Thank you Steve for the detailed elaboration on the issues.

Regarding the “unsynchronized checkpoints”, the terminology might be a bit
confusing. In fact, we always need to do a global synchronization among
the gem5 processes before taking a distributed checkpoint (in order to
avoid in-flight packets). The global synchronization here means that each
gem5 has to suspend the simulation and wait until every in-flight packets
arrives (and is stored) at the destination gem5 process. If that global
synchronization step happens at the same simulated tick in each gem5 then
the we call the checkpoint “synchronous” otherwise it is an “asynchronous”

In the MPI application example I mentioned before the checkpoint should be
triggered as soon as the “slowest” MPI process reaches the MPI_barrier().
The problem is that the “slowest” MPI process usually does not reach the
MPI_barrier() right at the end of the current quantum. If we let the
simulation continue until the quantum completes (to ensure that the
checkpoint is taken at the same simulated tick in each gem5) then the MPI
processes will complete the MPI_barrier and start executing the ROI code

Regarding the integration of multi-threaded/multi-host simulation,
multi-gem5 does not support fine grain simulation of hierarchical switches
(or any other network topologies except a single crossbar) or multiple
synchronization domains currently.

However, I'm a bit confused about your statement that you don’t see value
in ever building a shared-memory transport for MultiIface. MultiIface in
my view is just an abstract interface for “multi-(ether)-link" objects
which are link objects for connecting multiple (i.e. more than two)
systems. It aims to encapsulate the API necessary for any Link object
in a any multi-system configuration - provided that we partition the
systems across network links during run time.

An orthogonal issue is if we want to include a simple crossbar switch
model in a MultiIface implementation or we want to provide a ‘standalone'
fine  grain model for the switch (e.g. the pd-gem5 approach).

- Gabor

On 7/3/15, 7:33 PM, "Steve Reinhardt" <> wrote:

>Thanks Mohammad & Gabor for the responses.
>I think there's still some misunderstanding on what I mean by the
>integration of multi-threaded and multi-host simulation based on Gabor's
>response above and Andreas's response in the other thread.
>The primary example scenario I'm proposing is as Mohammad described:
>each host node, we're simulating an entire rack + top-of-rack switch in a
>single gem5 process, with separate event queues/threads being used to
>parallelize across nodes within the rack. The switch may or may not be on
>its own thread as well.  The synchronization among the threads only needs
>to be at the granularity of the intra-rack network latency.
>Now we want to expand this by using pd-gem5 or multi-gem5 to parallelize
>multiple of these rack-level simulations across hosts, so we can simulate
>whole row of a datacenter.  Only the uplinks from the TOR switches would
>need to go over sockets between processes, and the switch being modeled by
>pd-gem5 or multi-gem5 would be the end-of-row switch. The synchronization
>delay among the multiple gem5 processes would be based on the inter-rack
>So the basic question is: Is this feasible with pd-gem5 / multi-gem5, and
>if not, how much work would it take to make it so?
>However, my larger point is that I still don't see value in ever building
>shared-memory transport for MultiIface. For this model, there is clearly
>need for it. Things get more complicated if we want to do something like
>have N nodes connected to a single switch and split that over two hosts
>(with N/2 nodes simulated on each), but even in that case, I think it's a
>better idea to make the switch model deal with having half of its links
>internal and half external (since we already want the same model to work
>both the all-internal and all-external cases). Not that I'm worried that
>someone is about to go off and build this shared-memory transport, but I
>think it's important to reach an understanding here, since it's
>to defining the strategic relationship between these capabilities going
>Stepping back a little further, it would be nice to have a model that is
>generic as the multi-threading model, where it's really just a matter of
>taking a simulation, partitioning the components among the threads, and
>setting the synchronization quantum, and it works. Of course, even with
>multi-threaded model, if you don't choose your partitioning and your
>quantum wisely, you're not going to get much speedup or a deterministic
>simulation, but the fundamental implementation is oblivious to that. I'm
>not saying we really need to go all the way to this extreme---it's pretty
>reasonable to assume that no one in the near future will want to partition
>across hosts anywhere other than on a simulated network link---but I think
>we should keep this ideal in mind as a guiding principle as we choose how
>to go forward from here.
>This ties in to my point #4, which is that if we're really building a
>mechanism to partition a simulation across multiple hosts, then you should
>be able to run the same simulation in a single gem5 process and get the
>same results. I think this is the strength of pd-gem5; correspondingly the
>main weakness of multi-gem5 is that it architecturally feels more like
>tying together a set of mostly independent gem5 simulations than like
>partitioning a single gem5 simulation.  (Of course, they both end up at
>roughly the same point in the middle.)
