On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 3:08 PM Bobby Bruce <bbr...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> Hey Gabe,
> Just so we're on the same page, I'd like to take a moment to outline how I
> understand this problem/solution. Please let me know if I've understood
> correctly:
> We essentially have three components of the project which interpret gem5
> Python code: The gem5 binary, the Marshal binary, and the Scons build
> system. The gem5 and Marshal binaries both link to the Python library, so
> we have no problems there; they should interpret things identically. The
> problematic entity is Scons which will use the host python executable when
> processing Simobjects et al. at compile time. Your solution is to offload
> the relevant Scons gem5 Python interpretations/auto-generations to the
> Marshal binary where they'll use the Python library. Is this correct?


> If so, I support this move as it makes things considerably easier to work
> with. While there is the small `--without-python` drawback, I don't
> personally see this being a big problem for the vast majority of users.

Ok, great. I'll move forward with that then.

> I do have a few of questions (I'm not sure if you an answer them, but may
> be something to think about):
> 1) Will this make it easier to embed configuration scripts (such as those
> found in the `configs` directory) into the gem5 binary?

That would be orthogonal to this. You could more or less do that today,
although I think in most cases you wouldn't want to since then you'd have
to recompile gem5 to change them.

> 2) Will this change the way we add new SimObjects or will it be
> more-or-less identical as before?

There should be no change. Unrelated to this, the more I dig around in how
SimObjects are set up the more I think we may need to change something
there, but I haven't thought about that enough to know for sure if that's
necessary, or what a better system might look like.

> 3) One of our goals moving forward is to enforce more Python type
> annotations so we can use tools such as MyPy. We've had some problems
> running this with this due to embedding (i.e., we can't just point MyPy at
> a SimObject Python file). Do you have any idea if this could be made easier?

I'm not familiar with mypy, but looking at their website, something like
this might work?


It looks like it would be fairly easy to add that to gem5's python "main"
method, although of course I haven't tried it.


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