Ini sih ente sudah bukan dilusional tetapi sudah gila!

Masalah data seorang Indonesia naik dragon air ke shanghai, ente menuding dgn 
menulis begini: Lantas kenapa RRC menuding Indonesia sebagai asal-muasal 


Ini sudah keterlaluan!

Bung moderator harus bertindak!

Orang ini harus diminta penjelasan ttg tulisannya di thread ini.


Belum lagi si ajeg ini bilang orang italia marah. Sedangkan RRT membantu Italia 
dengan gencarnya sekarang ini dalam menanggulangi covid 19 ini di italia. 


A group of 300 Chinese intensive-care doctors began to arrive in Italy on 


tulisannya yang saya kuning2in ini jelas2 rasis. Ini persis teriakan Trump yg 
bilang coronavirus wuhan/china. Sedangkan kenyataannya belum ada 1 manusia pun 
yg tahu asal muasalnya covid 19 ini. 

Hehe, sedikit demi sedikit digeser, lama-lama akan tertulis sejarah: "Wuhan 
adalah kota paling sehat sealam-semesta, dan wabah Corona bermula dari 


Tulisan ajeg ini rasis!


Saya sudah baca dengan teliti artikel ini. Achmad Yurianto dirjen CDC Indonesia 
saja bilang belum menerima informasi dari RRT. Begitu juga dubes RI di RRT 
Djauhari Oratmangun baru mau tanya ke pemerintah RRT. Jadi itu hanya data, 
tetapi data ini dipakai utk menyebarkan rasisme terhadap RRT.


Bener2 keterlaluan orang satu ini. Sangat berbahaya.

Tidak ada sensitifitas sama sekali tulisan2 seperti ini dapat menimbulkan 
sentiment anti cina. Trump sudah dikritik habis2an di press conferencenya di 
White house sampai ditanya2 dan didesak2 oleh para wartawan kenapa dia melabel 
coronavirus dgn sebutan coronavirus wuhan china.


Trump Defends Using ‘Chinese Virus’ Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism





From: <> 
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 12:13 PM
To: GELORA45 <>
Subject: [GELORA45] China reports imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia



Ada banyak tempat yang dikunjungi anak ini setelah dia terbang dari Indonesia. 
Lantas kenapa RRC menuding Indonesia sebagai asal-muasal penyakitnya?

Hehe, sedikit demi sedikit digeser, lama-lama akan tertulis sejarah: "Wuhan 
adalah kota paling sehat sealam-semesta, dan wabah Corona bermula dari 

Pantaslah orang Itali marah. Hanya karena pasien Corona yang meninggal di Itali 
lebih banyak dari Cina tiba-tiba berembus istilah "Flu Itali" ...



China reports imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia

Budi Sutrisno

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta   /  Thu, March 19, 2020  /  11:41 am

China has announced an imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia, a 35-year-old 
Chinese national identified as Zhang, who had developed symptoms in the 
archipelago last week before being diagnosed upon his return to Shaanxi 

The Shaanxi Health Commission announced on its website on Tuesday that Zhang 
was the province’s first imported case. He reportedly developed a cough and 
fever on March 10 during his stay in Indonesia.

However, which city in Indonesia he visited and how he became infected remain 

The report said Zhang took Dragon Air flight KA896 from Indonesia to Shanghai 
via Hong Kong on March 13 and stayed at the Vienna International Hotel in 
Shanghai that night.

The next day, Zhang traveled by car to Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 
2 p.m. local time, departed on China Eastern flight MU2162 at around 5 p.m. and 
arrived at the Xi’an Xianyang International Airport in Shaanxi at 7:45 p.m.

Upon arriving in Xi'an, Zhang informed airport staff of his physical 
discomfort. As he showed a high temperature, he was sent to the Xi'an Central 
Hospital at midnight.

Early Sunday morning, the Xi’an Center for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a 
nucleic acid and serological tests on him. The nucleic acid test was 
inconclusive, while the serological test came out negative.

A second nucleic acid test done the next day came out positive. Zhang also went 
through an examination of clinical symptoms, blood tests, imaging tests and 
expert consultation before being diagnosed as a confirmed case.

He was immediately transferred to the Xi'an Eighth Hospital for isolation and 

Authorities have isolated Zhang’s close contacts in China for medical 
observation. The Shaanxi Health Department said there were 80 new close 
contacts in the province, of which 79 were linked to Zhang.

The Health Ministry’s disease control and prevention director general, Achmad 
Yurianto, said he had not received any information on the matter but would 
trace Zhang’s close contacts in Indonesia.

“Tracing is a certain thing, but it will be difficult. Where do we want to 
start if we don’t know which city he went to?"  Yurianto told The Jakarta Post 
on Wednesday, adding that the Indonesian Embassy in China would take the 
initial steps.

Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun said he would contact the 
Chinese government and ask details on Zhang before passing them to Jakarta for 
further investigation.

“Indeed, the number of cases from internal transmissions in China has now 
declined. They are mostly flown in from outside [of China]. Out of 13 confirmed 
cases [on Wednesday], 12 were imported,” he told the Post.

As of Tuesday, China has reported 80,894 COVID-19 cases, of which 69,614 have 
recovered and 3,237 died. At least 155 imported cases were recorded in China, 
Djauhari said. 

Meanwhile, Shaanxi has reported a total of 246 confirmed cases, with 233 
discharged cases and three deaths.

After the first imported case with Zhang, the Shaanxi administration followed 
the strict measures applied by most regions in China by ordering a 14-day 
quarantine for people entering the province starting Tuesday to strengthen its 
prevention and control measures.

Under the order, Chinese or foreign nationals entering Shaanxi directly or 
transferred from other cities in the country must immediately report their 
basic information and health status to quarantine personnel and community 

“[They must] actively cooperate with relevant units to carry out prevention and 
control measures, such as nucleic acid testing and centralized isolation for 14 
days. Related costs would be borne by each individual,” the administration said 
as reported by  <> 
People’s Daily Xi’an.

It also required officials in government agencies and institutions at all 
levels in the province to make a report as soon as they learn that relatives 
and friends are about to return to Shaanxi from abroad.

“Those who conceal contact or residence history, misrepresented their illness 
or refused to implement prevention and control measures that can spread or 
cause the risk of spreading the new coronavirus will be investigated for 
[negligence],” it added.


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