Hello Users,

After closely looking at the doDRAMAccess() of dram controller
implementation in GEM5, i suspect that the current implementation may not
be taking in to account the command bus contention that could happen if
DRAM timing constraints take particular values.

For example in the below scenario, the queue has two closed requests one to
Bank1 and other to Bank2.

Request1@Bank1 (PRE-ACT-CAS) --> Request2@Bank2 (PRE-ACT-CAS)

Lets say tRP(8cycles), tRCD(8cycles), tCL(8cycles), and tRRD(8 cycles). In
this case ACT of R2 and CAS of R1 becomes active at the same time.
At this point one command needs to be delayed by one clock cycle. I don't
see how simulator is handling this?  If the simulator is handling this,
could someone please point me to the code snippet where this is handled.

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