K*alau pendidikan mahal maka hak azasi manusia pun mahal harganya.untuk

Education as an Elementary Human Right
Thinking to Living it
Oct 7

By: Djawed Sangdel

Education in general, and higher education in particular, is not considered
a priority in developing countries despite its crucial role in development.
Many countries suffer from not only the absence of quality education, but
lack of accessibility even if available.

Across Southeast Asia, for instance, despite lip service on the part of
leaders like Thailand’s Prayuth Chan-ocha, the results are relatively
disappointing. According to 2015 OECD ratings, 42 percent of Indonesian
students were not meeting science, mathematics or reading standards. The
so-called PISA ratings ranked Vietnam 32nd in reading, Malaysia 49th, and
Thailand at the bottom in reading, mathematics and science.

According to UNESCO’s Education Strategy 2014-2021 report, some 774 million
adults, of which two-thirds are women, could neither read, nor write in
2011. More than half lived in South and West Asia, a fourth in sub-Saharan
Africa. Ten countries alone represent 72 percent of the total. Illiterates
in sub-Saharan Africa actually increased by 37 percent over the past 20
years to reach 182 million in 2011. Those figures have hardly improved over
the past decade. The world total was expected to reach 743 million in 2015,
a reduction of only 16 percent as against those in 1985-1994.

Literacy, beyond being a basic competency, is also a prerequisite to access
to all forms and all levels of apprenticeship in life as well as a base
enabling quality education for all. Yet fewer than 3 percent of national
education budgets in poor countries are devoted to literacy and adult
education programs.

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