*Indonesia will emerge out of pandemic highly indebted. Every rupiah counts*


   Esther Samboh

   The Jakarta Post

Jakarta   /   Tue, May 12, 2020   /   08:22 am

The government has decided to triple its debt issuance to Rp 1 quadrillion
(US$67.1 billion) this year
finance Indonesia’s battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

This massive debt will be used to plug the state budget deficit, which
looks likely to surpass the self-imposed 3 percent threshold of gross
domestic product until 2022
Part of the debt is a new bond series to mature in 50 years
the longest tenure in history with two generations later having to pay
taxes to repay it.

Indeed, unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. Because we
want the measures to bear fruit, close monitoring of how the funds are
spent needs to be prioritized. During a crisis, every penny counts.

News surrounding the social aid distribution fiasco makes this expectation
of effective budget disbursement less than convincing. Some citizens who
have lost their jobs cannot access government aid
while others are receiving double. Staple foods have piled up for days in
warehouses only to wait for bags labeled “Presidential assistance”.
is running out of money to fund social aid.

The preemployment card program has come in for scrutiny
the relevance of training at a time when few employers are hiring as they
struggle to stay afloat. Tax incentives and loan-relaxation schemes have
yet to reach businesses
some of which have already resorted to permanent closure.

Read also: Explainer: Indonesia to finance coronavirus battle mostly
through debt

The government has plans for Rp 436 trillion spending to contain COVID-19,
focusing on health care, the social safety net and business-rescue
programs. Thus, the government will become the biggest spender during the
economic crisis as businesses and consumers mostly tighten their belts.

The COVID-19 budget is justified. If anything, it is too low. At 2.5
percent of the country’s GDP, Indonesia’s COVID-19 spending is much lower
than countries
from Singapore and the United States to Australia and Malaysia, which have
allocated at least 10 percent of their respective GDPs to handle the

Hospitals are still overwhelmed. The number of hospital beds and physicians
remains far below demand
while crucial medical equipment such as protective gear and ventilators
continue to be in deficit
Indonesia is also catching up in boosting its testing capacity with the
more reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests
than the rapid antibody tests.

Meanwhile, the universal healthcare advice for physical distancing and
social distancing (PSBB) regulations in regions across Indonesia
causing severe pain to local businesses, which have resorted to layoffs and
furloughs to cut costs and survive. Up to 5.2 million people could lose
their jobs and 3.78 million fall into poverty
the pandemic as GDP may contract 0.4 percent
based on the government’s worst-case estimates.


The government has decided to triple its debt issuance to Rp 1 quadrillion
(US$67.1 billion) this year
finance Indonesia’s battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

This massive debt will be used to plug the state budget deficit, which
looks likely to surpass the self-imposed 3 percent threshold of gross
domestic product until 2022
Part of the debt is a new bond series to mature in 50 years
the longest tenure in history with two generations later having to pay
taxes to repay it.

Indeed, unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. Because we
want the measures to bear fruit, close monitoring of how the funds are
spent needs to be prioritized. During a crisis, every penny counts.

News surrounding the social aid distribution fiasco makes this expectation
of effective budget disbursement less than convincing. Some citizens who
have lost their jobs cannot access government aid
while others are receiving double. Staple foods have piled up for days in
warehouses only to wait for bags labeled “Presidential assistance”.
is running out of money to fund social aid.

The preemployment card program has come in for scrutiny
the relevance of training at a time when few employers are hiring as they
struggle to stay afloat. Tax incentives and loan-relaxation schemes have
yet to reach businesses
some of which have already resorted to permanent closure.

Read also: Explainer: Indonesia to finance coronavirus battle mostly
through debt

The government has plans for Rp 436 trillion spending to contain COVID-19,
focusing on health care, the social safety net and business-rescue
programs. Thus, the government will become the biggest spender during the
economic crisis as businesses and consumers mostly tighten their belts.

The COVID-19 budget is justified. If anything, it is too low. At 2.5
percent of the country’s GDP, Indonesia’s COVID-19 spending is much lower
than countries
from Singapore and the United States to Australia and Malaysia, which have
allocated at least 10 percent of their respective GDPs to handle the

Hospitals are still overwhelmed. The number of hospital beds and physicians
remains far below demand
while crucial medical equipment such as protective gear and ventilators
continue to be in deficit
Indonesia is also catching up in boosting its testing capacity with the
more reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests
than the rapid antibody tests.

Meanwhile, the universal healthcare advice for physical distancing and
social distancing (PSBB) regulations in regions across Indonesia
causing severe pain to local businesses, which have resorted to layoffs and
furloughs to cut costs and survive. Up to 5.2 million people could lose
their jobs and 3.78 million fall into poverty
the pandemic as GDP may contract 0.4 percent
based on the government’s worst-case estimates.

[image: Made with Flourish]

The government has allocated Rp 75 trillion of the COVID-19 spending for
health care, Rp 110 trillion for the social safety net and Rp 70.1 trillion
in tax incentives and bank loan subsidies for businesses. That is on top of
the first two rounds of fiscal stimulus packages worth Rp 10.3 trillion and
Rp 22.9 trillion, respectively.

Apart from cash transfers and staple food aid, a large chunk of the
COVID-19 state budget is being funneled into banks for interest subsidies
and so they can restructure loans for customers, mainly for hard-hit small
businesses. The government is also finalizing a new rule to allow small
businesses to take up subsidized working capital loans for survival.

In making sure that these plans pan out, the government has developed a new
2020 state budget to revise the earlier version to account for COVID-19.
Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 54/2020 shows Indonesia will issue Rp
1 quadrillion debt this year, close to tripling the original plan for Rp
351 trillion debt.

[image: Made with Flourish]

As in some economic theories, public debt to plug a budget deficit helps
boost public spending and gets the economic wheels moving. For Indonesians,
however, the words “loans” and “debt” bring painful memories of the 1998
financial crisis.

During the crisis two decades ago, companies defaulted on mounting foreign
debts as the rupiah plummeted to the weakest level in history. GDP
contracted by 13 percent and inflation soared over 60 percent. The
government resorted to billions of dollars of loans from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) to save the economy. The central bank rolled out
short-term debt called short-term liquidity support to save failing banks
as the financial system collapsed.

Today, the debt trauma is reflected in Indonesia’s debt levels. Micro and
small businesses remain hesitant to take up loans with most of their
funding coming from their own pockets and a small fraction getting bank

At 30.2 percent, Indonesia’s debt-to-GDP ratio is lower than the
internationally accepted norm of 60 percent. The new debt issuance will
likely boost the ratio to less than 40 percent, economists estimated.
Compare that with 238 percent in Japan or 107 percent in the US.

With Indonesia’s COVID-19 budget likely to leave the country more indebted
than ever before and with relatively low spending to address mounting and
pressing problems, every rupiah matters.

Read also: Indonesia braces for recession, activates crisis protocol

Close monitoring and quick troubleshooting of COVID-19 budget disbursement
requires special attention. The COVID-19 task force needs to be empowered
to handle this on top of relevant ministries and regional administrations.
The goal is to make sure every single affected person and business gets aid
quickly and with good governance.

By focusing on that, Indonesia will indeed emerge out of this pandemic
highly indebted, but its people and businesses cushioned, and the
much-needed data system strengthened.

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