, often for being only members of 
the terror group.
 Most of the Indonesian women and children in the Al Hol camp came from the 
eastern Syrian town of Baghouz, where ISIS made a last stand against the 
Kurdish-led SDF last March as the caliphate crumbled from thousands of square 
kilometers to a tiny enclave.
 Kurdish officials say the threat from terrorist sleeper cells in Raqqa and 
Deir ez-Zur further to the northwest in the Euphrates River valley will remain 
until there is a political solution to the overall Syrian conflict.
 Anti-terror policemen stand guard following a bomb blast at police office in 
Surabaya, Indonesia May 14, 2018. REUTERS/Beawiharta
 After selling all their property, many of the Indonesian detainees also burned 
their passports once they arrived in Syria, which left them officially 
stateless until authorities can check their birth certificates and track down 
family members to verify their identity.
 The Indonesian government has established police liaison offices in Ankara and 
Damascus and asked Turkish authorities to put Indonesian deportees on direct 
flights to Jakarta, so they can’t get off at different transit points and 
re-enter their homeland undetected.
 Intelligence reports suggest as many as 500 Indonesians may remain in Syria, 
but an unknown number of militants who have no wish to return home are believed 
to have crossed from Turkey and Iraq into Iran on their way to Afghanistan to 
join the growing ISIS in Khorasan (ISIS-K).
 Alius says he does not object to Indonesian militants accused of specific 
terrorist acts being tried in an international court. As for the returnees, 
security remains the number one priority given the fact that one deportee was 
involved in last year’s Surabaya suicide bombings, which claimed 28 lives.
 “It is essential to eradicate these new seeds (of terrorism),” Alius told 
Tempo. “We have to pay attention to our Indonesian citizens, but we must 
safeguard Indonesia as a whole. If they (the returnees) can come in just like 
that and we are re-infiltrated, it would be a disaster.”
 Many Indonesians returned home from the Middle East disillusioned and 
penniless after being attracted by the romantic illusion of defending a 
caliphate and being greeted with privation and brutality on a scale for which 
they were unprepared.
 Armed police escort Indonesian JAD leader Aman Abdurrahman (C) into the South 
Jakarta courtroom, Jakarta, February 15, 2018,. Photo: AFP/Bay Ismoyo
 ISIS cells remain active across Indonesia. Only last month, the Detachment 88 
counterterrorism unit headed off a plot by the extremist Jamaah Ansharut Daulah 
(JAD) network to carry out suicide bombings during demonstrations in Jakarta 
against alleged voter fraud in the April presidential election.
 ISIS-affiliated groups, including JAD, are not united in any structured way, 
but analysts say that is what makes them more difficult to eradicate. It is 
also clear that the Surabaya attacks and other violence has been the work of 
home-grown militants who never set foot in Iraq or Syria.
 Critics say while attention for now rests on bringing home Indonesians from 
the Middle East who are not deemed to be a potential threat, the BNPT has to 
spend far more on its stuttering de-radicalization program than simply 
involving more religious figures.
 “They have to be prepared to support these people for two or three years,” 
says one counterterrorism expert. “Once they come out of the program, they have 
no money and no job. What are they going to do? They see no future for 
themselves, so where are they going to go?”



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