Hello everyone

I am trying to understand and set various parameters in the xml file that is input to Mcpat. I have a question about setting parameters for number of cache levels. I have defined various parameters for L1 cache (system.core0.icache/system.core0.dcache) and shared L2 cache (system.L20).

1. My understanding is that I can choose to have an L2 cache in the system or not by setting parameter "number_cache_levels" to 1 or 2. However, in either case, I am getting the same power number output from Mcpat against my expectation of seeing a difference in power. How do I really set the number of cache levels in mcpat xml file? Am I missing something?

2. Could someone elaborate on the parameter "number_of_L2s" and if that has anything to do with caches? I am not able to understand the description given in sample xml file.

I have attached my xml file for reference.

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