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    Wow, we're having fun with this bikeshed, no?  Which color is it? (Feel 
free to ignore me at any time)
        if use_colors:
                from curses import setupterm, tigetstr, tparm
                setaf = tigetstr('setaf')
                use_colors = False
        if not use_colors:
            def tparm(*args):
                return ''
        Blue = tparm(setaf, 4)
        Yellow = tparm(setaf, 3)
        Bold = tparm(tigetstr('bold'))
        Normal = tparm(tigetstr('sgr0'))
        # all specific color settings should be here and nowhere else
        tool_color = Blue
        pfx_color = Yellow
        srcs_color = Yellow + Bold
        arrow_color = Blue + Bold
        tgts_color = Yellow + Bold
    Seems to me that Arrow and the various color functions are overkill. (and 
the self.tool = self.color(...)
    seems like that should be self.tool = tool and the final line of Transform 
should be:
    return ' [%8s] %s %s %s' % (self.tool_color + self.tool, self.srcs_color + 
fmt(srcs), self.arrow_color + '->',
    self.tgts_color + fmt(tgts)) + self.Normal


    Yeah, I was just wondering if we wanted to limit to say 5 otherwise, but no 
big deal.


    Oops, that's what I meant.

- Nathan

On 2011-01-06 11:15:30, Steve Reinhardt wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://reviews.m5sim.org/r/366/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated 2011-01-06 11:15:30)
> Review request for Default, Ali Saidi, Gabe Black, Steve Reinhardt, and 
> Nathan Binkert.
> Summary
> -------
> scons: show sources and targets when building.
> I like the brevity of Ali's recent change, but the ambiguity of
> sometimes showing the source and sometimes the target is a little
> confusing.  This patch makes scons typically list all sources and
> all targets for each action, with the common path prefix factored
> out for brevity.  It's a little more verbose now but also more
> informative.
> Diffs
> -----
>   SConstruct 9f9e10967912 
>   src/SConscript 9f9e10967912 
>   src/arch/SConscript 9f9e10967912 
>   src/arch/isa_parser.py 9f9e10967912 
> Diff: http://reviews.m5sim.org/r/366/diff
> Testing
> -------
> quick regressions pass
> Screenshots
> -----------
> sample colorized output
>   http://reviews.m5sim.org/r/366/s/1/
> Thanks,
> Steve

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