After some inspection of gdb and gem5's source I found the problem. It
seems as though changeset 10037 broke support for gdb in 32 bit ARM.
Specifically the line:

const int MAX_NUMREGS = NUMREGS_64;

I know gem5 will only support AArch64 going forward, so is this something
we don't care about? I.e., should users just modify this manually if they
want to use gdb with 32 bit ARM, or would a patch that fixes this be

Anthony Gutierrez

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Anthony Gutierrez <>

> I'm trying to use gdb to debug a simulated program remotely. I am facing
> the same problem as described here:
> I'm using the 3.3 kernel from along with the ael img. I
> am using the linaro toolchain version of gdb, which is 7.71:
> I was build simply by running: ./configure --target=arm-linux-gnueabi
> --prefix=./build; make -j8 ; make install
> I followed the instructions on the wiki, including using the
> arm-with-neon.xml file for the tdesc. I am using the latest source from the
> gem5 dev repo. However, I am still experiencing the Remote 'g' packet is
> too long: ... error. Has anybody experienced this recently? Seems as though
> it was working a year ago.
> Anthony Gutierrez
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