Hi everybody,

Looks to me like there is a bug/typo in elf_loader.cc:

   318         // Check to see if this segment contains the bss section.

   319         if (phdr.p_paddr <= bssSecStart &&

   320                 phdr.p_paddr + phdr.p_memsz > bssSecStart &&

   321                 phdr.p_memsz - phdr.p_filesz > 0) {

   322             bss.baseAddr = phdr.p_paddr + phdr.p_filesz;

   323             bss.size = phdr.p_memsz - phdr.p_filesz;

   324             bss.fileImage = NULL;

   325         }


   327         // Check to see if this is the text or data segment

   328         if (phdr.p_vaddr <= textSecStart &&

   329                 phdr.p_vaddr + phdr.p_filesz > textSecStart) {

   330             text.baseAddr = phdr.p_paddr;

   331             text.size = phdr.p_filesz;

   332             text.fileImage = fileData + phdr.p_offset;

   333         } else if (phdr.p_vaddr <= dataSecStart &&

   334                 phdr.p_vaddr + phdr.p_filesz > dataSecStart) {

   335             data.baseAddr = phdr.p_paddr;

   336             data.size = phdr.p_filesz;

   337             data.fileImage = fileData + phdr.p_offset;

   338         } else {

   339             // If it's none of the above but is loadable,

   340             // load the filesize worth of data

   341             Segment extra;

   342             extra.baseAddr = phdr.p_paddr;

   343             extra.size = phdr.p_filesz;

   344             extra.fileImage = fileData + phdr.p_offset;

   345             extraSegments.push_back(extra);

I guess nobody used so far the loader with the bss section mapped onto a 
segment with different virtual and physical addresses…
To double check you can look at the bssSecStart definition:
bssSecStart = shdr.sh_addr;
sh_addr  being the virtual address, I think we can safely assume there’s a typo 
line 319-320, and I can submit a patch (changing 2 characters in the code),
or could anybody please explain why we are comparing virtual with physical 
addresses here?


Texas Instruments France SAS, Immeuble Le Khapa, 65 Quai Georges Gorse, ZAC 
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