>On the flip side, multi-gem5 has some clear advantages in terms of the
>better separation of the communication layer (and I can imagine it being
>very useful to port to MPI and perhaps some RDMA API for InfiniBand
>clusters). Also I think the integrated sockets for communication and
>syncrhonization are the superior design; while the separate sockets used
>pd-gem5 may only very rarely cause problems, I agree with Andreas that
>that's not good enough, and I don't see any real advantage either---if you
>have to flush the data sockets (or wait for them to drain) before
>synchronizing, then you might as well just have the synchronization
>messages queue up behind the data messages.
>Regarding unsynchronized checkpoints: Thanks for the example, but I'm
>a little confused. If all the processes are about to execute an
>MPI_Barrier(), doesn't that mean they'll all be synchronized shortly
>anyway? So what's the harm until waiting until they're synchronized and
>then checkpointing?
>Regarding the simulation of non-Ethernet networks: I agree that the
>obstacle to this is the lack of generality of the current gem5 network
>components. I tried to take a step toward supporting other link types two
>years ago (see but someone shot me down
>We shouldn't try and fix that here, but we should also consciously try not
>to make it any worse...
>Thanks for reading all the way to the end!
>On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 7:11 AM Gabor Dozsa <> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>Thank you Steve for the thorough review.
>>First, let me elaborate a bit on Andreas’s 3rd point about
>>checkpoints. Let’s assume that we aim to simulate MPI applications (HPC
>>workloads). The ROI in an MPI application is typically starts with a
>>global MPI_Barrier() call. We want to take the checkpoint when *every*
>>gem5 process is reached that MPI_Barrier() in the simulated code but
>>may not happen at the same tick in each gem5 (due to load imbalance
>>the simulated nodes). That’s why multi-gem5 implements the
>>checkpoint support.
>>My answers to your questions are as follows.
>>1. The only change necessary to use multi-gem5 with a non Ethernet
>>(simulated) network is to replace the Ethernet packet type with another
>>packet type in MultiIface.
>>In fact, the first implementation of MultiIface was a template
>>that took EthPacketData as parameter because I plan to support different
>>network types. When I realized that currently only Ethernet is supported
>>by gem5 I dropped the template param to keep the implementation
>>simpler. I
>>have also realized in the meantime that the right approach would
>>be to create a pure virtual ‘base' class for network packets from which
>>Ethernet (and other types of) packets could be derived. Then MultiIface
>>could simply use that base class to provide support for different
>>types. The interface provided by the base packet class could be very
>>simple. Beside the total size() of the packet, multi-gem5 only needs a
>>method to ‘extract' the source/destination address. Those addresses are
>>used in MultiIface as opaque byte arrays so they are quite network type
>>agnostic already.
>>2. That’s right, we have designed the MultiIface/TCPIface split with
>>different underlaying messaging systems in mind.
>>3. Multi-gem5 can work together with multi-threaded/multi-event-queue
>>configs. The current TCPIface/tcp_server components would still use
>>sockets to send around the packets. So it is possible to put together a
>>multi-gem5 simulation where each gem5 process has multiple event queues
>>(and an independent simulation thread per event queue) but all the
>>simulated Ethernet links would use sockets to forward every Ethernet
>>packet to the tcp_server.
>>If someone wanted to run only a single gem5 process to simulate an
>>cluster (using one thread/event-queue per cluster node) then the current
>>multi-gem5 implementation using sockets/tcp_server is not optimal. In
>>case,  a better solution would be to provide a shared memory based
>>implementation of the MultiIface virtual communication methods
>>sendRaw()/recvRaw()/syncRaw() (i.e. a shared memory equivalent of
>>TCPIface). In that implementation, the entire discrete tcp_sever
>>could be replaced with a shared data structure.
>>4. You are right, the current implementation does not make it possible
>>construct an equivalent single-process simulation model for a multi-gem5
>>run. However, a possible solution is a shared memory based
>>of the MultiIface virtual communication methods just as I described in
>>previous paragraph. The same implementation could then work with both
>>multi-threaded/multi-event-queues and single-thread/single-event-queue
>>gem5 configs.
>>- Gabor
>>On 7/2/15, 7:20 PM, "Steve Reinhardt" <> wrote:
>>>Hi everyone,
>>>Sorry for taking so long to engage. This is a great development and I
>>>both these patches are terrific contributions. Thanks to Mohammad,
>>>and everyone else involved.
>>>I agree with Andreas that we should start with some top-level goals &
>>>assumptions, agree on those, and then we can sort out the detailed
>>>based on a consistent view.
>>>I definitely agree with Andreas's first two points. The third one
>>seems a
>>>little surprising; I'd like to hear more about the motivation before
>>>expressing an opinion. I can see where non-synchronous checkpointing
>>>be useful, but it's also clear from the associated patch that it's not
>>>trivial to implement either. How much would be lost by requiring a
>>>synchronization before a checkpoint?
