

[giacomo.travaglini] arch-arm: Replace mcrMrc15TrapToHyp with mcrMrc15Trap

[giacomo.travaglini] arch-arm: Reuse MCR15 trapping code in DC instructions

[kyleroarty1716] arch-vega: Handle signed offsets in Global/Scratch instructions

[] cpu-o3: Manage per-register-type free lists with an array.

[] cpu-o3: Initialize register maps and free lists with loops.

[] arch: Introduce an intermediate RegOperand class in

[] arch: Get rid of the is${Type}Reg methods of the Operand class.

[giacomo.travaglini] sim: Avoid -Werror=unused-variable in bufval unittests

[giacomo.travaglini] arch-arm: Implement DSB Shareable with a separate class

[giacomo.travaglini] arch-arm: Implement TLBI instructions with a separate class

[giacomo.travaglini] mem: Add TLB invalidation flags to the Request object

[giacomo.travaglini] cpu: Fix SimpleExecContext coding style

[...truncated 77.59 KB...]
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Registers.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Decoder.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Faults.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/TLBVerbose.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseMMU, BaseMMU -> NULL/params/BaseMMU.hh
 [ENUMDECL] m5.objects.BaseTLB, TypeTLB -> NULL/enums/TypeTLB.hh
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseTLB, BaseTLB -> NULL/params/BaseTLB.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseInterrupts, BaseInterrupts -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseInterrupts, BaseInterrupts -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseISA, BaseISA -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseISA, BaseISA -> NULL/params/BaseISA.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseMMU, BaseMMU -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseTLB, BaseTLB -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [ENUM STR] m5.objects.BaseTLB, TypeTLB -> NULL/enums/
 [     CXX] NULL/enums/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.InstDecoder, InstDecoder -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.InstDecoder, InstDecoder -> NULL/params/InstDecoder.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/PageTableWalker.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/TLB.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/arch/generic/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/sst/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.OutgoingRequestBridge, OutgoingRequestBridge -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.OutgoingRequestBridge, OutgoingRequestBridge -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/sst/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Activity.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/sst/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Commit.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Context.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Decode.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/DynInst.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecEnable.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecCPSeq.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecEffAddr.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecFaulting.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecFetchSeq.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecOpClass.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecRegDelta.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecResult.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecSymbol.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecThread.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecMicro.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecMacro.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecUser.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecKernel.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecFlags.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecAsid.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Fetch.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/HtmCpu.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/O3PipeView.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/PCEvent.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Quiesce.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Mwait.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecAll.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [SO Param] m5.objects.FuncUnit, FUDesc -> NULL/params/FUDesc.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Exec.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/ExecNoTicks.hh
 [SO Param] m5.objects.FuncUnit, OpDesc -> NULL/params/OpDesc.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ENUMDECL] m5.objects.FuncUnit, OpClass -> NULL/enums/OpClass.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.FuncUnit, OpDesc -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [SO Param] m5.objects.FuncUnit, FUDesc -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [ENUM STR] m5.objects.FuncUnit, OpClass -> NULL/enums/
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/ -> .o
 [ENUM STR] m5.objects.StaticInstFlags, StaticInstFlags -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/directedtest/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, DirectedGenerator -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/enums/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, SeriesRequestGenerator -> 
 [ENUMDECL] m5.objects.StaticInstFlags, StaticInstFlags -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, InvalidateGenerator -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, RubyDirectedTester -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, DirectedGenerator -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, RubyDirectedTester -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, SeriesRequestGenerator -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/enums/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyDirectedTester, InvalidateGenerator -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.ClockDomain, DerivedClockDomain -> 
 [SO Param] m5.objects.ClockDomain, SrcClockDomain -> 
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/DirectedTest.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/memtest/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.MemTest, MemTest -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/MemTest.hh
 [SO Param] m5.objects.MemTest, MemTest -> NULL/params/MemTest.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/rubytest/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyTester, RubyTester -> 
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/RubyTest.hh
 [SO Param] m5.objects.VoltageDomain, VoltageDomain -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.RubyTester, RubyTester -> NULL/params/RubyTester.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [CONFIG H] HAVE_PROTOBUF, 1 -> NULL/config/have_protobuf.hh
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/Checkpoint.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/TrafficGen.hh
 [ENUMDECL] m5.objects.MemInterface, AddrMap -> NULL/enums/AddrMap.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/directedtest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/rubytest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/rubytest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/rubytest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/directedtest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/memtest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/directedtest/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/directedtest/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseTrafficGen, BaseTrafficGen -> 
 [ENUMDECL] m5.objects.BaseTrafficGen, StreamGenType -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/GUPSGen.hh
 [SO Param] m5.objects.GUPSGen, GUPSGen -> NULL/params/GUPSGen.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.BaseTrafficGen, BaseTrafficGen -> 
 [ENUM STR] m5.objects.BaseTrafficGen, StreamGenType -> 
 [ TRACING]  -> NULL/debug/
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/debug/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/enums/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.GUPSGen, GUPSGen -> NULL/python/_m5/
 [SO Param] m5.objects.PyTrafficGen, PyTrafficGen -> NULL/params/PyTrafficGen.hh
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.PyTrafficGen, PyTrafficGen -> 
 [     CXX] NULL/cpu/testers/traffic_gen/ -> .o
 [     CXX] NULL/python/_m5/ -> .o
 [SO Param] m5.objects.TrafficGen, TrafficGen -> 
 [  PROTOC] NULL/proto/packet.proto -> NULL/proto/, 
/nobackup/jenkins/workspace/nightly: warning: directory does not exist.
1-thread/build/NULL: No such file or directory
scons: *** [build/NULL/proto/] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
*** Summary of Warnings ***
Warning: Deprecated namespaces are not supported by this compiler.
         Please make sure to check the mailing list for deprecation
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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