Hello all,
I am trying to have a monitor between the CPU and L1 Cache and added the 
following lines to "src/cpu/BaseCPU.py" as suggested here: 

self.monitor = CommMonitor()
self.monitor.trace = MemTraceProbe(trace_file="l1trace.trc.gz")
self.dcache_port = self.monitor.slave
self.monitor.master = dc.cpu_side #dc is l1 data cache
# "from CommMonitor import *" is also added.

When I try to start the simulation, gem5 gives an error: NameError: global name 
'MemTraceProbe' is not defined 

All the required protoc libraries are installed: libprotobuf-dev, 
python-protobuf, protobuf-compiler, libgoogle-perftools-dev and running "protoc 
--version" gives "libprotoc 2.5.0". Also gem5 does not complain about protoc 
libraries at the beginning of a build and build/X86/configs/have_protobuf.hh 
has the line "#define HAVE_PROTOBUF 1".

I searched for a solution in this mailing list but could not find a solution 
(or the solutions suggested did not work). Anyone has any idea what might be 
the problem? 

Thanks and kind regards.
Serhat Gesoglu
gem5-users mailing list

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