Asia Sentinel

Malaysia’s Health Czar Under Fire
charge mismanagement, authoritarian behavior
Our Correspondent

A widening chorus of critics charges that Malaysia’s Director-General for
Health, Noor Hisham Abdullah, has badly mishandled the country’s approach
to the Covid-19 virus while fostering a cult of personality around him and
aggrandizing his importance, almost rendering him out of control.

The pandemic has now affected at least 5,532 victims and caused 93 deaths
although the critics charge that delays and miscues in testing and
tracking, which are crucial to reining in the virus, have made the numbers
meaningless. Tests now are being conducted on 3,515 subjects per million of
population, compared to 16,203 per million in Singapore, for instance, with
more than 1,000 cases per day currently being discovered in the city-state
compared to only double figures in the whole of Malaysia.

Noor, who is also the chairman of the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC), has
become the frontman for the campaign, a budding public star who exhibits a
thoughtful demeanor and a deadpan delivery as he describes the developments
in the campaign against the virus. But the critics charge the ministry’s
complacency borders on negligence.

Last year, Noor was associated with allegations reported by Asia Sentinel
of a cover-up of systemic corruption in MMC
hearings which allowed doctors accused of gross professional
to go free of sanctions.

Malaysia’s first cases were confirmed on January 25 in visitors from
Guangdong and Wuhan (case number 4) in China, which most experts agree was
the source of the original outbreak. Only two days before, on January 23,
Wuhan had been placed into full lockdown affecting 11 million people
following the Chinese government’s acknowledgment that a life-threatening
epidemic was underway. Other local cases emerged slowly from unknown
sources, suggesting that the virus had found other entry points and
community transmission pathways. Nonetheless, critics say, despite having
identified cases directly from the source city and with evidence of
localized infection and transmission, Noor and his team at the health
ministry made few if any emergency preparations.

This lack of prior preparation between the first outbreak and the national
lockdown, formally known as the Movement Control Order, which wasn’t issued
until March 18 – 53 days later – resulted in shortages of personal
protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, beds and above all testing and
tracking equipment
which many claim may have cost the lives of dozens of people.

Indeed, as late at April 17, Noor had only just sourced and ordered rapid
test kits from Korea almost three months after the first cases
one month into the national lockdown. During this period of inactivity, on
February 12, by which time the WHO was reporting 45,171 cases globally, the
then-Health Minister, Dzulkifly Ahmad announced in direct contradiction to
WHO advice issued the previous day that public gatherings in Malaysia would
not be banned. Noor appears to have played a central role in delivering
advice to go ahead with the event, a religious affair that focuses on
persuading Muslims to return to practicing their religion.

That decision was to prove a disaster for the management and spread of
Covid-19, leading to thousands more cases and at least 20 deaths.

*The Tabligh disaster*

On the same day that Dzulkifly announced the ministry's decision to allow
mass gatherings, approval was given to the international religious
convention of up to 16,000 people at a mosque in Sri Petaling in Kuala
Lumpur from February 27 to March 3.

That was to be the source of the largest single outbreak of the disease
with 1,963 people testing positive and 20 dead. In total 27,522 people were
tested as the participants came into contact with others in the wider
community. A huge expense of scarce resources was wasted involving the
police in tracking down thousands of participants, some of whom have still
not been identified. The number of tests took up almost 30 percent of the
total number across the whole population.

Multiple other clusters were linked to the Tabligh including a wedding in
which 135 guests tested positive, 44 of whom were health workers. Many of
the clusters involve tahfiz religious schools – schools specializing in
memorizing the Quran – requiring additional testing of 9,842 students.

*Post-Tabligh panic*

Public and political commentators found a ready group of politicians to
blame for the Tabligh disaster, which took place around the same time as
the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government and ended Dzulkifly’s tenure
as health minister.

The later revelation that the approval had been given two weeks earlier has
exposed a different story in which Noor takes a central but so far
unexplained role. Dzulkifly immediately pointed the finger at the then-Home
Minister, now Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin although his deputy Lee Boon
Chye contradicted that. Lee acknowledged that the health ministry had known
of the event but had not banned it or issued any public health warnings
because they did not know of any foreign participants, claiming further
that there was no local community transmission among Malaysians to raise
any concerns.

In truth, the Tabligh is an annual international event well known to the
government.  Carriers of the Covid-19 virus with no travel history had
already been identified. The then-federal territories minister Khalid
Samad, whose department had issued the road closure permits, said his
department would not have done so if they had known the government was
going to collapse.

All three appeared reluctant to discuss the director general’s role in
these decisions or to cite Noor as the source of the advice that the mass
gatherings could go ahead. Local media in turn have notably refrained from
asking Noor for clarification on the issue of whether he advised that the
event could proceed.

*Cult of personality*

Part of the reason for that appears to be Noor’s surprising public
popularity, with local, seasoned journalists writing uncritical valentines
to him. Reports have appeared of children sending him gifts. There was a
public celebration of his 57th birthday. Even veteran politician Lim Kit
Siang, leading figure of the opposition Democratic Action Party, called for
him to be named Health Minister. He has been given the same accolades as
Anthony Fauci, the central figure in the US campaign against the virus.

However, in early April, that started to come apart. A private-sector
physician accused him of “living in an ivory tower” and his ministry of failing
to protect medical front-liners
reports that lack of personal protective clothing had left 30 healthcare
workers testing positive.

Public attacks exploded against his detractor, calling for him to be sacked
from his job. On April 14, however, Noor was forced to acknowledge that
there was only personal protective equipment to last for 14 days. He
offered no apology, with critics complaining that cyberbullies were
protecting him. One social media critic adopted the moniker “Anonymous –
for fear of persecution.”

*Power grab and humiliation*

Noor was given unprecedented control over managing the lockdown. On March
16, he was criticized for advising the lockdown in the first place
On April 9, he rejected a call by 14 former presidents of the Malaysian
Medical Association for a staged wind-down
the first phase of the MCO. Instead, it was extended with even greater
powers granted to him without referral to political leaders.

On April 17, the Malaysian Attorney General, Idrus Harun, intervened
following the revelation that Noor had been granted power under the second
phase of the MCO to circumvent the judiciary by issuing fines without trial
to people alleged but not proven to have breached the lockdown. Idrus summarily
powers the following day.

Multiple ministers in the new ruling Perikatan Nasional government, which
took power on March 2, have been humiliated for attempting to rein in Noor.
Adham Baba, the Health Minister and his immediate superior, has been
effectively sidelined and ridiculed, although largely of his own making,
allowing Noor unfettered power.

The Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and effective Deputy
Prime Minister, Azmin Ali, was forced to announce that “all MCO-related
economic decisions went through the Health Ministry
in areas previously under his sole authority. Noor, for instance, summarily
dismissed an appeal by the Higher Education Minister to allow 80,000
healthy students confined in university hostels to be allowed home.

Even Muhyiddin has seen government policy rescinded or effectively
sabotaged by Noor’s rulings. After the premier had announced on national
television that the Movement Control Order (MCO) would be eased, Noor publicly
disagreeing with the decision. Later, he effectively sabotaged a Health
Ministry order requiring prior testing of all employees for firms opening
up under the prime minister’s new regulations, delaying the reopening for
two weeks pending the testing process. Former ministers have also not
escaped humiliation as the spat around his former boss Dzulkifly has shown.

Noor now appears to be untouchable, a growing chorus of critics say. Former
ministers fumble for excuses to cover up his failure to advise them to ban
the Tabligh, which caused thousands of infections and dozens of deaths.
Almost every day he identifies new, previously ignored at-risk groups which
are used to justify the lockdown for weeks or months to come.

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