Buruh ilegal terus mengalir ke Indonesia!!! Pelanggaran lagi!!!
    ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: ajeg <ajegil...@yahoo.com>To: Tatiana 
Lukman <jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com>Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020, 03:51:32 PM 
GMT+2Subject: Re: Collective protests begin to flare up again as China returns
Di Indonesia masih cukup banyak Rakyat yang menjadi pejabat dan petugas 
masyarakat. Sayang istananya penuh boneka yang menyamar sebagai manusia.
Tak Punya Izin, TKA Asal China Dipulangkan dari Bintan

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Tak Punya Izin, TKA Asal China Dipulangkan dari Bintan
Pemkab Bintan memerintahkan 39 TKA asal China dipulangkan karena tak memiliki 
izin untuk bekerja. Puluhan TKA itu akan diberangkatkan ke Jakarta besok..
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--- jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com wrote:

Collective protests begin to flare up again as China returns to work
17 March 2020
After a month in which there were virtually no worker protests in China because 
much of the country was on lockdown, workers are beginning to take collective 
action again. Many protests have been related to the economic distress caused 
by the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic.

China Labour Bulletin’s Strike Map has recorded 25 incidents since businesses 
outside the central province of Hubei tentatively resumed production after the 
extended Lunar New Year break in mid- and late-February. 

This is still a very low number compared with previous years and most protests 
were relatively small-scale, but given that Covid-19 is still prevalent in many 
parts of the country, it is remarkable that there are any collective protests 
and demonstrations at all.

Many of the protests were in service and transport industries that were already 
experiencing economic difficulties prior to the covid-19 outbreak.

On 10 March, for example, more than a thousand taxi drivers in the southwestern 
city of Liuzhou staged a protest demanding the suspension of cab rental fees 
and the right to sell their vehicle back to the cab company with no penalty. 
Drivers said that even though people were returning to work, the lack of 
passengers made it impossible for them to earn a living.

There was a noticeable increase in the number of taxi driver protests prior to 
the Covid-19 outbreak at the end of last year as pent-up frustrations over 
local government regulations, cab company management and especially competition 
from ride-app and unlicensed drivers erupted in a series of large-scale and 
sometimes violent protests.

Most of the recent worker protests have been related to wage arrears and 
layoffs. Several workers at a snack food company in Beijing, for example, 
staged a protest on 10 March after the company refused to pay three months’ 
wages in arrears totalling nearly 400,000 yuan even after an arbitration court 
ordered it to pay up.

The previous day, 9 March, there was a protest by medical staff at a private 
hospital in Zibo, Shandong, who were also owed three months’ pay and claimed 
moreover that the hospital was using expired medical supplies.

In another Beijing protest, workers demonstrated against the mandatory unpaid 
leave policy implemented by online service provider 58.com that would only give 
staff a subsidy equal to 80 percent of the local monthly minimum wage, far from 
a living wage.

There were also several protests in early March by small shop and restaurant 
owners demanding rent cuts because of the drastic downturn in business they had 
experienced since the onset of the epidemic. The Financial Times noted that 
family-run shops, street stalls, hole-in-the-wall eateries and other small 
businesses employ about 230 million people in China and are particularly 
vulnerable to economic shocks because they have less capital and are less able 
to borrow.

Construction workers, including some workers who were recruited to build 
emergency hospitals for covid-19 patients in Wuhan, have also been forced to 
protest over unpaid wages. Most recently workers at a construction site in 
Zhoukou, Henan, were beaten after staging a wage arrears protest.

As normal production gradually resumes in China, workers who are already 
struggling after months of economic disruption will be more determined than 
ever to ensure their rights to remuneration, social insurance and compensation 
are not violated.


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