Ok, I'll make Params typedefs and params() usage targets of opportunity.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 8:26 AM Jason Lowe-Power via gem5-dev <
gem5-dev@gem5.org> wrote:

> Hey Gabe,
> Thanks for bringing this up. I have also been bothered by the lack of
> consistency with how params are used. I can't think of an example of when
> you need to store the params object. I would be all for getting rid of the
> params() function and updating the documentation to say that it's best
> practice to *not* save the params struct after the constructor. If some
> object had a good reason to go against this best practice, that would be
> OK, and we wouldn't need to enforce any specific design or pattern on these
> exceptions. I would prefer to remove the params() function than add more
> template magic.
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 1:18 AM Gabe Black via gem5-dev <gem5-dev@gem5.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi folks. I'm looking at the SimObject header, and I see a few things in
>> there which are marked as part of the API and maybe shouldn't be.
>> Specifically I'm talking about the Params typedef, and the params() method.
>> There is also the _params member variable which I can see being a part of
>> the API since it can be used by other classes to make their own params()
>> function (more on that below), but the Params typedef is more or less an
>> implementation detail, and the params() method is essentially worthless
>> because it returns a SimObjectParams which doesn't have anything except the
>> object's name in it, and you can already get that with the name() method.
> I agree. I think the typedef is useless and shouldn't be in the API. It's
> unfortunate that the API proposals didn't get more reviews. I think it's
> probably OK to just drop that from the API, but the params() function
> itself is going to need to be deprecated.
>> *Params pattern*
>> This gets to the whole Params params() pattern which is sporadically
>> implemented in some SimObjects in gem5. This pattern is that a given
>> SimObject subclass will define a Params typedef which corresponds to its
>> Params struct type, and then also define a params() method which returns
>> the _params from SimObject cast up to that type.
>> The Params typedef itself primarily makes the definition of the
>> constructor a little more legible, since the FullFooTypeForTheArmISAParams
>> can be really verbose.
> I think verbose is fine. I would vote to abolish all params typedefs.
>> Storing the params struct itself could theoretically serve the purpose of
>> having a bunch of parameters and not having to create a member variable for
>> each one, spend a bunch of text copying values over in the constructor,
>> etc. I think most of the time this is unnecessary, but if an object has
>> tons of values in it for some reason this could make sense.
> I don't think there are any examples of this in the codebase. I think in
> all cases the params data is copied into member variables. If there are
> cases where data isn't copied, I doubt it was with a strong reason in mind.
> The one exception to this might be Ruby, but it's an exception for all the
> wrong reasons ;).
>> The params() method then makes the _params member available with the
>> appropriate type, so that all the FooParams members are accessible. It also
>> makes the params struct accessible outside the object which is used in a
>> place or two to read parameters without there needing to be a member in the
>> object, and probably some sort of accessor to read it.
>> There are two main problems with this system. First, when used, it adds a
>> small but not trivial amount of boilerplate to any given class. Second,
>> it's very sporadically implemented. I think in a lot of places it's there
>> just because people aren't sure what it's for or if they need it, so they
>> just put one there regardless. I think I've done that in the past.
>> *Alternative*
>> The existence of the Params type and the params() method could be
>> partially eliminated by defining a templated params() method which took a
>> SimObject reference and/or pointer as its first parameter. It could then
>> figure out what Params struct went with that SimObject type using
>> typedef/template magic set up by the Params building code, and then perform
>> the appropriate cast.
>> This has three downsides, two minor and one more serious. The minor one
>> is that when a class uses this method internally, it would have to do
>> something like params(this) instead of just params(). That's a fairly minor
>> difference and not that big a deal. For external consumers that would be
>> less of a problem since it would change from foo->params() to params(foo).
>> The second minor issue is that the name params() is very short, and
>> likely to collide with other names. We could define that with SimObject as
>> a static method, but then that would make foo->params() turn into the more
>> verbose SimObject::params(foo), or (and I haven't checked if this is legal
>> syntax) the more odd looking foo->params(foo). The params() class can't be
>> a non-static method, because then the type of "this" would be fixed by
>> where it was defined, meaning it would not cast _params to the right type.
>> I was not able to find any mechanism in c++ that would let you treat "this"
>> as an argument for template type resolution.
>> The third more serious problem is that this implicitly breaks the ability
>> to use two different SimObject types in python to represent the same
>> SimObject type in C++. I don't know if this happens in practice, and it's
>> also broken by the original Params pattern, since there can be only one
>> typedef in a given class. Since Params is applied adhoc manually, something
>> that is generally not good, it actually avoids this problem by just not
>> existing anywhere that would break that assumption.
>> *Other option*
>> Another option would be to have a templated class which would define a
>> Params type and a params() method, and inherit that into each SimObject
>> which wants to have those members. It would itself inherit from its
>> parameter which would keep the inheritance hierarchy intact, and make it
>> possible to override Params and params from super classes:
>> FooObject : public ParamsMembers<SimObject>
>> This has a similar problem to the above if exactly what Params type to
>> use is automatic, although here it could be an additional template
>> argument. This also trades some boilerplate for less boilerplate, has to be
>> applied manually to any classes that want to take advantage of it, and
>> obfuscates the definition of those classes.
>> Gabe
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