Hello Users,

I suspect the DRAM controller code is adding unwanted bubbles in the
command bus.

Consider there are 10 row hit read requests- R0 and R9- in the queue, all
targeting Bank0 and a Row miss request- R10 -to Bank1 of same rank and
numbered in the arrival order.  According to FR-FCFS in open-page policy,
the DRAM controller process all row-hit requests to Bank0 and then choose
the row-miss request to Bank1. I suspect the problem lies here in the
controller code, when it updates the access latency of the row miss
request- R10 - to bank1.

According to JEDEC timing constraints, the controller can issue Precharge
to another bank after a clock cycle(tCK) delay and Activate after tRRD
cycles delay(ACT-ACT delay between two banks). This means, by the time DRAM
controller process the 10 row hit requests, the Bank1 should be precharged
and activated.

However, I am not sure if this is taken care of in the below snippet of

if (bank.openRow == dram_pkt->row) {
        // nothing to do
    } else {
        row_hit = false;

        // If there is a page open, precharge it.
        if (bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
            *prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.preAllowedAt, curTick()))*;

        // next we need to account for the delay in activating the
        // page
        Tick act_tick = std::max(bank.actAllowedAt, curTick());

        // Record the activation and deal with all the global timing
        // constraints caused be a new activation (tRRD and tXAW)
        activateBank(bank, act_tick, dram_pkt->row);

        // issue the command as early as possible
        cmd_at = bank.colAllowedAt;

shouldn't this be

*prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.preAllowedAt, dram_pkt->entrytime)*;

I am not sure if my understanding is correct. Please clarify.

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