>>>From my personal perspective, I would like to see whatever we do here
>>be a
>>>first step toward a more general distributed simulation platform. Both
>>>these patches seem pretty Ethernet-centric in different ways. This is
>>>terrible; part of the problem is that gem5's current internal
>>>support is already overly Ethernet-centric IMO. But it would be nice to
>>>avoid baking that in even further. Rather than assume I have understood
>>>the code completely, I'll phrase things in the form of questions, and
>>>people can comment on how those questions would be answered in the
>>>of the two different approaches.
>>>1. How much effort would be required to simulate a non-Ethernet
>>>impression is that pd-gem5 has a leg up here, since a gem5 switch model
>>>a non-Ethernet network (which you'd have to write anyway if you were
>>>simulating a different network) could be used in place of the current
>>>Ethernet switch, where for multi-gem5 I think that the
>>>util/multi// code would have to be modified (i.e.,
>>there'd be
>>>additional work above and beyond what you'd need to get the network
>>>in base gem5).
>>>2. How much effort is required to run on a non-Ethernet network (or
>>>equivalently using a non-sockets API)?  The MultiIface/TCPIface split
>>>the multi-gem5 code looks like it addresses this nicely, but pd-gem5
>>>pretty tied to an Ethernet host fabric.
>>>3. Do both of these patches work with the existing multithreaded
>>>multiple-event-queue simulation? I think multi-gem5 does (though it
>>>be nice to have a confirmation), but it's not clear about pd-gem5. I
>>>see a benefit to having multiple gem5 processes on a single host vs. a
>>>single multithreaded gem5 process using the existing support. I think
>>>could be particularly valuable with a hierarchical network; e.g.,
>>maybe I
>>>would want to model a rack in multithreaded mode on a single multicore
>>>server, then use pd-gem5 or multi-gem5 to build up a simulation of
>>>racks. Would this work out of the box with either of these patches,
>>and if
>>>not, what would need to be done?
>>>4. Is it possible to construct a single-process simulation model that's
>>>identical to the distributed simulation? It would be very valuable for
>>>verification to be able to take a single simulation run and do it both
>>>within a single process and also across multiple processes and verify
>>>identical results are achieved. This seems like a big drawback to the
>>>multi-gem5 tcp_server approach, IMO.
>>>I'm definitely not saying that all these issues need to be resolved
>>>anything gets committed, but if we can agree that these are valid
>>>then we can evaluate detailed issues based on whether they move us
>>>or away from those goals.
>>>On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:34 AM Andreas Hansson
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>I think we need to up-level this a bit. From our perspective (and I
>>>>suspect in general):
>>>>1. Robustness is important. Having a design that _may_ break, however
>>>>unlikely is simply not an option.
>>>>2. Performance and scaling is important. We can compare actual numbers
>>>>here, and I am fairly sure the two solutions are on par. Let’s
>>>>that though.
>>>>3. Checkpointing must not rely on synchronicity. It is vital for
>>>>workloads that we can checkpoint the various gem5 instances at
>>>>Ticks (due to the way the workloads are constructed).
>>>>On 01/07/2015 21:41, "gem5-dev on behalf of Mohammad Alian"
>>>>< on behalf of> wrote:
>>>>>Thanks Gabor for the reply.
>>>>>I feel this conversation is useful as we can find out pros/cons of
>>>>>Please find my response in-lined below.
>>>>>Thank you,
>>>>>On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 6:44 AM, Gabor Dozsa <>
>>>>>>Hi All,
>>>>>>Sorry for the missing indentation in my previous e-mail! (This was
>>>>>>first e-mail to the dev-list so I could not simply use “reply").
>>>>>>the same message, hopefully in more readable form.
>>>>>>Hi  All,
>>>>>>Thank you Mohammad for your elaboration on the issues!
>>>>>>I have written most of the multi-gem5 patch so let me add some more
>>>>>>clarifications  and answer to your concerns. My comments are inline
>>>>>>- Gabor
>>>>>>On 6/27/15, 10:20 AM, "Mohammad Alian" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi All,
>>>>>>>Curtis-Thank you for listing some of the differences. I was
>>>>>>>completed multi-gem5 patch before I send my review. Please see my
>>>>>>>response below. I¹ve addressed the concerns that you¹ve raised.
>>>>>>>added a bit more to the comparison.
>>>>>>>-*  Synchronization.
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 implements this in Python (not a problem in itself;
>>>>>>>this is nice, but...).  The issue is that pd-gem5's data packets
>>>>>>>barrier messages travel over different sockets.  Since pd-gem5
>>>>>>>data packets passing synchronization barriers, it could create an
>>>>>>>inconsistent checkpoint.
>>>>>>>multi-gem5's synchronization is implemented in C++ using sync
>>>>>>>more importantly, the messages queue up in the same stream and so
>>>>>>>have the issue just described.  (Event ordering is often crucial
>>>>>>>snapshot protocols.) Therefore we feel that multi-gem5 is a more
>>>>>>>solution in this respect.
