Nenek yang satu ini kurang perhatikan, kalau email tsb. BUKAN dari yahoogroups, bukan YAHOO Mail team!

*Harus hati-hati dengan bentul email macam begini seringkali pancingan utk mengambil password begitu orang mengikuti PETUNJUK agar email acc nya TIDAK ditutup sekuian jam berikut, ...!*

On 4/4/2020 上午1:32, Tatiana Lukman [GELORA45] wrote:

Nah, lihat sekarang saya dapat final warning dari yahoo yang akan menutup account saya permanently. Artinya, warniing berisi ancaman untuk menutup account saya, bukan?? Karena saya menolak untuk upgrade yang minta bayaran.
----- Forwarded Message -----
*From:* Email Upgrade <>
*Sent:* Friday, April 3, 2020, 07:26:55 PM GMT+2
*Subject:* Your E-Mail Will Expire Soon! (FINAL WARNING)


Your Mail version is outdated.

Failure to Upgrade to the newest Yahoo Mail 11.5 now will result to a permanent account closure.

To upgrade please open the Attachment to avoid service disruption

Yahoo! Mail Team

Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Double check the upgrade process to confirm if upgrade has been done successfully.

  • Re: [GELORA45] Fw: Your ... ChanCT [GELORA45]

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