Hi everyone,
  I am interested in helping develop X86_FS boot up and testing.
  Under X86_FS, I have been able to boot a couple different versions of the
Linux kernel (v2.6.22.9 and v2.6.28.4), but the bring up requires more than
12 hours of simulation time.  I am hoping to reduce the boot time to make it
more usable.
  I recall that the M5 patches for alpha-linux play some tricks to speed
bootup, so I tried building an x86 kernel v2.6.27 with the patches.  It
looks like many of the patches are specific to ALPHA, so (maybe
unsurprisingly) I encountered errors quickly in the build.
  I am wondering if anyone is currently working on this, or if I could get
some pointers on where to dig in.
  Thank you,

 Joel Hestness
 PhD Student, Computer Architecture
 Dept. of Computer Science, University of Texas - Austin
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