>>>>>>>Each packet in pd-gem5 has a time-stamp. So even if data packets
>>>>>>>synchronization barriers (in another word data packets arrive
>>>>>>>destination node), destination node process packets based on their
>>>>>>>timestamp. Actually allowing data packets to pass sync barriers
>>is a
>>>>>>>feature that can reduce the likelihood of late packet reception.
>>>>>>>of data messages that flow over pd-gem5 nodes is also preserved in
>>>>>>This seems to be a misunderstanding. Maybe the wording was not
>>>>>>before.The problem is not a data packet that “passing" a sync
>>>>>>but the other way around, a sync barrier that can pass a data
>>>>>>(e.g. while the data packet is waiting in the host operating system
>>>>>>socket layer).  If that happens, the packet will arrive later than
>>>>>>supposed to and it may miss the computed receive tick.
>>>>>>For instance, let’s assume that the quantum coincides with the
>>>>>>Ether link delay. (This is the optimal choice of quantum to
>>>>>>number of sync barriers.)  If a data packet is sent right at the
>>>>>>of a quantum then this packet must arrive at the destination gem5
>>>>>>within the same quantum in order not to miss its receive tick at
>>>>>>beginning of the next quantum. If the sync barrier can pass the
>>>>>>then the data packet may arrive only during the next quantum (or
>>>>>>extreme conditions even later than that) so when it arrives the
>>>>>>gem5 may pass already the receive tick.
>>>>>>This argument makes more sense than the previous one. Note that
>>>>>cycle accurate simulator and it runs orders of magnitude slower that
>>>>>hardware. So it's almost impossible that the flight time of packet
>>>>>real network turns to be more that simulation time of one quantum. We
>>>>>set of experiments just for this purpose: with quantum size equal to
>>>>>etherlink delay, we never got any late arrival violation (what you
>>>>>described) for full NAS benchmarks suit (please refer to the paper).
>>>>>multi-gem5 is optimized for a case that almost never happens! and
>>>>>scarifying speedup for no gain.
>>>>>>Time-stamping does help with this issue. Also, if a data packet is
>>>>>>in the host operating system socket layer when the simulation
>>>>>>to python to complete the next sync barrier  then the packet will
>>>>not go
>>>>>>into the checkpoint that may follow that sync barrier.
>>>>>>That's a good point. Current pd-gem5 checkpointing mechanism might
>>>>>packets that have been sent during previous quantum and are waiting
>>>>>socket buffer. I should add some code inside ethertap serialization
>>>>>function to drain ethertap socket before writing checkpoint. I will
>>>>>pd-gem5 patch accordingly.
>>>>>>>What you mentioned as an advantage for multi-gem5 is actually a
>>>>>>>disadvantage: buffering sync messages behind data packets can add
>>>>up to
>>>>>>>synchronization overhead and slow down simulation significantly.
>>>>>>The purpose of sync messages is to make sure that the data packets
>>>>>>in time (in terms of simulated time) at the destination so they can
>>>>>>scheduled for being received at the proper computed tick.  Sync
>>>>>>also make sure that no data packets are in flight when a sync
>>>>>>completes before we take a checkpoint.  They definitely add
>>>>>>the simulation but they are necessary for the correctness of the
>>>>>>The receive thread in multi-gem5 reads out packets from the socket
>>>>>>parallel with the simulation thread so packets normally will not be
>>>>>>"queueing up” before a sync barrier message.  There is definitely
>>>>>>for improvements in the current implementation for reducing the
>>>>>>synchronization overhead but that is likely true for pd-gem5, too.
>>>>>>The important thing here is that the solution must provide
>>>>>>(robustness) first.
>>>>>>pd-gem5 provides correctness. Please read my previous comment. The
>>>>>purpose of multi/pd-gem5 is to parallelize simulation with minimal
>>>>>and gain speedup. If you fail to do so, nobody will use your tool.
>>>>>>>multi-gem5 send huge sized messages (multiHeaderPkt) through
>>>>network to
>>>>>>>perform each synchronization point, which increases
>>>>>>>overhead further. In pd-gem5, we choose to send just one character
>>>>>>>message through a separate socket to reduce synchronization
>>>>>>The TCP/IP message size is unlikely the bottleneck here. Multi-gem5
>>>>>>send ~50 bytes more in a sync barrier message than pd-gem5 but that
>>>>>>sync message still fits into a single ethernet frame on the wire.
>>>>>>end-to-end latency overhead that is caused by 50 bytes extra
>>>>>>a small single frame TCP/IP message is likely to fall into the
>>>>>>category if one tries to measure it in a real cluster.
>>>>>>You should prove your hypothesis experimentally. Each gem5 process
>>>>>send/receive sync messages at the end of every quantum. Say you are
>>>>>simulating "N" node computer cluster with "M" different
>>>>>you will have N*M gem5 processes that send/receive these 50 Bytes (it
>>>>>it's more) extra data at the same time over network ...
