It's definitely a bug... it used to work.  I wonder if it has
something to do with migrating towards a more realistic paging model
for SE mode (though that happened quite a while ago---August 2007
according to hg---and if that was totally broken I'm surprised no one
noticed it yet).  I'd take a look at the Process and EioProcess
objects and see if anything looks fishy in the way the address space
mappings get set up (esp. compared to LiveProcess).

2008/11/4 Lisa Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to run a timing CMP with caches using EIO traces, but the EIO
> can't seem to be run on multicore platforms, the 2nd cpu inevitably itb
> pagefaults continually on a single PC (presumably the first) and then dies.
> Is this a bug or a feature?  Is there something I don't know about how EIO
> works that keeps it from working in a CMP environment?
> Thanks,
> Lisa
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