*Diberitakan juga bahwa Turki mengirim  tentaranya dan Jidahists dari Idlib
ke Azerbaijan  untuk melawan Armenia.Di Libiya juga ada tentara Turki dan
kaum Jihadist. Tentara Turki juga ada di Qatar untuk menangkis serangan
Arab Saudia dan UAE.*


Turkey: Armenia transports hundreds of PKK militants to fight Azerbaijan
September 30, 2020 at 12:36 pm | Published in: Armenia
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PKK militants on 16 October 2017 [Stringer/Anadolu Agency]
September 30, 2020 at 12:36 pm

Armenia has been transporting hundreds of militants from the Kurdish terror
group the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and what Turkey believes is the
group’s Syrian branch, the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG), in its renewed
fight against Azerbaijan over the Armenia-occupied region of
Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkish security sources claim.

Around 300 militants belonging to the Kurdish groups were transported by
Armenia from various countries in the Middle East and placed in
Nagorno-Karabakh, where they have subsequently begun training Armenian
militias in battle and guerrilla tactics against Azerbaijani forces over
the past month or two, they added, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Turkish media reported them saying the transfer of militants was a result
of a covert deal struck between Armenia and the PKK towards the end of
July. The Armenian militias trained by the Kurdish militants are also
reportedly those carrying out attacks on Azeri civilian settlements.

The militants reportedly make their way to Armenia through transit routes
mainly in Iran and sometimes from northern Iraq.

Tensions between the two countries have spiralled in recent days due to
renewed border clashes over the region occupied by Armenia since the
weekend, in which both Azeri and Armenian forces have conducted attacks on
military positions and civilian areas. The clashes prompted Azerbaijan
to declare
a state of war
some of its cities and areas near the border on Sunday.

Azeri forces have reportedly made numerous military advances over the past
few days and recaptured multiple villages previously occupied by Armenia.
According to the security sources, the capture of strategic hills has
enabled Azeri forces to conquer areas in the region such as Seyid Ahmedli,
Karakhanbeyli and Horadiz.

READ: Iran denies sending weapons to Armenia

If Armenia’s use of PKK militants is proven to be true, it would mean that
the country is employing the expertise of a group designated as a terrorist
organisation by the United States, European Union and Turkey.

It also follows on from claims that Azerbaijan had allowed Turkey to
transport thousands of fighters from Syria and its rebel groups, which an
aide to Azeri President Ilham Aliyev has denied

Despite that denial, Turkey has declared its support
Azerbaijan and offered its assistance to its ally, calling on Armenia to
internationally-recognised Azeri territory of Nagorno-Karabakh which it
occupied in 1991.

Following Turkey’s support for Azerbaijan, the Armenian military yesterday
claimed that Turkey used an F-16 fighter jet to shoot down a SU-25 fighter
jet used by Armenian forces, without releasing any evidence of footage of
the incident.

Turkey denied that it had shot down the jet, with Communications Director
Fahrettin Altun telling the press in a statement “The claim that Turkey
shot down an Armenian fighter jet is absolutely untrue. Armenia should
withdraw from the territories under its occupation instead of resorting to
cheap propaganda tricks.”

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence also denied the allegation, saying in a
statement it is “yet another fantasy of the Armenian military propaganda

READ: ‘We will not let anybody harm Turkey’s interests’

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