>>>>>Furthermore, multi-gem5 send a header before each data message.
>>>>>with pd-gem5, pd-gem5 just add 12 Bytes (each time-stamp is 12 least
>>>>>significant digits of the Tick) to each data packet. I don't know
>>>>>how large are these "MultiHeaderPkt", but it just has two Tick field
>>>>>each is 64 Bytes! Also, header packets are separate TCP packets, so
>>>>>for sending two separate packets for each data packet. And worst, you
>>>>>serialize all of these with sync messages.
>>>>>>>*  Packet handling.
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 uses EtherTap for data packets but changed the polling
>>>>>>>to go through the main event queue.  Since this rate is actually
>>>>>>>with simulator progress, it cannot guarantee that the packets are
>>>>>>>at regular intervals of real time.  This can lead to packets
>>>>>>>which would contribute to the synchronization issues mentioned
>>>>>>>multi-gem5 uses plain sockets with separate receive threads and so
>>>>>>>have this issue.
>>>>>>>I think again you are pointing to your first concern that I¹ve
>>>>>>>above. Packets that have queued up in EtherTap socket, will be
>>>>>>>and delivered to simulation environment at the beginning of next
>>>>>>>Please notice that multi-gem5 introduces a new simObjects to
>>>>>>>simulation environment to real world which is redundant. This
>>>>>>>is already there by EtherTap.
>>>>>>Except that the EtherTap solution does not provide a correct
>>>>>>solution for the synchronization problem.
>>>>>>Please read my first/second comments.
>>>>>>>* Checkpoint accuracy.
>>>>>>>A user would like to have a checkpoint at precisely the time the
>>>>>>>'m5 checkpoint' operation is executed so as to not miss any of the
>>>>>>>area of interest in his application.
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 requires that simulation finish the current quantum
>>>>>>>before checkpointing, so it cannot provide this.
>>>>>>>(Shortening the quantum can help, but usually the snapshot is
>>>>>>>while 'fast-forwarding', i.e. simulating as fast as possible,
>>>>>>>motivate a longer quantum.)
>>>>>>>multi-gem5 can enter the drain cycle immediately upon receiving a
>>>>>>>checkpoint request.  We find this accuracy highly desirable.
>>>>>>>It¹s true that if you have a large quantum size then there would
>>>>>>>discrepancy between the m5_ckpt instruction tick and the actual
>>>>>>>Based on multi-gem5 code, my understanding is that you send async
>>>>>>>checkpoint message as soon as one of the gem5 processes encounter
>>>>>>>instruction. But I¹m not sure how you fix the aforementioned
>>>>>>>you have to sync all gem5 processes before you start dumping
>>>>>>>which necessitate a global synchronization beforehand.
>>>>>>In multi-gem5, the gem5 process who encounters the m5_ckpt
>>>>>>sends out an async checkpoint notification for the peer gem5
>>>>>>then it starts the draining immediately (at the same tick).  So the
>>>>>>checkpoint will be taken at the exact tick form the initiator
>>>>>>point of view. The global synchronisation with the peer processes
>>>>>>place while the initiator process is still waiting at the same tick
>>>>>>the simulation thread is suspended). However,  the receiver thread
>>>>>>Continues reading out the socket - while waiting for the global
>>>>>>complete- to make sure that in-flight data packets from peer gem5
>>>>>>are stored properly and saved into the checkpoint.
>>>>>So you mean multi-gem5 ends up with having gem5 processes with
>>>>>ticks after checkpoint? In pd-gem5 we make sure that all gem5
>>>>>start dumping checkpoint at the same tick. Are you sure that this is
>>>>>correct to have each gem5 process dump checkpoint at different
>>>>>I don't think this a correct checkpointing design. However, if you
>>>>feel it
>>>>>is correct, I can change a couple of lines in "" and
>>>>>scripts to implement the same functionality in pd-gem5. One thing
>>>>>are obsessed about is to make sure that there is no in-flight packets
>>>>>we start dumping checkpoint, and you have all these complex
>>>>>place to insure that! I think you can 99.99999% make sure that there
>>>>is no
>>>>>in-flight packet by waiting for 1 second after all gem5 processes
>>>>>their quantum simulation and then dump checkpoint. Do you really
>>>>>delivering a tcp packet would take more than 1 second in today's
>>>>>Always go for simple solutions ...
>>>>>>>By the way, we have a fix for this issue by introducing a new m5
>>>>>>I fail to see how a new pseudo instruction can solve the problem of
>>>>>>completing the full quantum in pd-gem5 before a checkpoint can be
>>>>>>Could you please elaborate on that?
