Dear all,

As of 10:30AM PST the gem5 Staging Branch for gem5 v21.0.0.0 has been
created from the gem5 develop branch. We will not begin running rigorous
tests on this branch to ensure the upcoming release is as stable and
bug-free as possible. After this we will merge the release branch into the
stable branch, thus officially releasing gem5.

In line with our contribution guidelines (,
we permit alterations to be submitted to this staging branch though these
should strictly be "last-minute" bug fixes, stability improvements, and
small alterations that will not affect the functionality of the codebase
(documentation/README improvements, etc.). All other changes should
continue to be submitted to the gem5 develop branch. The staging branch
will be periodically merged into the develop branch so bug fixes etc. are
available to developers working on the develop branch.

We would like to thank everyone for the contributions made over the past
few months. This release would not be possible without your efforts.

Kind regards,
Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 2235,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616

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