For your second part (the thread suspend/activate) I agree that at
first glance it looks like a bug.  Korey has been the most recent
person to work with O3 SMT thread handling, and I see his name
attached to some of the lines in question, so I'll let him respond...


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Ioannis Ilkos
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been playing with time in m5 syscall emulation mode and had a couple 
> of issues:
> First of all I believe there is a bug in the times() syscall implementation 
> (sim/syscall_emul.hh). The current clocks value passed to the userland is:
>        int64_t clocks = curTick * OS::M5_SC_CLK_TCK / SimClock::Int::s;
> This evaluates to a wrong expression. Now, according to the man page all the 
> tms buffer values are supposed to be in clock ticks. Thus a more appropriate 
> expression for it would be:
>        int64_t clocks = tc->getCpuPtr()->tickToCycles(curTick);
> Secondly, I have implemented the nanosleep() system call. I believe that the 
> appropriate way to do this would be suspending (tc->suspend()) the 
> ThreadContext and re-activating (tc->activate(delay)) after the sleep 
> duration (please correct me if I am mistaken). This however led to a peculiar 
> behaviour with O3 in SMT mode:
> 1. in FullO3CPU<Impl>::suspendContext ( the CPU _status is set to 
> Idle, regardless whether there are other running contexts in the CPU. Thus a 
> thread sleeping leads to all the other SMT threads sleeping.
> 2. in FullO3CPU<Impl>::activateContext ( we schedule a tick event 
> after the delay parameter passed, effectively overwriting CPU's tickEvent and 
> moving all threads of the processor tick(delay) ticks forward. Is this the 
> intended behaviour or is it a bug? Clearly in my case it is not helpful since 
> the point of getting a thread to sleep relative to the other threads' time.
> Thank you,
> Ioannis
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