US reveals key Daesh money provider based in Turkey
A security officer stands near the ‘Martyrs Monument’ in Ankara. on July
19, Turkish police detained 27 people in the country with links to Daesh.
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Updated 31 July 2020
July 31, 202003:16

   - Move to unsettle the remaining global financial networks of the
   terrorist group

ANKARA: Washington has identified a critical financial facilitator for
Daesh based in Turkey in a move to unsettle the remaining global financial
networks of the terrorist group.

In a statement on Tuesday, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) said that the Daesh facilitator, Adnan
Muhammad Amin Al-Rawi, had materially assisted, sponsored or provided
financial, material or technological support for — or goods or services to
or in support of — Daesh.
“This action coincides with the 13th meeting of the Counter Daesh Finance
Group (CIFG), which includes over 60 countries and international
organizations, and plays a fundamental role in coordinating efforts to deny
Daesh access to the international financial system and eliminate its
sources of revenue,” the statement read.
The Treasury requires that all property and interests in property of
relevant individuals that are in the US or in the possession or control of
US persons must be blocked and reported to the OFAC.
In the meantime, any foreign financial institution that deliberately
conducts or facilitates any substantial transaction on behalf of
individuals and entities designated by OFAC is likely to be subject to US
Hidden Daesh cells are known to be active in Turkey. On July 19, Turkish
police detained 27 people in 15 districts of Istanbul with links to Daesh
whom they suspect were preparing to carry out a terror attack.
According to Colin Clarke, senior research fellow on terror financing
networks with the Soufan Group, financial networks of Daesh unsurprisingly
remain active in Turkey, given the way that Daesh prepared for the collapse
of the caliphate.
“Daesh has laundered its illicit proceeds in Turkey through money-service
businesses and middlemen looking to profit from ill-gotten gains. I think
Daesh financial networks could potentially help sustain the group for the
next decade,” he told Arab News.

Daesh has laundered its illicit proceeds in Turkey through money-service
businesses and middlemen looking to profit from ill-gotten gains.

Colin Clarke, Senior research fellow on terror financing networks with the
Soufan Group

Since last year, Turkey’s financial crimes watchdog MASAK has been going
after the terror group’s illegal money transfer system, targeting suspects
who they accuse of directing to Daesh international money transfers using
the “Hawala” chain system. Turkish- and Syrian-based jewelry firms or
exchange offices are believed to act as front companies for such illegal
money transfers.
Last November, Washington blacklisted three Turkey-based companies and two
Turkish individuals based in Turkey over charges of providing financial and
logistical support for Daesh in Syria and Iraq through currency exchange
offices and import-export operations. The sanctions are meant to freeze any
US assets held by targeted individuals and companies and to forbid
Americans from doing business with them.
“The geographical defeat of Daesh in March 2019 did not mean putting an end
to the reasons behind its emergence and the conditions in which it
flourished. These include political, social and religious grievances;
repressive governance; as well as the security vacuum,” Orwa Ajjoub,
affiliated researcher at the Center for Middle Easter Studies at Lund
University, told Arab News.
According to Ajjoub, the loss of its territory has disrupted the group’s
main sources of income such as oil revenues and tax collection. However,
Daesh has found new ways to support itself such as limited legitimate
businesses, smuggling, donations, kidnapping for ransom and extortion of
wealthy individuals in the areas in which it operates in the Eastern desert
of Syria and the border region between Syria and Iraq.
“The international community realizes that drying up (Daesh’s) financial
resources is a major factor in neutralizing the group’s military
operations. Therefore, CIFG has been monitoring and sanctioning some money
transfer offices that are involved in illegitimate activities and operate
in both Syria and Iraq,” he said.
Ajjoub thinks that the difficulty in achieving this lies in the ability to
monitor the process of transferring remittances from the point of sending
them to the moment they are received by beneficiaries.
“Other ways of channeling resources to Daesh fighters include social media
campaigns and donations in cryptocurrency, which require rigorous
cybersecurity measures to contain,” he said.

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