Dear all,

Over the next few hours, I shall be migrating the gem5 mailing lists
(gem5-dev and gem5-users) from our old Mailman server to Google Groups. I'm
hoping this should be a relatively easy and quick transfer. All of you will
receive an email inviting you to the new Google Groups, which you should
accept (assuming you want to remain part of the mailing list/lists). The
only potential avenue for problems is the short time you will not receive
emails prior to accepting your Google Groups invitation (so please do this
ASAP). Once this migration is complete, the functionality should be
identical (same email addresses, etc). You will also have the new option of
posting via the Google Groups web interface if you prefer.

If in a couple of hours of this mail you have yet to receive an invitation,
then please join directly:!forum/gem5-dev/join!forum/gem5-users/join

If anyone encounters any issues, then please don't hesitate to let me know

Kind regards,
Bobby Bruce

Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 2235,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616

gem5-dev mailing list

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