
Protesters perform theatrical action during demonstration at Aspirasi Park
in Central Jakarta last week. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
*Protesters Demand Protection of Indonesian Crew on Foreign Fishing Vessel*


AUGUST 27, 2020

*Jakarta*. Non-governmental organization Greenpeace Indonesia and
Indonesian Labor Union (SBMI) held a protest at Aspiration Park in front of
the National Monument, Central Jakarta last Thursday. The protesters demand
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to immediately ratify a government
regulation on the protection of the Indonesian crewman.

The protesters said this regulation should have been passed no later than
November 2019, or two years after the House of Representatives passed the
2017 Law on Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

The demonstrators staged a theatrical protest, bringing a coffin and wooden
headstones carved with names of the crewman who had died at sea in the past
five years. SBMI data showed that at least 11 crew members have died while
working at foreign vessels during the period. Some of them were buried
at sea.

Also, as many as 338 crew members working on foreign fishing vessels have
filed complaints about their work conditions, SBMI data showed. They
reported wage non-payment, poor working conditions, excessive working
hours, fraud, physical and sexual violence, all of which are among 11
forced labor indicators set by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

[image: Greenpeace Indonesia and Indonesian Labor Union (SBMI) protest at
Aspiration Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday
(27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
Indonesia and Indonesian Labor Union (SBMI) protest at Aspiration Park in
front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG
Photo/Yudha Baskoro)[image: A woman wears a tshirt that reads end modern
slavery at sea during protest in Aspiration Park, Central Jakarta on
Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
<https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598513620.jpg>A woman
wears a tshirt that reads end modern slavery at sea during protest in
Aspiration Park, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha
Baskoro)[image: A man carries a placard during protest at Aspiration Park
in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG
Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
<https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598514767.jpg>A man
carries a placard during protest at Aspiration Park in front of National
Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)[image:
Protesters carry coffin as they perform theatrical action during protest at
Aspiration Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday
(27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
carry coffin as they perform theatrical action during protest at Aspiration
Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08).
(JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)[image: A man wearing mask and face shield as he
protests at Aspiration Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta
on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
<https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598514908.jpg>A man
wearing mask and face shield as he protests at Aspiration Park in front of
National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha
Baskoro)[image: A man bring placard that reads end modern slavery at sea
during protest at Aspiration Park in front of National Monument, Central
Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
<https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598514962.jpg>A man bring
placard that reads end modern slavery at sea during protest at Aspiration
Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08).
(JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)[image: A protester carry a headstone that reads a
name of Indonesian crew who died on Chinese fishing vessel during protest
at Aspiration Park in front of National Monument, Central Jakarta on
Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)]
<https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598515103.jpg>A protester
carry a headstone that reads a name of Indonesian crew who died on Chinese
fishing vessel during protest at Aspiration Park in front of National
Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)[image:
A protesters carries a placard that reads stop Illegal, unreported and
unregulated fishing in Indonesia during protest at Aspiration Park in front
of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha
Baskoro)] <https://img.beritasatu.com/jakartaglobe/2020/08/1598515253.jpg>A
protesters carries a placard that reads stop Illegal, unreported and
unregulated fishing in Indonesia during protest at Aspiration Park in front
of National Monument, Central Jakarta on Thursday (27/08). (JG Photo/Yudha

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