Hi all,

I am pretty new to gem5 and been following the steps to work with the ruby
random tester, which are going fine.

I wish to work on the full system configuration and exact steps to follow
for building and executing the splash2x benchmarks, could anyone please
guide me on the same?

Any online web page which can detail the steps to get the stats file and
enable me to analyze the output would be great.

I have been executing the x86 benchmark for a term paper and would be
grateful if a resource pertaining to that architecture could be shared.

Thanks and Regards,


On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 8:09 PM, Krishna, Tushar <tus...@ece.gatech.edu>

> Don’t remember if I responded already.
> This shows how to run NoC synthetic traffic sims :
> http://www.gem5.org/Garnet_Synthetic_Traffic
> This garnet implementation is here:
> http://www.gem5.org/Garnet2.0
> In the m5out.stats file, you can see the network stats.
> If you want additional stats, you can add additional fields to flit.hh -
> e.g, in your case, you may want a field in the flit that is tracking how
> many cycles it spent in each router. And print that out when it is ejected
> at the NetworkInterface.
> Look at Lifecycle of a Network Traversal to see what happens where in the
> code.
> http://www.gem5.org/Garnet2.0
> Cheers,
> Tushar
> On Apr 2, 2018, 8:45 AM -0400, mohammad etemad <etemad1...@yahoo.com>,
> wrote:
> dear all,
> Hi,
> I want to calculate latency in interconnect network from each node to its
> neighbors dynamically.this task should be performed  for all nodes.which
> files should be modified and what shall we do?
> best regards
> M.Etemad
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