International labor union federations write to Jokowi to protest omnibus law

Ivany Atina Arbi The Jakarta Post Jakarta   /   Wed, October 7, 2020   /
07:39 am

Workers stage a protest in front of the House of Representatives in
Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Aug. 25 to oppose the controversial omnibus
law on job creation

Global union federations have urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to
repeal the recently passed omnibus law on job creation, which they say
undermines labor rights and strips away environmental protections, among
other things.

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) wrote in a letter sent
to Jokowi on Tuesday that the law appears to “put the interests and demands
of foreign investors ahead of workers, communities and the environment”,
and thus called on the Indonesian government to rethink its priorities.

It also urged the government to renegotiate and open constructive dialogue
with trade unions on the law, which was passed on Monday despite strong
opposition from workers and civil rights activists.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) echoed BWI’s sentiments
and said that the government should withdraw the law and enter into
constructive discussions with Indonesian trade unions about any changes
made to labor provisions in the law.

*Read also*: *Guide to omnibus bill on job creation:1,028 pages in 10
minutes “*

It is staggering that while Indonesia is, like other countries, facing the
devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government would seek to further
destabilize people’s lives and ruin their livelihoods so that foreign
companies can extract wealth from the country,” the ITUC wrote in a

Though meant to simplify regulations and attract investment, the law has
been severely criticized for revising several regulations that would affect
multiple sectors, including significantly relaxing environmental standards
for business activities by no longer requiring an environmental impact
analysis (Amdal).

Amnesty International Indonesia has lambasted the “catastrophic” law,
calling it a threat to human rights that could harm labor rights and
exploit workers.

The rights group’s executive director Usman Hamid underlined that the new
regulation would give dangerous leeway for employers to massively exploit
workers across the country.

“[It] allows employers to keep workers on temporary contracts for an
indefinite period of time [...] The provision poses the potential risk of
enhancing insecurities at work and leaving millions of workers without
adequate protection,” Usman said, citing other problematic points of the
law, including unclear provisions on minimum wage and working hours.

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