>>>>>>As we take checkpoint while fast-forwarding and it is likely that
>>>>>synchronization for speedup purpose, a new pseudo instruction that
>>>>>quantum size (m5_qset) can be helpful. So, one can insert m5_qset in
>>>>>benchmark source code before entering ROI that contains m5_ckpt to
>>>>>quantum size beforehand and reduce the discrepancy between m5_ckpt
>>>>>actual checkpoint tick. This is not included in pd-gem5 patch right
>>>>>>>* Implementation of network topology.
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 uses a separate gem5 process to act as a switch whereas
>>>>>>>uses a standalone packet relay process.
>>>>>>>We haven't measured the overhead of pd-gem5's simulated switch
>>>>>>>we're confident that our approach is at least as fast and more
>>>>>>>There is this flexibility in pd-gem5 to simulate a switch box
>>>>>>>of the other gem5 processes. However, it might make that gem5
>>>>>>>simulation bottleneck. One of the advantages of pd-gem5 over
>>>>>>multi-gem5 is
>>>>>>>that we use gem5 to simulate a switch box, which allows us to
>>>>>>>network topology by instantiating several Switch simObjects and
>>>>>>>interconnect them with EhterLink in an arbitrary fashion. A
>>>>>>>server just can provide switch functionality (forwarding packets
>>>>>>>destinations) and model a star network topology. Furthermore, it
>>>>>>>model various network timings such as queueing delay, congestion,
>>>>>>>routing latency. Also it has some accuracy issues that I will
>>>>>>I agree with the complex topology argument. We already mentioned
>>>>>>before as an advantage for pd-gem5 from the point of view of future
>>>>>>extensions. However, I do not agree that multi-gem5 cannot model
>>>>>>delays and congestions. For a simple crossbar switch, it can model
>>>>>>delays and congestions, but the receive queues are distributed
>>>>>>gem5 processes.
>>>>>>It's true that you can model queuing delay of a simple crossbar by
>>>>>distributing queues across gem5 processes (end points). But to be
>>>>>do so you have to ensure the ordering of packets that you enqueue in
>>>>>distributed queues. It is almost impossible without a synchronized
>>>>>box. You should have a reorder queue that reorders packets
>>>>>updates timing parameter for each packet as well. I don't know how
>>>>>progress have you had to ensure ordering scheme in multi-gem5 but you
>>>>>already realized that how complex and error prone it can be. This
>>>>>is also related to my next argument for "Broken network timing".
>>>>>>>* Broken network timing:
>>>>>>>Forwarding packets between gem5 processes using a standalone tcp
>>>>>>>cause reordering between packets that have different source but
>>>>>>>destination. It causes  inaccurate network timing and worse of all
>>>>>>>non-deterministic simulation. pd-gem5 resolve this by reordering
>>>>>>>Switch process and then send them to their destination (it¹s
>>>>>>>switch is synchronized with the rest of the nodes).
>>>>>>In multi-gem5, there is always a HeaderPkt that contains some meta
>>>>>>information for each data packet. The meta information include the
>>>>>>tick and the sender rank (i.e. a  unique ID of the sender gem5
>>>>>>We use those information to define a well defined ordering of
>>>>>>if packets are arriving at the same receiver from different
>>>>>>packet ordering scheme is still being tested so the corresponding
>>>>>>not on the RB yet.
>>>>>>Please read my previous comment. The most important part of
>>>>>extension is ensuring accurate and deterministic simulation.
>>>>>>>* Amount of changes
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 introduce different modes in etherlink just to provide
>>>>>>>timing for each component in the network subsystem (NIC, link,
>>>>>>>well as capability of modeling different network topologies (mesh,
>>>>>>>fat tree, etc). To enable a simple functionality, like what
>>>>>>>provides, the amount of changes in gem5 can be limited to
>>>>>>>packets and providing synchronization through python scripts.
>>>>>>>multi-gem5 re-implements functionalists that are already in gem5.
>>>>>>This argument holds only if both implementations are correct
>>>>>>still seems to me that pd-gem5 does not provide correctness for the
>>>>>>synchronization/checkpointing parts.
>>>>>>Again, please read my first comment for correctness of pd-gem5.
>>>>>>>* Integrating with gem5 mainstream:
>>>>>>>pd-gem5 launch script is written in python which is suited for
>>>>>>>with gem5 python scripts. However multi-gem5 uses bash script.
>>>>>>>source files in pd-gem5 are already parts of gem5 mainstream.
>>>>>>>multi-gem5 has that is a standalone process and
>>>>>>>part of gem5.
>>>>>>The multi-gem5 launch script is simply enough to rely only on the
>>>>>>shell. It
>>>>>>can obviously be easily re-written in python if that added any
>>>>>>tcp_server component is only a utility (like the "m5" utility that
>>>>>>part of gem5).
