Dear all,

This afternoon we found out our mailing list was not sending emails to
everyone who had subscribed to them. It seems this primarily affected those
with Microsoft-based email addresses (outlook et al.). I've been told some
filters were activated due to the high volume of email from our lists.
After some back and forth with our new provider, I have been told this
issue is now resolved. If you've asked a question on gem5-users/gem5-dev
and have yet to hear a response, I'd advise waiting a little bit (say,
until tomorrow) and perhaps asking again. I am unsure if the backlog of
mail sent out during this time will eventually be delivered, so I'd say
it's best to wait and see. I'd also advise list members to check their Spam
folder for any mail that may have been misclassified during this time.

We've also had reports of real spam being sent to the lists. I apologize
for this, I believe this was due to a misconfiguration on our mailman
server which has since been fixed. If anyone notices any additional spam
emails from now on, please email me and I'll tighten up the rules on the
mailing list to prevent them.

I apologize to everyone for this. It really shouldn't have happened and
caught us a bit off guard. I hope the mailing list services are back to a
usable state. Please let me know directly about any additional problems,
big or small, you encounter when using these lists.

Kind regards,
Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 2235,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616

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