Tak apa index demokrasi NKRI dibawah Malaysia, tetapi ada Pancasila


*Indonesia, once regional model, falls further behind Malaysia in democracy


   Karina M. Tehusijarana

   The Jakarta Post

Jakarta   /   Wed, January 22, 2020   /   02:50 pm

he Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) recently released annual democracy
index shows Indonesia's democracy has yet to climb out of its funk, even as
neighboring Malaysia experiences a democratic resurgence.

The index, which is scored on a scale of zero to 10, is based on five
indicators: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government,
political participation, political culture and civil liberties.

The 2019 index puts Indonesia in 64th position out of 167 countries with a
score of 6.48. The score is a slight improvement from 2017's and 2018's
6.39, but is still the country's second-lowest score of the decade.

Malaysia, meanwhile, has continued its climb up to 43rd position with a
score of 7.16, higher than Indonesia has ever managed. The archipelago
recorded its highest score of 7.03 in 2015, following President Joko
"Jokowi" Widodo's first presidential election win.

[image: Flourish logo]
Flourish data visualisation*

The marked improvement in the quality of democracy in Malaysia comes
following the ousting of long-time ruling party United Malays National
Organisation (UMNO) in the 2018 general election. The EIU's 2018 Democracy
Index report cited Malaysia as a "bright spot" amid declining democracies
elsewhere in the region.

Meanwhile, Indonesia fell 20 places in the 2017 index, making it the worst
performer among the countries surveyed that year. The EIU’s report on the
index cited the electoral defeat and blasphemy conviction of former Jakarta
governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama as one the major indicators of
Indonesia’s decline, saying that it highlighted “uncomfortable truths about
minority rights” in Indonesia.

In the most recent report, the EIU highlighted the proposal floated by some
politicians, as well as Home Minister Tito Karnavian, to abolish direct
elections in Indonesia.

"Such a regressive step would weaken the country’s electoral system,
replacing the current competitive, high-turnout elections with an opaque
procedure," the report said.

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