>>>>>>The thing is that it's more likely that users want to add some
>>>>>functionality to the run-script of multi/pd-gem5. E.g. pd-gem5
>>>>>supports launching simulations using a simulation pool management
>>>>>software (
>>>>> Using python enables users to
>>>>>easily add these kind of supports.
>>>>>>- Gabor
>>>>>>>On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Curtis Dunham
>>>>>>>>Hello everyone,
>>>>>>>>We have taken a look at how pd-gem5 compares with multi-gem5.
>>>>>>>>to deliver the same functionality, there are some crucial
>>>>>>>>*  Synchronization.
>>>>>>>>    pd-gem5 implements this in Python (not a problem in itself;
>>>>>>>>    this is nice, but...).  The issue is that pd-gem5's data
>>>>>>>>    barrier messages travel over different sockets.  Since
>>>>>>>>    data packets passing synchronization barriers, it could
>>>>>>>>    inconsistent checkpoint.
>>>>>>>>    multi-gem5's synchronization is implemented in C++ using sync
>>>>>>>>    more importantly, the messages queue up in the same stream
>>>>>>>>    have the issue just described.  (Event ordering is often
>>>>>>>>    snapshot protocols.) Therefore we feel that multi-gem5 is a
>>>>>>>>    solution in this respect.
>>>>>>>>*  Packet handling.
>>>>>>>>    pd-gem5 uses EtherTap for data packets but changed the
>>>>>>>>    to go through the main event queue.  Since this rate is
>>>>>>>>    with simulator progress, it cannot guarantee that the packets
>>>>>>>>    at regular intervals of real time.  This can lead to packets
>>>>>>>>queueing up
>>>>>>>>    which would contribute to the synchronization issues
>>>>>>>>    multi-gem5 uses plain sockets with separate receive threads
>>>>and so
>>>>>>>>    have this issue.
>>>>>>>>* Checkpoint accuracy.
>>>>>>>>   A user would like to have a checkpoint at precisely the time
>>>>>>>>   'm5 checkpoint' operation is executed so as to not miss any of
>>>>>>>>   area of interest in his application.
>>>>>>>>   pd-gem5 requires that simulation finish the current quantum
>>>>>>>>   before checkpointing, so it cannot provide this.
>>>>>>>>   (Shortening the quantum can help, but usually the snapshot is
>>>>>>>>   while 'fast-forwarding', i.e. simulating as fast as possible,
>>>>>>>>   motivate a longer quantum.)
>>>>>>>>   multi-gem5 can enter the drain cycle immediately upon
>>>>>>>>   checkpoint request.  We find this accuracy highly desirable.
>>>>>>>>* Implementation of network topology.
>>>>>>>>   pd-gem5 uses a separate gem5 process to act as a switch
>>>>>>>>   uses a standalone packet relay process.
>>>>>>>>   We haven't measured the overhead of pd-gem5's simulated switch
>>>>>>>>   we're confident that our approach is at least as fast and more
>>>>>>>>From: gem5-dev [] On Behalf Of Mohammad
>>>>>>Alian [
>>>>>>>>Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 7:37 PM
>>>>>>>>To: gem5 Developer List
>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [gem5-dev] pd-gem5: simulating a
>>>>>>>>on multiple physical hosts
>>>>>>>>Hi Anthony,
>>>>>>>>I think that would be a good option, then I can add pd-gem5
>>>>>>>>on top of that. Right now I've simplified your implementation.
>>>>Also, I
>>>>>>>>think I had found some bugs in your patch that I cannot remember
>>>>>>>>you decided to ship EtherSwitch patch, let me know to give you a
>>>>>>>>On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Gutierrez, Anthony <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Would it make sense for me to ship the EtherSwitch patch first,
>>>>>>>>>has utility on its own, and then we can decide which of the
>>>>>>>>>approaches is best, or if it's some combination of both?
>>>>>>>>>The only reason I never shipped it was because Steve raised an
>>>>>>>>>I didn't have a good alternative for, and didn't have the time
>>>>>>>>>one at that time.
>>>>>>>>>From: gem5-dev [] on behalf of Mohammad
>>>>>>>>Alian [
>>>>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 12:43 PM
>>>>>>>>>To: gem5 Developer List
>>>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [gem5-dev] pd-gem5: simulating a
>>>>>>>>>on multiple physical hosts
>>>>>>>>>Hi Andreas,
>>>>>>>>>Thanks for the comment.
>>>>>>>>>I think the checkpointing support in both works is the same.
>>>>>>>>>checkpointing support is implemented in pd-gem5:
>>>>>>>>>Whenever one of gem5 processes encounter an m5-checkpoint pseudo
>>>>>>>>>instruction, it will send a ³recv-ckpt² signal to the
>>>>>>>>>³barrier² process. Then the ³barrier² process sends a
>>>>>>>>>all the simulated nodes
>>>>>>>>>(including the node that encountered m5-checkpoint) at the end
>>>>>>>>>current simulation quantum. On the reception of
>>>>>>>>>³take-ckpt² signal, gem5 processes start dumping check-points.
