On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 1:27 PM, nathan binkert <n...@binkert.org> wrote:
>> Is there any reason to have a serialize function in the timing and o3 cpus? 
>> Creating a checkpoint from them will be broken since if you're using cache 
>> the dirty data won't be saved? Shouldn't we change their implementation to 
>> fatal()?
> Is the implementation of the CPUs correct?  Arguably, it should be the
> caches that cause fatal() if they're what cause the problem, no?

I agree with Nate... in fact the Ruby caches do have a warm-up
facility that Brad is working on porting (or says he will), so we
don't want to assume that caches can't be checkpointed.  Also it's
possible to have a timing CPU with no caches (even though it doesn't
make a lot of sense).

What I would like to see is to have the O3 unserialize function fixed
so that we can avoid the silly switch_cpus thing when you want to
restore directly into O3... at least my understanding is that that's
why we don't do it that way.

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