Dear all,

There is now a file in the root directory of gem5 (on
develop branch for now).

If anyone has any items they want included in this file,
which are not noted already, then please get in touch with me and I'll add
them. This list is the best way for us to communicate to users what has
changed between gem5 19 and gem5 20. In general, it's a great way to
advertise big-ticket items we have contributed and/or inform  users of
anything important that may have changed (changing APIs, etc.).

As these release notes do not affect any code, I'll accept updates to this
file on the staging branch. Ergo, it can continue to be updated over the
next few weeks until the release of gem5 20 in the middle of the month.

Kind regards,

Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 2235,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616


On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 10:01 AM Bobby Bruce <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm writing to ask if anyone has any opinions on adding a
> file in the root directory of gem5. Given we now have official releases, I
> believe it'd be a better user experience to record the major changes made
> to the project within the repository somewhere. It would also give us a
> chance to note down any changes a user would need to be aware of when
> moving from one version of gem5 to another (e.g., APIs that have changed,
> deprecated classes, etc.).
> I started a very rough draft of this (WIP, very incomplete).
> Developers would need to append to this file as new changes are added, but
> I don't think this is a significant overhead :)
> Kind regards,
> Bobby
> --
> Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
> Room 2235,
> Kemper Hall, UC Davis
> Davis,
> CA, 95616
> web:
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