>>>>>>>>>each simulated node dump a checkpoint
>>>>>>>>>at the same simulated time point while ensuring there is no
>>>>>>>>>I believe this is the same as multi-gem5 patch approach for
>>>>>>>>>support (based on the commit message of
>>>>>>>>>Also, we have tested our mechanism with several benchmarks and
>>>>>>>>>Steve suggested, I'll look into Curtis's patch and try to review
>>>>>>>>>But as Nilay also mentioned earlier, there are some codes
>>>>>>>>>Curtis's patch. I prefer to first run multi-gem5 before starting
>>>>>>>>>Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 7:25 AM, Andreas Hansson <
>>>>>>>>>>Hi Steve,
>>>>>>>>>>Apologies for the confusion. We are on the same page. My point
>>>>>>>>>>cannot simply take a little bit of patch A and a little bit of
>>>>>>>>patch B.
>>>>>>>>>>This change involves a lot of code, and we need to approach
>>>>>>>>>>structured fashion. My proposal is to do it bottom up, and
>>>>>>>>>>getting the basic support in place. Since
>>>>>>>>>>has already been on the review board for a few months, I am
>>>>>>>>>>suggesting that the it would be a good start to relate the
>>>>>>>>>>patches to what is already there.
>>>>>>>>>>On 24/06/2015 13:11, "gem5-dev on behalf of Steve Reinhardt"
>>>>>>>>>>< on behalf of>
>>>>>>>>>>>Hi Andreas,
>>>>>>>>>>>I'm a little confused by your email---you say you're
>>>>>>>>>>>to looking at both patches and picking the best features, then
>>>>>>>>>>>out that the patches Curtis posted have the feature of better
>>>>>>>>>>>support so we should pick that :).
>>>>>>>>>>>Obviously we can't just pick patch A from Mohammad's set and
>>>>>>>>>>>Curtis's set and expect them to work together, but I think
>>>>>>>>>>>sets of patches available and comparing and contrasting the
>>>>>>>>>>>implementations should enable us to get to a single
>>>>>>>>>>>the best of both. Someone will have to make the effort of
>>>>>>>>>>>better ideas from one set into the other set to create a new
>>>>>>>>>>>patches; (or maybe we commit one set and then integrate the
>>>>best of
>>>>>>>>>>>other set as patches on top of that), but the first step is to
>>>>>>>>>>>what "the best of both" is.  Having Mohammad look at Curtis's
>>>>>>>>>>>Curtis (or someone else from ARM) closely examine Mohammad's
>>>>>>>>>>>be a great start.  I intend to review them both, though
>>>>>>>>>>>time has been scarce lately---I'm hoping to squeeze that in
>>>>>>>>>>>Once we've had a few people look at both, we can discuss the
>>>>>>>>>>>of each, then discuss the strategy for getting the best
>>>>>>>>>>>far I've heard that Mohammad's patches have a better network
>>>>>>>>>>>ARM patches have better checkpointing support; that seems
>>like a
>>>>>>>>>>>On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:26 AM Andreas Hansson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>Great work. However, I fundamentally do not believe in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>Œletting reviewers pick the best features¹. There is no way
>>>>>>>>>>>>get something working out if it. We need to get _one_ working
>>>>>>>>>>>>here, and figure out how to best get there. I would propose
>>>>>>>>do it
>>>>>>>>>>>>bottom up, starting with the basic multi-simulator instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>checkpointing support, and then move on to the network
>>>>>>>>>>>>simulator instances.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Thus, I propose we go with the low-level plumbing and
>>>>>>>>>>>>from what Curtis has posted. I believe proper checkpointing
>>>>>>>>>>>>the most challenging, and from what I can tell this is far
>>>>>>>>>>>>what you just posted Mohammad. Could you perhaps review
>>>>>>>>>>>>based on your insights, and we can try and get these patches
>>>>>>>>>>>>committed asap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Once we have the baseline functionality in place, then we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>looking at the more elaborate network models.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Does this sound reasonable?
>>>>>>>>>>>>On 24/06/2015 05:05, "gem5-dev on behalf of Mohammad Alian"
>>>>>>>>>>>>< on behalf of>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hello All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>I have submitted a chain of patches which enables gem5 to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>cluster on multiple physical hosts:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>and a patch that contains run scripts for a simple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>We have run several benchmarks using this infrastructure,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>parallel benchmarks (MPI) and DCBench-hadoop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>and would be happy to share scripts/diskimages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>We call this *pd-gem5*. *pd-gem5 *functionality is more or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Curtis's patch for *multi-gem5.* However, I feel *pd-gem5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>more thorough; it also enables modeling different network
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Having both set of changes together let reviewers to pick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>from both works.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mohammad Alian
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