
dist-gem5 does not support delayed checkpoint currently. The delay option is 
used to decide whether a 'collective' or an 'immediate' checkpoint is to be 

If delay == 0 then the checkpoint is triggered only when all gem5 instances 
(participating in the dist-gem5 run) have completed an 'm5 checkpoint 0' 
command. An example use case is when one wants to take a checkpoint at a 
synchronisation point in the simulated distributed application (e.g. take a 
checkpoint just before an MPI_Barrier() completes in an MPI application).

On the other hand, if a checkpoint command with a delay != 0 parameter is hit 
in any of the gem5 processes then a checkpoint is taken immediately across all 
participating gem5 instances.

Gabor Dozsa


    Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018 10:21:41 -0600
    From: David Kim <dkim.t...@gmail.com>
    To: gem5 users mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>
    Subject: Re: [gem5-users] dist-gem5 checkpointing
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


    I have looked at the output message again, and it gave the following
    info: m5 checkpoint called with non-zero delay => triggering immediate
    checkpoint (at the next sync)

    So, I look at the source code that print out that message, and the
    following is the code snippet,

    *@ src/dev/net/dist_iface.cc*

    *DistIface::readyToCkpt(Tick delay, Tick period)*
    *    bool ret = true;*
    *    DPRINTF(DistEthernet, "DistIface::readyToCkpt() called, delay:%lu "*
    *            "period:%lu\n", delay, period);*
    *    if (master) {*
    *        if (delay == 0) {*
    *            inform("m5 checkpoint called with zero delay => triggering
    collaborative "*
    *                   "checkpoint\n");*
    *            sync->requestCkpt(ReqType::collective);*
    *        } else {*
    *            inform("m5 checkpoint called with non-zero delay => triggering
    immediate "*
    *                   "checkpoint (at the next sync)\n");*
    *            sync->requestCkpt(ReqType::immediate);*
    *        }*
    *        if (period != 0)*
    *            inform("Non-zero period for m5_ckpt is ignored in "*
    *                   "distributed gem5 runs\n");*
    *        ret = false;*
    *    }*
    *    return ret;*

    *@ src/sim/pseudo_inst.cc*

    *m5checkpoint(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay, Tick period)*
    *    DPRINTF(PseudoInst, "PseudoInst::m5checkpoint(%i, %i)\n", delay,
    *    if (!tc->getCpuPtr()->params()->do_checkpoint_insts)*
    *        return;*

    *    if (DistIface::readyToCkpt(delay, period)) {*
    *        Tick when = curTick() + delay * SimClock::Int::ns;*
    *        Tick repeat = period * SimClock::Int::ns;*
    *        exitSimLoop("checkpoint", 0, when, repeat);*
    *    }*

    Since the checkpoint delay is non-zero value, it seems to force do
    checkpointing at the next sync time rather than delay value.
    In this simulation, I added 'dist-sync-start=1000000000000t', so I think
    sync will be on every 1s in simulation time, right?

    FYI, I have added 'echo' command, but it was not printed out, so I think
    simulation did not reach that point.

    Can you explain what is exactly happening in the dist-gem5 checkpoint
    routine? Any suggestion or idea will be appreciated.


    Dong Wan Kim

    On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Mohammad Alian <m.alian1...@gmail.com>

    > Hi,
    > What you have should work. Are you sure that you start the application
    > after the checkpoint command (you don't block any where?)? E.g. what would
    > be the output if you add an echo right before starting the MPI app:
    > /sbin/m5 checkpoint 50000000000000
    > /sbin/m5 loadsymbol
    > /sbin/m5 resetstats
    > *echo "start the app"*
    > mpiexec -hosts=node1,node2 -np 2 ./cg.S.2
    > Do you see immediate progress in your application if you remove "/sbin/m5
    > checkpoint 50000000000000"?
    > Best,
    > Mohammad
    > On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 11:59 AM, David Kim <dkim.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
    >> Hello,
    >> I am trying to checkpoint dist-gem5 in the middle of the execution of the
    >> application.
    >> The following is my script file that used to run dist-gem5 (with 2 nodes)
    >> after boot up Linux.
    >> < for node 1 (node1.rcS)>
    >> *#!/bin/sh*
    >> *# Set up IP address for node 1*
    >> */sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:90:00:00:00:02*
    >> */sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up*
    >> *cd /root/NPB3.3.1/NPB3.3-MPI/bin*
    >> *#  checkpoint after delay (in ns, so the below delay represents 50000
    >> seconds! I have also tested 0.1s,10s, and 100s delay)*
    >> */sbin/m5 checkpoint 50000000000000*
    >> */sbin/m5 loadsymbol*
    >> */sbin/m5 resetstats*
    >> *mpiexec -hosts=node1,node2 -np 2 ./cg.S.2*
    >> */sbin/m5 exit*
    >> < for node 2  (node2.rcS) >
    >> *#!/bin/sh*
    >> * # Set up IP address for node 2 *
    >> */sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:90:00:00:00:03*
    >> */sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up*
    >> And, here is my commandline to run dist-gem5 (I did not use gem5-dist.sh
    >> for some reason, and the following commandline works well in general)
    >> *For switch node,*
    >> *. /build/ARM/gem5.opt -d ./m5out.switch ./configs/dist/sw.py --is-switch
    >> --dist-size=2 --dist-server-name=localhost --dist-server-port=2200*
    >> *For computer nodes (here is one for node1),*
    >> */build/ARM/gem5.opt -d ./m5out.0 ./configs/example/fs.py
    >> --machine-type=VExpress_EMM64
    >> --disk-image=aarch64-ubuntu-trusty-headless.img
    >> --kernel=vmlinux.aarch64.20140821
    >> --dtb-filename=vexpress.aarch64.20140821.dtb --cpu-type=TimingSimpleCPU
    >> --num-cpus=1 --caches --l2cache --mem-size=512MB --mem-channels=1
    >> --mem-ranks=1 --script=./node1.rcS --dist --dist-rank=0 --dist-size=2
    >> --dist-server-name=localhost --dist-server-port=2200
    >> --dist-sync-start=1000000000000t*
    >> I have increased checkpoint delay to see if there is any change in my
    >> checkpoint image, but seems to show same behavior; wait that amount of 
    >> (not running an application) then do checkpoint (no progress is displayed
    >> on console until checkpoint. Then, restoring gem5 prints out all the
    >> application output from the beginning).
    >> To checkpoint in the middle of the running of an application, for
    >> example, after 1 billion cycles after running an application, should I 
    >> use m5_roi_begin() and m5_roi_end() call in the application's source code
    >> (I did not test this yet, but guess it will work?), but cannot just add
    >> some delay to checkpoint as shown above (and thus not change application
    >> source code)?
    >> Any comment will be appreciated.
    >> Thanks.
    >> Regards,
    >> Dong Wan Kim
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