Hello again,

I moved forward a little bit from my previous question and the things are more 
weird right now. I have made some changes in the gem5 and I have these:

For example for some read requests in the data cache:

3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: ReadReq b8cf8 hit 
3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: pkt->needsExclusive(): false 
3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: blk->isWritable(): false 
3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: blk->isReadable(): false 
3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: cache_impl.hh, incMissCount for b8cf8, 
3789000: system.secondmainCpu.dcache: ::timingAccess in cache_impl.hh. We have 
a miss

So although it is a hit, because the block is not readable() the code deals 
with it as a miss and not only the stats are 
increased like it is a miss but also the actions for a miss are performed.

Similarly, in a WriteReq the block needs to be Writable and needExclusive(), 
but the isWritable is false and it agains 
considered as a miss.

So my question is where the block is inserted in the cache because something is 
not set up correctly ?
Where the isWritable() or isReadable() are being set ?

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