Hello Patrick,

Can you check the number of last level cache misses as reported by

On Apr 21, 2015 5:47 PM, "Patrick" <plafr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I looked back at this, and I'm still not sure it's clear to me what is
> going on. I decreased the size of the write queue to 2, and when running
> the simulation described in my previous message (in which 512 64-bit stores
> to unique addresses are issued), bytesWritten in one run was reported to be
> only 1,664 bytes. With the write queue set to size 2, I would expect
> bytesWritten to be at least 4096 - 128 = 3,968 bytes (the burstSize is 64
> bytes).
> Any additional help is appreciated.
> Regards,
> Patrick
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:07 PM, Patrick <plafr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Andreas. This makes sense.
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Andreas Hansson <andreas.hans...@arm.com
>> > wrote:
>>>  Hi Patrick,
>>>  When it comes to the stores you are looking at a rather small number
>>> of operations, and my guess is that they are still in the DRAM write
>>> queues. These queues are not drained at the moment once the writes fall
>>> below the “low water mark”.
>>>  Andreas
>>>   From: Patrick <plafr...@gmail.com>
>>> Reply-To: gem5 users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
>>> Date: Wednesday, 15 April 2015 19:13
>>> To: gem5 users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
>>> Subject: [gem5-users] bytesWritten < (8 * number of 64-bit stores to
>>> unique addresses)
>>>  I am looking at stats.txt for the amount of data written to the DRAM
>>> during the execution of a process in full system mode. I looked at the
>>> execution trace, and there are at least 512 64-bit stores to unique
>>> addresses. However, stats.txt reports only 2,304 "bytesWritten" to the
>>> memory. It is a 4-channel memory configuration. "stats.txt" reports 1,152
>>> "bytesWritten" on channel 0, 0 "bytesWritten" to channel 1, 0
>>> "bytesWritten" to channel 2, and 1,152 "bytesWritten" to channel 3.
>>>  Does anyone know what would cause this? I thought maybe the data might
>>> be getting left in the caches, but I am waiting until the process exits
>>> before calling m5 resetstats. The "bytesReadDRAM" is less than expected,
>>> also, based on the number of loads in the instruction trace. I thought
>>> perhaps this was because no-write allocate was being used, but the
>>> discussion linked below suggests that default is to use write-allocate. I
>>> can't find where this is configured in gem5, so I'm not able to check this
>>> at the moment.
>>>  http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.m5.users/12597
>>>  Any help is appreciated.
>>>   ​-​
>>> Patrick
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